6 [11:33:17 PM] live:anna-senpai: hi Wednesday, September 28, 2016 [10:23:08 AM] live:anna-senpai: ^ [10:26:08 AM] katie.onis: hi there. [10:26:52 AM] katie.onis: How can I help you? [10:28:06 AM] live:anna-senpai: hi [10:28:45 AM] live:anna-senpai: you know i had my suspicions, but this one was proof http://imgur.com/E1yFJOp don't get me wrong, im not even mad, it was pretty funny actually [10:28:59 AM] live:anna-senpai: nobody has ever done that to my c2 [10:29:25 AM] live:anna-senpai: (goldmedal) [10:29:29 AM] katie.onis: ah you're mistaken, that's not us. [10:29:33 AM] katie.onis: but we know who it is [10:29:42 AM] live:anna-senpai: eric / 9gigs [10:29:47 AM] katie.onis: no, 9gigs is erik [10:29:48 AM] katie.onis: not eric [10:29:53 AM] katie.onis: different people [10:30:09 AM] live:anna-senpai: oh? [10:30:17 AM] katie.onis: yep [10:30:39 AM] live:anna-senpai: is he someone related to you guys? [10:30:44 AM] katie.onis: not related to us, we just know him [10:30:50 AM] katie.onis: anyway, we're not interested in any harm, we simply don't want attacks against us. [10:31:16 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah i figured, i added you because i wanted to tip my hat if that was actually you lol [10:31:24 AM] katie.onis: we didn't make that dumb post [10:31:26 AM] katie.onis: if that is what you are asking [10:31:30 AM] katie.onis: but yes, we were involved in doing that. [10:31:47 AM] live:anna-senpai: so you got it nulled, but some other eric is claiming credit for it? [10:31:52 AM] katie.onis: seems so. [10:31:52 AM] live:anna-senpai: eric with a c [10:31:56 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [10:32:17 AM] live:anna-senpai: can't say im surprised, tons of people take credit for things that they didn't do if nobody else takes credit for [10:32:24 AM] katie.onis: we're not interested in taking credit [10:32:30 AM] katie.onis: we just wanted the attacks to get smaller [10:32:31 AM] katie.onis: lol [10:32:35 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [10:32:54 AM] katie.onis: we have a job to do and we don't gloat. [10:33:23 AM] live:anna-senpai: i get it, and i hope you know that i dont have some kind of vendetta either [10:33:31 AM] live:anna-senpai: someone wanted all servers on .org sponsored gone [10:34:07 AM] live:anna-senpai: the ethics of ddos and whatnot, that's a separate argument, but in my country hacking is only illegal if you do something physical to the computer (physical access) [10:34:26 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [10:34:31 AM] katie.onis: we never question legality or anything. it's our job to defend against the attack. we weren't able to immediately do that. [10:34:39 AM] katie.onis: no host was able to lmao [10:34:45 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol yeah [10:35:17 AM] katie.onis: so we targetted the cnc [10:35:19 AM] live:anna-senpai: To view this shared photo, go to: https://login.skype.com/login/sso?go=webclient.xmm&pic=0-weu-d2-2cc51703223980e5bc74035e586f8e75 [10:35:25 AM] katie.onis: we've done this *a lot* actually. [10:35:41 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah i figured, you were the first people to actually provide some kind of challenge [10:35:52 AM] live:anna-senpai: id admit i had fun [10:35:59 AM] katie.onis: that's why people attack us ;-; [10:36:13 AM] katie.onis: because we don't just sit down and take it lmao [10:36:18 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah [10:37:13 AM] live:anna-senpai: one thing ill say though, im surprised the syn floods didn't touch you [10:37:22 AM] katie.onis: our mitigation is line-rate. [10:37:25 AM] live:anna-senpai: that raped everybody else, even krebs on akamai [10:37:36 AM] katie.onis: we never get affected by high pps floods [10:37:47 AM] katie.onis: we have like *true* line-rate mitigation [10:37:56 AM] katie.onis: capacity is our only issue [10:38:12 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah [10:38:56 AM] live:anna-senpai: was the ack floods maxing out all of your links? [10:39:16 AM] katie.onis: not entirely [10:39:20 AM] katie.onis: but balancing the traffic was impossible [10:39:42 AM] live:anna-senpai: lacp? [10:39:49 AM] katie.onis: anycast [10:39:51 AM] katie.onis: across multiple locations [10:40:03 AM] live:anna-senpai: well yeah i know that, san jose, ashburn, and amsterdam [10:40:13 AM] live:anna-senpai: but i mean, you have more than 10G at each location obviously [10:40:24 AM] katie.onis: your botnet heavily favors EU [10:40:30 AM] katie.onis: we actually mitigated your attack at one point [10:40:30 AM] katie.onis: by just [10:40:35 AM] katie.onis: making it so EU was a sinkhole [10:40:42 AM] katie.onis: and just leaving the location offline [10:40:47 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [10:40:58 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah i realized that [10:41:05 AM] live:anna-senpai: thats why i was trying to hit your unicast space [10:41:12 AM] katie.onis: we anycasted the unicast space when you did that [10:41:21 AM] live:anna-senpai: how does that work with tcp? [10:41:31 AM] katie.onis: we have l2 transport betwen all locations [10:41:33 AM] live:anna-senpai: don't you need to terminate the connections from your backends to your clients [10:41:39 AM] live:anna-senpai: ah i see [10:41:41 AM] katie.onis: so we just did normal routing. [10:42:48 AM] live:anna-senpai: at like 1am pst on two separate nights i sent you some traffic to see how things would fall [10:43:04 AM] live:anna-senpai: you nulled all the ips though :c [10:43:08 AM] live:anna-senpai: well [10:43:10 AM] live:anna-senpai: like half of them [10:43:11 AM] katie.onis: it's automatic. [10:43:41 AM] katie.onis: we null in under a second mostly because nulls are applied on the filters. [10:43:45 AM] live:anna-senpai: does your autonuller look at aggregate traffic and keep nulling the ip receiving the most traffic till the aggregate goes below saturation? [10:44:02 AM] katie.onis: the filter detects link saturation and packet loss after an event [10:44:05 AM] katie.onis: and pushes a null to the router [10:44:09 AM] live:anna-senpai: cause with the amount of ips it was hitting, each ip was only getting like 20gbps [10:44:37 AM] live:anna-senpai: i see [10:44:41 AM] live:anna-senpai: cool [10:44:53 AM] live:anna-senpai: isn't there a maximum number of nulls you can place with telia though? [10:44:58 AM] live:anna-senpai: maximum # of simultaneous [10:45:01 AM] katie.onis: our prefix limit is 10k [10:45:06 AM] katie.onis: on all of our bgp sessions [10:45:20 AM] katie.onis: so, no issue. [10:45:33 AM] live:anna-senpai: is it with community, or does telia have a blackhole server or something [10:45:48 AM] katie.onis: community [10:45:53 AM] katie.onis: you can check their communities they're publicly available haha [10:45:59 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah i was [10:46:09 AM] live:anna-senpai: i just didnt know how it was arriving there [10:46:45 AM] live:anna-senpai: i was using telia's looking glass to try to find the routers advertising your prefixes [10:46:54 AM] live:anna-senpai: but those ips were untouchable [10:47:05 AM] katie.onis: they're all blackholed. [10:47:15 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah your end of the link is blackholed [10:47:15 AM] katie.onis: we've had someone try that before [10:47:21 AM] live:anna-senpai: and telia's end was untouchable [10:47:23 AM] katie.onis: is that what you did to akamai? [10:47:36 AM] live:anna-senpai: it wasn't even me attacking akamai - funny story [10:47:42 AM] live:anna-senpai: i sell net spots, starting at $5k a week [10:47:50 AM] live:anna-senpai: and one client was upset about applejack arrest [10:48:01 AM] live:anna-senpai: so while i was gone he was sitting on them for hours with gre and ack [10:48:14 AM] live:anna-senpai: when i came back i was like oh fuck [10:48:16 AM] live:anna-senpai: and whitelisted the prefix [10:48:24 AM] live:anna-senpai: but then krebs tweeted that akamai is kicking them off [10:48:31 AM] live:anna-senpai: fuck me [10:48:43 AM] live:anna-senpai: he was a cool guy too, i like his article [10:49:11 AM] katie.onis: i love the conspiracy guys thinking this is china or another country haha [10:49:18 AM] live:anna-senpai: yea [10:49:22 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [10:49:29 AM] katie.onis: can't deal with the fact the internet is so insecure [10:49:31 AM] katie.onis: gotta make it sound hard [10:49:34 AM] live:anna-senpai: the scheiner on security blog post [10:49:40 AM] live:anna-senpai: "someone is learning how to take down the internet" [10:49:47 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [10:50:24 AM] live:anna-senpai: but on the plus side, ever since i have been running infecting these iot telnet devices [10:50:36 AM] live:anna-senpai: i have good killer so nobody else can assemble a large net [10:50:53 AM] live:anna-senpai: i monitor the devices to see for any new threats [10:51:33 AM] live:anna-senpai: and when i find any new host, i get them taken down [10:51:50 AM] live:anna-senpai: you might find this entertaining [10:51:52 AM] live:anna-senpai: To view this shared photo, go to: https://login.skype.com/login/sso?go=webclient.xmm&pic=0-weu-d2-fff09d6423c8330da8bbfcbff84925d6 [10:53:54 AM] katie.onis: Haha :p [10:54:17 AM] katie.onis: People have a genuine reason to be unhappy though about large attacks like this [10:54:27 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah [10:54:32 AM] katie.onis: There's really nothing anyone can do lol [10:54:36 AM] live:anna-senpai: :P [10:54:38 AM] katie.onis: And it does affect their lives [10:55:10 AM] live:anna-senpai: well, i stopped caring about other people a long time ago [10:55:18 AM] live:anna-senpai: my life experience has always been get fucked over or fuck someone else over [10:55:52 AM] katie.onis: My experience with PP thus far has been [10:55:54 AM] katie.onis: Do nothing bad to anyone [10:55:58 AM] katie.onis: And still get screwed over [10:55:59 AM] katie.onis: Haha [10:56:02 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [10:56:42 AM] live:anna-senpai: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [10:56:43 AM] katie.onis: Gets a bit demoralizing [10:56:54 AM] live:anna-senpai: welcome to the internet, lol [10:57:08 AM] live:anna-senpai: krebs latest article very good read for me [10:57:20 AM] live:anna-senpai: er the one before [10:57:25 AM] live:anna-senpai: about democratization of censorship [10:57:44 AM] katie.onis: Haven't read it extensively [10:57:48 AM] katie.onis: I've been on vacation for the past 2 weeks actually [10:57:52 AM] katie.onis: Just got back [10:57:59 AM] live:anna-senpai: oh i see [10:58:05 AM] katie.onis: Went to Norway [10:58:07 AM] katie.onis: Great country. [10:58:12 AM] live:anna-senpai: cool [10:58:31 AM] live:anna-senpai: the land of snowden [10:58:33 AM] katie.onis: Idk where you are but you should visit it ;D so green [10:58:33 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [10:59:02 AM] live:anna-senpai: maybe, i just want to save up money from ddos and then move to another place than the shithole im in now [10:59:14 AM] live:anna-senpai: road to 1 million euros [10:59:15 AM] live:anna-senpai: ! [10:59:20 AM] katie.onis: Not bad :p [10:59:46 AM] katie.onis: I used to be scared of travelling though [10:59:48 AM] katie.onis: planes and such [10:59:50 AM] katie.onis: Not bad though [11:01:09 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah [11:01:27 AM] live:anna-senpai: hm, kreb site 403 forbidden [11:01:30 AM] live:anna-senpai: wtf happen [11:01:48 AM] katie.onis: I feel this is just poor website management [11:01:52 AM] katie.onis: not much more. [11:02:04 AM] live:anna-senpai: hm maybe [11:02:08 AM] live:anna-senpai: google's ddos mitigation sucks lol [11:02:15 AM] live:anna-senpai: i send 100krps frrom bots and it falls over [11:02:26 AM] live:anna-senpai: i think they are just use to absorbing attack on their entire infrastructure [11:02:28 AM] live:anna-senpai: rather than blocking [11:02:39 AM] katie.onis: well [11:02:44 AM] katie.onis: they can do that for most of their infastructure [11:02:46 AM] katie.onis: but things like YouTube [11:02:47 AM] live:anna-senpai: yea [11:02:51 AM] katie.onis: I don't think they're as lucky [11:03:02 AM] live:anna-senpai: why is that [11:03:04 AM] katie.onis: YouTube uses MySQL [11:03:07 AM] katie.onis: and python [11:03:08 AM] live:anna-senpai: lot of videos can be cached [11:03:11 AM] live:anna-senpai: WHAT [11:03:14 AM] live:anna-senpai: LOL [11:03:17 AM] live:anna-senpai: really? [11:03:23 AM] katie.onis: they did a writeup on the stack yeah [11:03:32 AM] live:anna-senpai: well even so, as long as its scalable they can just throw more money at it [11:03:41 AM] live:anna-senpai: i mean maybe there's limit to the database [11:03:52 AM] live:anna-senpai: where lock contention starts to burn more cputime than actual writes [11:03:58 AM] katie.onis: I don't think anyone's ever been interested in hitting youtube [11:04:26 AM] live:anna-senpai: maybe [11:04:38 AM] live:anna-senpai: even so, lock contention can be solved with proper hashing, just increase complexity of hash output [11:04:43 AM] live:anna-senpai: idk [11:05:02 AM] katie.onis: lock contention with mysql is tricky [11:05:13 AM] katie.onis: I got a mysql DB to 2000 queries per second before it goes from 70% cpu straight to 800% [11:05:16 AM] katie.onis: from lock contention. [11:05:33 AM] live:anna-senpai: :/ [11:05:53 AM] katie.onis: yeah it seems to have no use for multiple cpus [11:05:54 AM] katie.onis: very well [11:05:55 AM] katie.onis: anyway [11:06:23 AM] live:anna-senpai: akamai news article bs, too [11:06:31 AM] live:anna-senpai: "we could have mitigated it but it was too expensive" [11:06:38 AM] live:anna-senpai: it was taking offline the site lol [11:07:10 AM] katie.onis: it was too expensive because their locations started going offline [11:07:17 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:07:17 AM] katie.onis: and they started to need to pay SLA credits [11:07:27 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah [11:07:30 AM] katie.onis: which brings me to question [11:07:32 AM] live:anna-senpai: they had a "network event" [11:07:34 AM] katie.onis: what caused their locations to go offline? [11:07:36 AM] katie.onis: was that hitting their routers? [11:07:38 AM] live:anna-senpai: where they advise people to route off plx platform [11:07:41 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah that was it [11:07:42 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:07:55 AM] katie.onis: they have a total of 2Tbps capacity, but only 500gbit per location [11:08:16 AM] live:anna-senpai: im not even sure who numbers are accurate [11:08:21 AM] live:anna-senpai: akamai says 656 gbps [11:08:24 AM] live:anna-senpai: ovh says 900gbps [11:08:30 AM] live:anna-senpai: they sound like exxagerate [11:08:32 AM] katie.onis: ovh are huge liars. [11:08:36 AM] katie.onis: and akamai exaggerated [11:08:44 AM] katie.onis: I was talking to erik about it, and he agrees they exaggerated. [11:08:49 AM] live:anna-senpai: heh [11:08:51 AM] katie.onis: when we can measure it at two of our locations and it doesn't saturate [11:08:51 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah probably [11:09:00 AM] katie.onis: it's pretty much an exaggeration [11:09:01 AM] katie.onis: lmao [11:09:05 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:09:21 AM] katie.onis: which makes me sad about the sorry state of ddos mitigation [11:09:33 AM] live:anna-senpai: everyone lies because everyone else does [11:09:39 AM] live:anna-senpai: everyone wants to throw numbers out there [11:09:49 AM] live:anna-senpai: and akamai wants it to seem especially big since they kick off major journalist in it world [11:10:03 AM] katie.onis: if you don't lie your customers will leave because another firm said they could mitigate up to 500gbit or etc [11:10:04 AM] katie.onis: lmao [11:10:09 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:10:12 AM] katie.onis: and they might be cheaper too! [11:10:23 AM] live:anna-senpai: voxility 990gbps ddos protection! [11:10:37 AM] katie.onis: voxility's graphs are very exaggerated [11:10:39 AM] katie.onis: I've noticed. [11:10:44 AM] live:anna-senpai: it destroys their entire network too [11:10:53 AM] live:anna-senpai: the supposed 550mpps was causing all locations to die [11:11:05 AM] live:anna-senpai: people complaining too on lowendtalk about on permanent mitigation and having issues [11:11:19 AM] katie.onis: voxility's mitigation is awful pps wise. [11:11:23 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah [11:11:39 AM] katie.onis: tbh I have no clue what they're using for mitigation [11:11:47 AM] katie.onis: they say it's custom but [11:11:47 AM] live:anna-senpai: prayers [11:11:52 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:11:57 AM] katie.onis: it's so bad. [11:12:18 AM] katie.onis: and they can't fix how bad it is either. [11:12:43 AM] live:anna-senpai: one thing i don't understand [11:12:45 AM] live:anna-senpai: ovh never nulls [11:12:57 AM] System: You have 2 online endpoints: {8df45cdb-aeb7-a06b-c3dd-2d4731508c06}) coelho Linux Skype {49f2e032-57e5-ab09-5ac8-c7613cfcb137}) coelho-2.local Mac Skype [11:13:06 AM] live:anna-senpai: the large ack floods they cannot handle on their routers with ACLs or on their tilera [11:13:10 AM] live:anna-senpai: so it goes to arbor [11:13:24 AM] live:anna-senpai: and every time it knocks out the arbor in france and canada [11:13:28 AM] live:anna-senpai: why they never null lol [11:13:39 AM] live:anna-senpai: even voxility nulls now [11:14:14 AM] katie.onis: voxility has no automatic system in place though [11:14:17 AM] katie.onis: so their network stability is awful [11:14:34 AM] katie.onis: ovh probably never nulls because they don’t need to. [11:14:38 AM] katie.onis: people will buy whatever garabge they make lol [11:14:47 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:14:54 AM] katie.onis: they’ll always be sold out [11:14:56 AM] katie.onis: they don't need to please their customers. [11:15:02 AM] live:anna-senpai: low budget man [11:15:17 AM] live:anna-senpai: it was funny, when i attack viperhcf on ovh other clients on perma mitigation go offline too (badlion, hive, etc) [11:15:40 AM] katie.onis: I’m actually curious [11:15:45 AM] katie.onis: was viperhcf your own vendetta [11:15:46 AM] katie.onis: or a customer? [11:15:55 AM] live:anna-senpai: customer [11:16:25 AM] live:anna-senpai: another server owner [11:16:27 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:16:45 AM] katie.onis: interesting :p [11:16:57 AM] katie.onis: i wonder who ~ [11:17:03 AM] live:anna-senpai: :) [11:17:07 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:17:24 AM] katie.onis: I have a few ideas anyway [11:17:34 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:17:48 AM] katie.onis: I’ve alwasy been under the understanding though [11:17:51 AM] katie.onis: that knowing who does it [11:17:53 AM] katie.onis: doesn’t help us mitigate it [11:18:01 AM] live:anna-senpai: very astute [11:18:03 AM] katie.onis: so we don’t bother looking too much [11:18:17 AM] katie.onis: it’s fun for curiosities sake [11:18:19 AM] katie.onis: but that's it. [11:18:29 AM] live:anna-senpai: well, what about if by knowing who it is you can prevent further attacks? [11:18:43 AM] live:anna-senpai: maybe the thought of being exposed would be enough to prevent it [11:18:55 AM] live:anna-senpai: is that not a form of attack mitigation? [11:19:05 AM] katie.onis: Haven’t been in that situation before :p [11:20:14 AM] katie.onis: Most of the time when we know who it is [11:20:15 AM] katie.onis: They just deny it [11:20:53 AM] live:anna-senpai: how often would that happen? [11:21:03 AM] live:anna-senpai: well maybe i suppose it depend on who it is / where they are based from [11:21:11 AM] katie.onis: I think the only time it happened was during the ProTraf launch. [11:21:30 AM] live:anna-senpai: if they are based in some 1st world country with good law enforcement [11:21:39 AM] live:anna-senpai: surprised they would be brazen enough to continue [11:21:47 AM] katie.onis: Law enforcement is useless. [11:21:56 AM] katie.onis: We previously had a VRSN contract [11:22:02 AM] katie.onis: Which gave us a lot of contacts in the FBI [11:22:07 AM] katie.onis: They are not very productive, to say the least. [11:22:11 AM] katie.onis: They reply to us, but do nothing. [11:22:15 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:22:44 AM] live:anna-senpai: vdos operators picked up by israel authorities at request of fbi [11:22:59 AM] katie.onis: And how late were they there? :) [11:23:04 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:23:31 AM] live:anna-senpai: > I think the only time it happened was during the ProTraf launch. [11:23:35 AM] live:anna-senpai: whats story behind here? [11:23:54 AM] live:anna-senpai: i dont know them very well except from some people talk about it when i start selling ddos in mc community [11:24:11 AM] katie.onis: long story haha [11:24:16 AM] katie.onis: I don't even remember most [11:24:23 AM] katie.onis: But it has to do with CJ [11:24:41 AM] live:anna-senpai: hm, i have heard that name before [11:25:16 AM] katie.onis: He's the guy behind and datawagon [11:25:25 AM] live:anna-senpai: oh yes, that was in krebs article too [11:25:31 AM] live:anna-senpai: about backconnect bgp hijack [11:25:33 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:25:39 AM] katie.onis: oh I'm actually curious! [11:25:44 AM] katie.onis: how bad is backconnect actually. [11:25:54 AM] katie.onis: in terms of like [11:25:56 AM] katie.onis: the bgp hijacks [11:25:56 AM] katie.onis: etc [11:25:57 AM] live:anna-senpai: well i mean it seems to be voxility resold protection [11:26:02 AM] live:anna-senpai: with sucriata waf in front [11:26:07 AM] katie.onis: It is. It's a joke lol [11:26:25 AM] live:anna-senpai: and the whole thing about backconnect and the freesoftwarefoundation [11:26:31 AM] live:anna-senpai: sketchy asf [11:26:34 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:28:37 AM] katie.onis: yeep [11:28:47 AM] katie.onis: was wondering if you knew anything about the things they did [11:28:48 AM] katie.onis: :p [11:28:52 AM] katie.onis: didn't know how sketchy they were exactly [11:29:11 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah [11:29:21 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:29:36 AM] live:anna-senpai: what is cj / datawagon to do with protraf? [11:29:47 AM] live:anna-senpai: cj schuler or something [11:30:05 AM] katie.onis: was one of the original people behind it [11:30:10 AM] katie.onis: and he did a lot of attacks against other people [11:30:14 AM] katie.onis: to make protraf look good at it's launch [11:30:16 AM] katie.onis: even though it only had like [11:30:18 AM] katie.onis: 50G capacity? [11:30:29 AM] katie.onis: and the service quality was so bad that all the customers they got [11:30:30 AM] katie.onis: left [11:30:44 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:30:51 AM] katie.onis: so everything is normal now [11:31:27 AM] katie.onis: I don't know if it was CJ [11:31:30 AM] katie.onis: it may have been another person close to them [11:31:37 AM] katie.onis: we never got full closure on that [11:31:57 AM] live:anna-senpai: its mildly interesting [11:32:02 AM] live:anna-senpai: maybe it will take 3 - 4 years [11:32:06 AM] katie.onis: starting a ddos mitigation company [11:32:06 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:32:09 AM] katie.onis: by ddosing all the competition [11:32:10 AM] katie.onis: is interesting [11:32:18 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:32:24 AM] live:anna-senpai: is cj have stake in protraf? [11:32:29 AM] katie.onis: I don't *think* so? [11:32:50 AM] katie.onis: he wasn't doing it for money. he was doing it because he could [11:32:54 AM] katie.onis: and because his friends owned PT [11:32:58 AM] katie.onis: is my understanding [11:33:10 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:33:29 AM] live:anna-senpai: how large were those attacks? [11:33:58 AM] katie.onis: honestly have no memory [11:34:04 AM] katie.onis: this was about a year and a half? [11:34:05 AM] katie.onis: ago [11:34:35 AM] katie.onis: it's been awhile [11:35:23 AM] live:anna-senpai: do you know if cj friends with someone called amar [11:35:29 AM] katie.onis: AZ [11:35:32 AM] katie.onis: yes [11:35:34 AM] live:anna-senpai: or dal33t? [11:35:39 AM] katie.onis: AZ/dal33t/amar [11:36:04 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah wasnt he that fastreturn guy [11:36:07 AM] katie.onis: yep [11:36:15 AM] katie.onis: PT is FastReturn [11:36:16 AM] katie.onis: basically [11:36:24 AM] live:anna-senpai: oh? [11:36:51 AM] katie.onis: I think they still have the original fastreturn IP space [11:36:54 AM] katie.onis: being announced elsewhere [11:36:55 AM] katie.onis: but [11:37:02 AM] katie.onis: PT was suppsoed to be the "new" FR [11:37:04 AM] katie.onis: from my understanding [11:37:19 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:37:48 AM] live:anna-senpai: once upon a time i spoke to dal33t on hackforums [11:38:09 AM] live:anna-senpai: cool that it has come full circle or something [11:38:59 AM] katie.onis: :p [11:39:11 AM] live:anna-senpai: everyone is related [11:40:01 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:40:12 AM] live:anna-senpai: a very large big minecraft server contact me asking to tear down hypixel [11:40:29 AM] live:anna-senpai: its funny, when they went on staminus all of staminus went offline [11:41:51 AM] katie.onis: when the staminus hack happened [11:41:53 AM] katie.onis: we were all curious [11:41:57 AM] katie.onis: how their mitigation was not leaked [11:42:13 AM] live:anna-senpai: their mitigation is shit [11:42:14 AM] live:anna-senpai: its mostly iptables [11:42:18 AM] live:anna-senpai: and a few whitelabel huawei [11:42:25 AM] katie.onis: really? [11:42:28 AM] katie.onis: crazy [11:42:29 AM] live:anna-senpai: yea [11:42:39 AM] katie.onis: They must have a LOT of boxes [11:42:43 AM] live:anna-senpai: yea [11:42:52 AM] live:anna-senpai: they had multiple racks [11:42:56 AM] live:anna-senpai: per location [11:43:06 AM] live:anna-senpai: and iptables raw filtering [11:43:06 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:43:28 AM] live:anna-senpai: thats why anything even remotely complex that is high pps makes their network fall over [11:43:35 AM] katie.onis: still curious how that was not leaked. [11:43:39 AM] live:anna-senpai: since it goes past their iptables and kills the huawei [11:44:06 AM] live:anna-senpai: i am not sure, i think the attacker just didnt care [11:44:23 AM] live:anna-senpai: in the access credentials that he dropped, you could pivot off the devices onto the mitigation [11:44:42 AM] katie.onis: we actually believed it was another mitigation company from the understanding that it was not leaked [11:44:42 AM] live:anna-senpai: all their configurations for routers and their backups had already been wiped though [11:44:53 AM] katie.onis: because even though it's ipts [11:44:57 AM] live:anna-senpai: which is why it took so long for restore [11:44:59 AM] katie.onis: the strategies might be useful to other mitigation companies [11:45:12 AM] live:anna-senpai: i guess, but staminus is a joke [11:45:20 AM] live:anna-senpai: i speak to some other server owners and they agree [11:45:27 AM] live:anna-senpai: so this isn't just in ddos world either [11:45:35 AM] live:anna-senpai: they are like a meme lol [11:46:33 AM] katie.onis: strange :p [11:46:38 AM] katie.onis: they have a lot of capacity which is sad [11:46:41 AM] katie.onis: unused potential :( [11:46:46 AM] live:anna-senpai: yea [11:46:56 AM] live:anna-senpai: they probably can eat amplified attacks [11:46:59 AM] live:anna-senpai: due to iptables [11:47:00 AM] live:anna-senpai: but high pps destroys them [11:47:05 AM] katie.onis: we're over here at PP just like [11:47:12 AM] katie.onis: all these people have more capacity than us [11:47:15 AM] katie.onis: why can't we have that capacity :( [11:47:26 AM] live:anna-senpai: need to get those enterprise clients [11:47:32 AM] katie.onis: basically. [11:47:33 AM] live:anna-senpai: :P [11:47:38 AM] katie.onis: where all the money is haha [11:47:43 AM] live:anna-senpai: yeah [11:47:51 AM] live:anna-senpai: most of these minecraft kids want to pay peanuts [11:47:59 AM] live:anna-senpai: "ovh null $50" [11:48:01 AM] live:anna-senpai: fuck off [11:48:02 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:48:35 AM] katie.onis: our lowest plan atm is $100 [11:48:49 AM] katie.onis: so we're better than most [11:48:50 AM] katie.onis: atleast [11:49:17 AM] live:anna-senpai: heh [11:49:33 AM] live:anna-senpai: i was charging $120 an hour for viperhcf [11:49:37 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:49:58 AM] live:anna-senpai: they seem like a small server, im guessing they are around $100 range? [11:50:38 AM] katie.onis: nope, that plan was not that little [11:50:43 AM] katie.onis: I completely forget though the time. [11:51:11 AM] katie.onis: $100 is like under 90 players [11:51:11 AM] katie.onis: lol [11:53:43 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:54:26 AM] live:anna-senpai: after you nulled my c2 [11:54:47 AM] live:anna-senpai: i spent some time designing a fault tolerant architecture for the bots lol [11:55:24 AM] live:anna-senpai: because the floodgates have been opened :( [11:55:24 AM] live:anna-senpai: not to mention other idiots with 2k nets go around sitting on netstat waiting for me to load in [11:55:29 AM] live:anna-senpai: and sit there hitting off the cnc [11:56:31 AM] katie.onis: smart imo :p [11:56:36 AM] katie.onis: should have done that from the first place [11:56:39 AM] katie.onis: I was actually surprised you had a single cnc [11:56:40 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:56:51 AM] live:anna-senpai: well yeah now i also kill telnet to make it harder, since i can update c2 when it is down [11:57:02 AM] live:anna-senpai: but still, maybe once or twice a day it gets hit [11:57:05 AM] live:anna-senpai: :\ [11:57:36 AM] live:anna-senpai: i have a bunch of servers now with lots of ips configured so i can rotate through them [11:57:37 AM] live:anna-senpai: lol [11:58:42 AM] katie.onis: :p [11:59:28 AM] live:anna-senpai: now the existence of my net has become general knowledge even among skiddiots on hackforums [11:59:34 AM] live:anna-senpai: some people try to write killer for it, lol [12:00:47 PM] live:anna-senpai: how come you are peered with nlayer and tinet [12:00:56 PM] live:anna-senpai: instead of just under gtt [12:00:59 PM] live:anna-senpai: isn't gtt moving to consolidate their network under 1 as [12:01:02 PM] katie.onis: peering with gtt automatically peers you with nlayer [12:01:25 PM] live:anna-senpai: isnt gtt trying to get people to move to the gtt as [12:01:27 PM] live:anna-senpai: instead of tinet [12:01:54 PM] katie.onis: they're trying to move everyone to tinet [12:02:04 PM] live:anna-senpai: oh wtf [12:02:36 PM] live:anna-senpai: i was way off [12:02:47 PM] live:anna-senpai: lol [12:23:48 PM] live:anna-senpai: hm [12:23:49 PM] live:anna-senpai: how long do you think it will take for hypixel to die [12:24:00 PM] live:anna-senpai: right now i just have a script sitting there hitting them for 45s every 20 minutes [12:24:09 PM] live:anna-senpai: enough to drop all players and make them rage [12:24:25 PM] katie.onis: Is this for a customer? [12:24:28 PM] live:anna-senpai: yea [12:24:31 PM] live:anna-senpai: another big server [12:24:36 PM] live:anna-senpai: like in top 5 :P [12:24:52 PM] katie.onis: Honestly no clue. [12:25:41 PM] live:anna-senpai: 45s evert 20 minutes is easy to keep up long term since it doesn't make the bots die [12:25:47 PM] live:anna-senpai: hehe [5:14:37 PM] live:anna-senpai: you strike me as an anime fan [5:14:54 PM] katie.onis: why do you say that? [5:16:27 PM] live:anna-senpai: ive always been a little astute at reading people [5:16:32 PM] live:anna-senpai: was i right? [5:17:07 PM] live:anna-senpai: just some of your mannerisms and your interests, it makes me think you enjoy anime [5:17:09 PM] live:anna-senpai: lol [5:17:40 PM] katie.onis: you'd be right, interesting :p [5:17:51 PM] katie.onis: although I haven't touched it in a year [5:17:52 PM] katie.onis: quite honestly. [5:17:56 PM] live:anna-senpai: whaaaaat [5:18:16 PM] katie.onis: hmm? [5:18:29 PM] live:anna-senpai: haven't watched anime in a year? [5:18:42 PM] katie.onis: not like I used to [5:18:46 PM] katie.onis: sometimes I watch it with friends but that's it. [5:19:28 PM] live:anna-senpai: whats the latest thing you watched? [5:19:34 PM] live:anna-senpai: like, start -> finish [5:19:40 PM] live:anna-senpai: any summer anime? [5:19:43 PM] katie.onis: I never don't finish animes [5:20:00 PM] katie.onis: and I think I stopped updating my MAL so it's so hard to remember [5:20:03 PM] katie.onis: let me think.. [5:20:05 PM] live:anna-senpai: even if they're really shitty? [5:20:11 PM] katie.onis: I've only dropped a few [5:21:24 PM] katie.onis: Durarara [5:21:26 PM] katie.onis: was the last one [5:21:32 PM] katie.onis: the second season(s) [5:22:01 PM] katie.onis: Durarara, Overlord, and Gate season 2 [5:22:10 PM] live:anna-senpai: those you dropped? [5:22:15 PM] katie.onis: no, finished all of them [5:22:16 PM] katie.onis: last ones I finished [5:22:19 PM] live:anna-senpai: ah [5:22:28 PM] live:anna-senpai: i enjoyed gate, the whole concept was very interesting [5:22:40 PM] katie.onis: gate was good just [5:22:44 PM] katie.onis: 12 episode or 13 episode animes [5:22:54 PM] live:anna-senpai: 2 seasons though [5:23:01 PM] live:anna-senpai: too much japan fanboy though [5:23:11 PM] live:anna-senpai: esp conflict between usa and japan, they are supposed to be big allies [5:23:13 PM] live:anna-senpai: lol [5:23:16 PM] katie.onis: lol [5:23:26 PM] katie.onis: have you ever watched the anime C? [5:23:37 PM] live:anna-senpai: no, is it good? [5:23:46 PM] katie.onis: really good [5:23:47 PM] katie.onis: lemme link [5:23:53 PM] katie.onis: https://myanimelist.net/anime/10163/C__The_Money_of_Soul_and_Possibility_Control [5:24:30 PM] live:anna-senpai: cool [5:24:34 PM] live:anna-senpai: sounds interesting [5:24:43 PM] katie.onis: I watched it a long time ago [5:24:46 PM] katie.onis: but yeah, it's pretty good [5:25:12 PM] live:anna-senpai: i rewatched mirai nikki recently [5:25:22 PM] live:anna-senpai: (it was the reason i named my bot mirai lol) [5:25:32 PM] katie.onis: I've rewatched it 3 times with 2 different friends haha [5:25:32 PM] live:anna-senpai: have you seen? [5:25:37 PM] live:anna-senpai: damn lol [5:25:45 PM] live:anna-senpai: gasai yuno is a psycho bitch [5:25:48 PM] live:anna-senpai: lol [5:25:55 PM] katie.onis: i'd go for her [5:25:59 PM] katie.onis: even knowing how she is [5:26:01 PM] katie.onis: :3 [5:26:19 PM] live:anna-senpai: (dream) [5:26:20 PM] live:anna-senpai: lol [5:26:32 PM] katie.onis: haha ;D [6:22:03 PM] live:anna-senpai: well anyway, going to go get drunk and watch anime, you are cool guy, im sorry for trouble lol. i add your prefixes to whitelist [7:12:44 PM] katie.onis: wow thanks a lot [7:12:59 PM] katie.onis: didn't actually expect that, nice to meet you :D [7:13:09 PM] katie.onis: have fun Friday, September 30, 2016 [4:36:44 PM] live:anna-senpai: moving out of ddos anyway, if you are interested, source code drop [4:36:45 PM] live:anna-senpai: http://hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=5420472&pid=52617704#pid52617704 [4:37:29 PM] live:anna-senpai: http://santasbigcandycane.cx/mirai.src.zip - probably should download over tor/proxy, don't know if lea watching [4:37:46 PM] live:anna-senpai: now i go visit norway, lol [4:45:27 PM] katie.onis: ;o have fun [4:45:34 PM] katie.onis: norway is pretty ;p