Hello. Welcome to online agent preparation. Agent preparation will prepare you for your first upcoming order. Over the next few minutes you will be told a series of important details about your scheduled order.

Please pay close attention and feel free to revisit this area for a refresher when you feel it is necessary. The fact that you are going through agent preparation means your first order is already en route to your card. Over the next 1-3 days you will check your credit card for funds posting. During this 1-3 day period you will provide updates to the the check-in form.

You will also login to agent support daily to update the online support representative in real time. When funds finally post to your card you will provide an update stating this immediately. The online represenative wil then begin preparing the details of your order for you to process at your local retail location.

Once your order has been prepared, you will be emailed the details and asked to call your local retail location to verify they have the necessary items available for purchase. If each item in the order breakdown is availabe you will then be released to process this order. If the items are not available you will simply notify the online representative. the order will then be modified accordingly.

Once released to process this order, you will simply visit your local retail location and purchase the necessary items. To finalize the processing of this order, you will proceed to your local USPS location for shipping. When complete, you will return home and submit the order details to the web site. you will also log back into agent support and leave a message for the support representative. once your order details have been received and reviewed, you will receive an email confirmation.

This will complete your first order. You can now wait to receive your next confirmation email for the upcoming order.

This now completes agent preperation. Great job! Please submit an update to the web site stating that you have now completed agent preparation.