Norse Corp., a Foster City, Calif. based cybersecurity firm that has attracted much attention from the news media and investors alike this past year, fired its chief executive officer this week amid a major shakeup that could spell the end of the company. The move comes just weeks after the company laid off almost 30 percent of its staff.
Sources close to the matter say Norse CEO Sam Glines was asked to step down by the company’s board of directors, with board member Howard Bain stepping in as interim CEO. Those sources say the company’s investors have told employees that they can show up for work on Monday but that there is no guarantee they will get paid if they do.

A snapshot of Norse’s semi-live attack map.
Glines agreed earlier this month to an interview with KrebsOnSecurity but later canceled that engagement without explanation. Bain could not be immediately reached for comment.
Two sources at Norse said the company’s assets will be merged with Irvine, Ca. based networking firm SolarFlare, which has some of the same investors and investment capital as Norse. Neither Norse nor SolarFlare would comment for this story. Update, Feb. 1, 12:34 p.m. ET: SolarFlare CEO Russell Stern just pinged me to say that “there has been no transaction between Norse and SolarFlare.”
Original story: The pink slips that Norse issued just after New Years’s Day may have come as a shock to many employees, but perhaps the layoffs shouldn’t have been much of a surprise: A careful review of previous ventures launched by the company’s founders reveals a pattern of failed businesses, reverse mergers, shell companies and product promises that missed the mark by miles.
In the tech-heavy, geek-speak world of cybersecurity, infographics and other eye candy are king because they promise to make complicated and boring subjects accessible and sexy. And Norse’s much-vaunted interactive attack map is indeed some serious eye candy: It purports to track the source and destination of countless Internet attacks in near real-time, and shows what appear to be multicolored fireballs continuously arcing across the globe.
Norse says the data that feeds its online attack map come from a network of more than eight million online “sensors” — honeypot systems that the company has strategically installed at Internet properties in 47 countries around the globe to attract and record malicious and suspicious Internet traffic.
According to the company’s marketing literature, Norse’s sensors are designed to mimic a broad range of computer systems. For example, they might pretend to be a Web server when an automated attack or bot scans the system looking for Web server vulnerabilities. In other cases, those sensors might watch for Internet attack traffic that would typically only be seen by very specific machines, such as devices that manage complex manufacturing systems, power plants or other industrial control systems.
Several departing and senior Norse employees said the company’s attack data was certainly voluminous enough to build a business upon — if not especially sophisticated or uncommon. But most of those interviewed said Norse’s top leadership didn’t appear to be interested in or capable of building a strong product behind the data. More worryingly, those same people said there are serious questions about the validity of the data that informs the company’s core product.
Norse Corp. and its fundamental technology arose from the ashes of several companies that appear to have been launched and then acquired by shell companies owned by Norse’s top executives — principally the company’s founder and chief technology officer Tommy Stiansen. Stiansen did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
This acquisition process, known as a “reverse merger” or “reverse takeover,” involves the acquisition of a public company by a private company so that the private company can bypass the lengthy and complex process of going public.
Reverse mergers are completely legal, but they can be abused to hide the investors in a company and to conceal certain liabilities of the acquired company, such as pending lawsuits or debt. In 2011, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a bulletin cautioning investors about plunking down investments in reverse mergers, warning that they may be prone to fraud and other abuses.
The founders of Norse Corp. got their start in 1998 with a company called (pronounced “psycho”). According to a press release issued at the time, “ was a New Mexico based firm established to develop a network of cyber companies.”
“This site is a lighthearted destination that will be like the ‘People Magazine’ of the Internet,” said Richard Urrea, Cyco’s CEO, in a bizarre explanation of the company’s intentions. “This format has proven itself by providing Time Warner with over a billion dollars of ad revenue annually. That, combined with the CYCO.NET’s e-commerce and various affiliations, such as, could amount to three times that figure. Not a portal like Yahoo, the CYCO.NET will serve as the launch pad to rocket the Internet surfer into the deepest reaches of cyberspace.”
In 2003, acquired Orion Security Services, a company founded by Stiansen, Norse’s current CTO and founder and the one Norse executive who is actually from Norway. Orion was billed as a firm that provides secure computer network management solutions, as well as video surveillance systems via satellite communications.
The Orion acquisition reportedly came with $20 million in financing from a private equity firm called Cornell Capital Partners LP, which listed itself as a Cayman Islands exempt limited partnership whose business address was in Jersey City, NJ.
Cornell later changed its name to Yorkville Advisors, an entity that became the subject of an investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and a subsequent lawsuit in which the company was accused of reporting “false and inflated values.”
Despite claims that was poised to “rocket into the deepest riches of cyberspace,” it somehow fell short of that destination and ended up selling cigarettes online instead. Perhaps inevitably, the company soon found itself the target of a lawsuit by several states led by the Washington state attorney general that accused the company of selling tobacco products to minors, failing to report cigarette sales and taxes, and for falsely advertising cigarettes as tax-free.
In 2005, changed its name to Nexicon, but only after acquiring by stock swap another creation by Stiansen — Pluto Communications — a company formed in 2002 and whose stated mission was to provide “operational billing solutions for telecom networks.” Again, Urrea would issue a press release charting a course for the company that would have almost no bearing on what it actually ended up doing.
“We are very excited that the transition from our old name and identity is now complete, and we can start to formally reposition our Company under the new brand name of Nexicon,” Urrea said. “After the divestiture of our former B2C company in 2003, we have laid the foundation for our new business model, offering all-in-one or issue-specific B2B management solutions for the billing, network control, and security industries.”
In June 2008, Sam Glines — who would one day become CEO of Norse Corp. — joined Nexicon and was later promoted to chief operating officer. By that time, Nexicon had morphed itself into an online copyright cop, marketing a technology they claimed could help detect and stop illegal file-sharing. The company’s “GetAmnesty” technology sent users a pop-up notice explaining that it was expensive to sue the user and even more expensive for the user to get sued. Recipients of these notices were advised to just click the button displayed and pay for the song and all would be forgiven.
In November 2008, Nexicon was acquired by Priviam, another shell company operated by Stiansen and Nexicon’s principals. Nexicon went on to sign and several entertainment studios as customers. But soon enough, reports began rolling in of rampant false-positives — Internet users receiving threatening legal notices from Nexicon that they were illegally sharing files when they actually weren’t. Nexicon/Priviam’s business began drying up, and it’s stock price plummeted.
In September 2011, the Securities and Exchange Commission revoked the company’s ability to trade its penny stock (then NXCO on the pink sheets), noting that the company had failed to file any periodic reports with the SEC since its inception. In June 2012, the SEC also revoked Priviam’s ability to trade its stock, citing the same compliance failings that led to the de-listing of Nexicon.
By the time the SEC revoked Nexicon’s trading ability, the company’s founders were already working to reinvent themselves yet again. In August 2011, they raised $50,000 in seed money from Capital Innovators to jump-start Norse Corp. A year later, Norse received $3.5 million in debt refinancing, and in December 2013 got its first big infusion of cash — $10 million from Oak Investment Partners. In September 2015, KPMG invested $11.4 million in the company.
Several former employees say Stiansen’s penchant for creating shell corporations served him well in building out Norse’s global sensor network. Some of the sensors are in countries where U.S. assets are heavily monitored, such as China. Those same insiders said Norse’s network of shell corporations also helped the company gain visibility into attack traffic in countries where it is forbidden for U.S. firms to do business, such as Iran and Syria.
By 2014, Norse was throwing lavish parties at top Internet security conferences and luring dozens of smart security experts away from other firms. Among them was Mary Landesman, formerly a senior security researcher at Cisco Systems. Landesman said Norse had recently hired many of her friends in the cybersecurity business and had developed such a buzz in the industry that she recruited her son to come work alongside her at the company.
As a senior data scientist at Norse, Landesman’s job was to discover useful and interesting patterns in the real-time attack data that drove the company’s “cyber threat intelligence” offerings (including its eye candy online attack map referenced at the beginning of this story). By this time, former employees say Norse’s systems were collecting a whopping 140 terabytes of Internet attack and traffic data per day. To put that in perspective a single terabyte can hold approximately 1,000 copies of the Encyclopedia Britannica. The entire printed collection of the U.S. Library of Congress would take up about ten terabytes.
Landesman said she wasn’t actually given access to all that data until the fall of 2015 — seven months after being hired as Norse’s chief data scientist — and that when she got the chance to dig into it, she was disappointed: The information appeared to be little more than what one might glean from a Web server log — albeit millions of them around the world.
“The data isn’t great, and it’s pretty much the same thing as if you looked at Web server logs that had automated crawlers and scanning tools hitting it constantly,” Landesman said in an interview with KrebsOnSecurity. “But if you know how to look at it and bring in a bunch of third-party data and tools, the data is not without its merits, if not just based on the sheer size of it.”
Landesman and other current and former Norse employees said very few people at the company were permitted to see how Norse collected its sensor data, and that Norse founder Stiansen jealously guarded access to the back-end systems that gathered the information.
“With this latest round of layoffs, if Tommy got hit by a bus tomorrow I don’t think there would be a single person in the company left who understands how the whole thing works,” said one former employee at Norse who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Stuart McClure, president and founder of the cybersecurity firm Cylance, said he found out just how reluctant Stiansen could be to share Norse data when he visited Stiansen and the company’s offices in Northern California in late 2014. McClure said he went there to discuss collaborating with Norse on two upcoming reports: One examining Iran’s cyber warfare capabilities, and another about exactly who was responsible for the massive Nov. 2014 cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment.
The FBI had already attributed the attack to North Korean hackers. But McClure was intrigued after Stiansen confidentially shared that Norse had reached a vastly different conclusion than the FBI: Norse had data suggesting the attack on Sony was the work of disgruntled former employees.
McClure said he recalls listening to Stiansen ramble on for hours about Norse’s suspicions and simultaneously dodging direct questions about how it had reached the conclusion that the Sony attack was an inside job.
“I just kept going back to them and said, ‘Tommy, show me the data.’ We wanted to work with them, but when they couldn’t or wouldn’t produce any data or facts to substantiate their work, we couldn’t proceed.”
After that experience, McClure said he decided not to work with Norse on either the Sony report or the Iran investigation. Cylance ended up releasing its own report on Iran’s cyber capabilities; that analysis — dubbed “Operation Cleaver” (PDF) — was later tacitly acknowledged in a confidential report by the FBI.
Conversely, Norse’s take on Iran’s cyber prowess (PDF) was trounced by critics as a deeply biased, headline-grabbing report. It came near the height of international negotiations over lifting nuclear sanctions against Iran, and Norse had teamed up with the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank that has traditionally taken a hard line against threats or potential threats to the United States.
In its report, Norse said it saw a half-million attacks on industrial control systems by Iran in the previous 24 months — a 115 percent increase in attacks. But in a scathing analysis of Norse’s findings, critical infrastructure security expert Robert M. Lee said Norse’s claim of industrial control systems being attacked and implying it was definitively the Iranian government was disingenuous at best. Lee said he obtained an advanced copy of an earlier version of the report that was shared with unclassified government and private industry channels, and that the data in the report simply did not support its conclusions.
“The systems in question are fake systems….and the data obtained cannot be accurately used for attribution,” Lee wrote of Norse’s sensor network. “In essence, Norse identified scans from Iranian Internet locations against fake systems and announced them as attacks on industrial control systems by a foreign government. The Norse report’s claims of attacks on industrial control systems is wrong. The data is misleading. The attention it gained is damaging. And even though a real threat is identified it is done in a way that only damages national cybersecurity.”
KrebsOnSecurity interviewed almost a dozen current and former employees at Norse, as well as several outside investors who said they considered buying the firm. None but Landesman would speak on the record. Most said Norse’s data — the core of its offering — was solid, if prematurely marketed as a way to help banks and others detect and deflect cyber attacks.
“I think they just went to market with this a couple of years too soon,” said one former Norse employee who left on his own a few months prior to the January 2016 layoffs, in part because of concerns about the validity of the data that the company was using to justify some of its public threat reports. “It wasn’t all there, and I worried that they were finding what they wanted to find in the data. If you think about the network they built, that’s a lot of power.”
On Jan. 4, 2016, Landesman learned she and roughly two dozen other colleagues at Norse were being let go. The data scientist said she vetted Norse’s founders prior to joining the firm, but that it wasn’t until she was fired at the beginning of 2016 that she started doing deeper research into the company’s founders.
“I realized that, oh crap, I think this is a scam,” Landesman said. “They’re trying to draw this out and tap into whatever the buzzwords du jour there are, and have a product that’s going to meet that and suck in new investors.”
Calls to Norse investor KPMG International went unreturned. An outside PR firm for KPMG listed on the press release about the original $11.4 million funding for Norse referred my inquiry to a woman running an outside PR firm for Norse, who declined to talk on the record because she said she wasn’t sure whether her firm was still representing the tech company.
“These shell companies formed by [the company’s founders] bilked investors,” Landesman said. “Had anyone gone and investigated any of these partnerships they were espousing as being the next big thing, they would have realized this was all smoke and mirrors.”
The semi live eye candy map is not operational at the moment:
wow. that was fast. it was working just a few minutes before this article was published.
Bad news – I just got my pink slip…are there any other infosec industry charlatans hiring?
The Norse PewPew Map
Malwarebytes. We are in Santa Clara.
The Norse PewPew Map was being sarcastic unless you truly believe Malwarebytes are charlatans.
aren’t all anti virus/malware companies?
Yep, jokes. But lots of good people are out of a job there.
Actually the cyber security industry presently has a 220K shortfall of individuals to openings, worldwide the number is over 1M and growing. I suspect the Norse employees will land softly.
Still working for me as of 10:17am EST.
Great reporting as always. I observed the eye candy site is down too.
Looks like the main map is down, but the IPViking map is still online: – dead jim – still kicking it
It’s back up. Excellent write up and Robert M. Lee knows his stuff!
HP seems to be running the Norse Data
Their older (albeit the same) map is operational for me still…
Good Reporting Brian!
It seems some in the firm were reminiscent of men like Charles Ponzi or Bernard “Bernie” Madoff.
Excellent story, Brian. I love all the digging into old facts. Maybe a blog entry on Steven Avery? 🙂
Thanks for your investigative work on this article. My hat’s off to my colleague Mary Landesman who had the courage to blow the whistle, and I stand by her analysis. My time at Norse was the most surreal and frustrating 18 months in my 25 year career in security and intelligence, but I’ll say one thing: I’ve certainly learned some hard lessons from it.
Anyone considering taking a job these days should run paid background checks on senior leadership, shame on me for not doing so.
+! for Mary having the guts to stand out on the record.
The rest of the folks acted as corporate folks unfortunately do… comments made off the record are one thing, making it and throwing your reputation out on top of it to make things right is another.
Mary, from one whistleblower to another, thanks for doing your part to maintain accountability within our infosec security workspace.
Thanks, Brian. Quite a tangled web!! Funny though, when I read the story lead on my email, it reminded me of the last episode of Season 1 of Mr. Robot!!
I think you should reword some of this article as you are lumping things/people together that seem unrelated. Kind of grasping for straws to put pieces together to make a good sounding story. Seems like a bunch of disgruntled ex-employees making statements. I would be careful of slander and defamation of character lawsuits.
I think you should reacquaint yourself with the definition of slander. In the United States, it’s a legal term that means uttering falsities against another intended to defame them. What you’re actually getting at is called “libel” — which is the form of slander that happens in writing.
In either case, for there to be slander or libel, there must be malice — i.e., the intention to harm the person or entity’s reputation. Listing facts that are embarrassing or inconvenient for the subject, however, is hardly libelous.
Libel is not a form of slander; it’s a form of defamation, as is slander. Libel (generally) is published, slander (generally) is oral.
I see nothing in your item — assuming you were reporting accurately — that could be remotely considered defamation. This guy was just issuing a vague, unfounded, threat.
I enjoy your reporting very much, Brian. But, I suggest that you might want to bone up just a bit on the “journalist’s view” of defamation. Perhaps somebody else has opined on this, but it’s not unheard of to lose a defamation defense even in the absence of malice: all you have to do is to inaccurately report something that tends to defame someone. “The truth is an absolute defense” in defamation suits.
“Malice” tends to be a criteria that applies to reporting on public officials and celebrities, etc. Perhaps the CTO of Norse corp is considered such a person, but getting to the point where you can establish that in a defamation defense action can be quite expensive.
Multiple rounds of reverse-mergers through shell companies is a clear indicia of serial fraud. The fact that this company was the result of such schemes is something that should have caused KPMG to avoid them like the plague. My hunch is that their investment was in-kind accounting services. If so, their actual out-of-pocket was less than the quoted amount. That might be something to pursue…
Please continue to do so, Brian. Lifting the veil on such scams is vital to safeguard the reputation of our fledgling industry, particularly the startups where so much of our innovation comes from. As well as the likes of my employer, IBM’s Security Division!
Keep Watson away from us, PLEASE!!! 🙂
Can you buy character?
No, but on TV you can sometimes buy vowels.
How about those dealings with Saudi Arabia? Remember the female analyst who had to be escorted by her brother into the space?
I’ve been quite concerned about how long it would take organized cybercrime to enter the mainstream by appearing as a valid company – is this a potential MO for such an operation? They could do a lot of damage.
Maybe they have :^)
Finally – I have some closure on this Norse deal – thank you Brian for great investigative reporting. I had the honor of working with Mary Landesman at Norse- she is highly respected in her field—always honest and forthcoming—also has a highly analytical mind, while at the same time would never adopt a “disgruntled employee” stance. Mary stands steadfast against injustices and does not fear speaking the truth.
Whistleblowers generally get a very bad deal when the truth is finally revealed. My hat’s off to Mary—since our demise on January 4, 2016 when 25+ of us were called into a “Q4 Quarterly Review” meeting, when three minutes into the meeting— we all learned that we had pink slips. Mary was the only one who spoke up and questioned company mismanagement.
Another top hat goes to Kurt Stammberger—for a succinct and honest analysis + his show of support for a great colleague.
I am shocked reading this article. So disheartened to hear so many talented people losing their jobs over greed and dishonesty. My best wishes you are in a great position soon.
“we all learned that we had pink slips. Mary was the only one who spoke up and questioned company mismanagement.”
Yeah, doesn’t sound disgruntle at all.
Sounds disgruntled to me as well Charles. I bet she was as happy go lucky until the day she got laid off. I sure hope Krebs did his homework and didn’t take a disgruntled ex employees info as his research or as his lead “credible” source. A “smart” man like Krebs wouldn’t do that would he for a story? Hmmmm.
As always, excellent article Brian. Enjoyed the backstory, I actually attended some of their parties at Blackhat.
Webroot is making big noise about being the latest, greatest cloud-based security system utilizing . Lots of top end blather.
Webroot threat data is genuine and utilized by more than 30 security industry vendors. It has been heavily tested for accuracy and efficacy by the most critical evaluators in the business: their competitors.
KPMG funded them? I dealt with KPMG in the past and my personal experience was they have few business ethics.
Noted for churning customer billings and ‘thickening’ reports (“The client is paying millions for this report: Make it thicker!” – verbatim quote from KPMG regional manager)
If there were a high school yearbook of accounting firms, KPMG would be most likely to be voted “most likely to aid and abet fraud” while billing handsomely. I once worked with a KPMG CPA on a small project. He was incredibly knowledgeable and quite competent, even when he was obviously drunk.
Anybody writing for paid consumption is automatically under pressure to “tell a good story”. The take away is that with startups key personalities can make or break it. There a lot of bitter haters out there, if someone handed you a large check you would do the same!
You spelled your name wrong again here Sam…
While I can’t vouch for all of KPMG, many of us especially in the cyber security team actually want our clients to succeed and be secure and try to give the best advice we can often going above and beyond the fees we charge.
I can’t speak for the the accounting part. But KPMG has a large advisory team too, it’s very unfair for you to say that all of us have no ethics. As for the part about us aiding and abetting fraud, I don’t know how. The amount of risk procedures that you have to go through to begin working with a client is immense. In fact so much so that often we can’t move fast enough for certain sectors and industries.
I have no insight into the Norse thing. KPMG Capital invests in what it likes away from the main teams and country. This is as disappointing to the actual people in KPMG doing cyber as it probably is to you all reading it.
There are some good folks who work or have worked for Norse, Mary included. And to be fair, they are not the only firm that headline grabs with over-hyped research. But it sucks for those employees though, and that’s a shame.
But when I read that it was merging with another firm, I immediately thought “Threatbutt”.
Roll your own attack map with blinky lights and zingy sounds…
Excellent article and illuminates some of the charlatanry happening in the security space.
Norse had hired some pretty solid people from the industry. They will all find new jobs quickly, I’m sure. Dear Norse staff: if you need help getting to , give me a call.
Here come the ambulance chasers…
I have the Norse’s map on my desktop. I am willing to give it out for free if the map goes away with Norse.
Thank you, Brian, for the informative article. I actually knew nothing about the company. I certainly enjoyed the eye candy map.
Ok, the story is out, and it is filled with a combination of ostensible musings, and reflective research–that runs like a spy novel. That said, of the critics “not” affiliated with Norse, whom of you has experience with setup and management of a “secret” honeypot? Because a honeypot with a known IP is great for university research; but a sensor in the rapidly growing “Cyber Warefare realm, is absolutely worthless if (FIS) Foreign Intelligence Services know its whereabouts or IP. Or, for that matter who of you have assisted the ** ************ apparatuses with actionable Intel? Foreign honeypots aka sensor setup and management might aptly be compared to flying a US drone over Iran… It requires serious time-management and attention to detail. The Krebsonsecurity story captures segments of Norse, but misses the essence, however, some of the negative feedback is formitable, but others rather cheeky. Folks, the sheer Intel missing, would span the river Nile.
Lastly, this story rivals that of, “The Art of War,” whereby most people simply believe that it is written general Sun Tzu…know the true account–or, “entire” story first…:)
Same story, again and again.
I look forward to your breakdown of the lack of research and lost money thrown at the similarly-shady TrustPipe executive team when they, shockingly, implode.
There’s a common thread of background between many of the folks at Norse and at Trustpipe… Nothing good in that thread…
brian, thanks for an excellent expose here. see also the related article published last year by frode hommedal and myself in CircldID:
For anybody working at a company with bad management who’s wondering “why doesn’t the board sack these clowns?” this account of Brian’s has the answer in the second paragraph:
“Sources close to the matter say [the CEO] was asked to step down by the company’s board of directors, with [a] board member … stepping in as interim CEO. ”
Unless a board member is willing to take over, a board really can’t fire the management.
But, why would an outfit whose reputation rides on diligence, lke KPMG, invest in this kind of Russian matryoshka doll nesting shells company? I suppose it’s because Enterprise IT is in such a panic about cybersecurity.
Its working again, i love looking at this site, so dam cool.
Plus I remember when North Koreas internet went black and everybody was saying they didn’t know who was doing it, nobody was even taking a guess and I found that so very strange. Because at the time I was looking at the norse attack map and sony networks was flashing all over the screen that I suspected they were a big part of it or doing it themselves!!! hahaha
I have a feeling what happened here, is these guys didn’t know how to legitimately make money off of this data. Because for most thats all it is, pretty and shiny. Because it was probably very hard to prove its accuracy satisfyingly. Maybe without compromising it also, or maybe its just too much of a threat to some powers that be and they want it for themselves. Who knows, what a shame.
Good article… Do one about how many cyber startups failed in 2015 and how many new startup ramped up in 2015. Maybe You could in list some now available graphical guru expertise to fashion a display of those comings and goings, the millions made and list and the jobs lost and obtained…
Me thinks there will be a lot more startup failures in the next year…the tide is going out!
Wasn’t Jason Clark on the advisory board? What does he say?
Pretty shady stuff, given their past track record … hope the truth will come out soon.
There is no “their”
Nice article Brian, and great job hunting down the information. These seem like some shady characters, with some shoddy business practices. Further, a sales professional I know that pretty pictures can help make sale, but the stuffs gotta work in order to get the renewal the next year. I feel bad for the legit Norse employees that lost their jobs, but don’t fret. Solid security professionals are in high demand.
What really is disappointing is what this does for our industry. All the investors (including the angels that funding their early rounds, not cool to burn good people looking to help a team build a company.
I recall at the time that Norse thought the Sony attack was disgruntled employees. It was attention grabbing certainly but I think this research is more so. As always, extensive and in-depth review and research in your article here. You certainly know how to get information.
I suspect the dust has settled for those who were at Norse, but if there are any looking; Bit9 + Carbon Black is hiring all over. The leadership, products and people here are pretty awesome. Certainly I welcome anyone to do their own research. I can be reached anytime for those interested, @mstamour
Wonderful research and comments. Couldn’t help but note less than exciting comments about Malwarebytes. Any reason to be concerned with them ?
I have zero knowledge about MalwareBytes the company. But I’ve been using Malwarebytes Pro (paid) as an individual user for years and want to add my two cents about the program itself.
It has saved my computer too many times to count. I run it with Comcast Norton as my primary anti-virus. I also have Hitman Pro and CryptoPrevent for exploit protection. All three play nice with each other. Each has stopped bad actors the other has not caught.
Malwarebytes Pro in my experience shines in stopping the installation of “potentially unwanted programs” in real time. The stuff that “free” programs are always installing, even when you uncheck the boxes in the install program. Install programs cheat, but Malwarebytes catches them, and then let’s you delete the adware/spyware/unwanted program (if you want to).
Malwarebytes also really shines in preventing your browser from going to dangerous websites that other programs like Norton or other built in browser checkers don’t catch. So I’m really happy with the modest price for the paid version running in real time.
Of course the main issue is what happens if you get a virus or Trojan or other bad program installed. It only has happened to me once that I know of and it was several years ago.
The Malwarebytes checker and hunter programs and forum help were excellent. And got that program out.
However, that whole experience heightened my awareness to the risks of using the internet, so that is partly why I now have the multiple set of paid protection programs running as mentioned above. And of course, continue my education by reading Brian’s work diligently.
That’s my experience with Malwarebytes as a user, but as always YMMV and things can change.
You can save your own computer by using it prudently and understanding that the internet is, mostly, a hostile environment. As Brian has been preaching for years of course.
The average user acts as if they are dancing through a daisy field on a sunny day rather than walking at the edge of an abyss.
Although this is slightly off-topic, as someone who worked in the AV space I would venture to say that every business tech support member at my former company would not hesitate to recommend MalwareBytes for what it’s very good at – perhaps it’s not the best of the best for every category, but in a layered approach to infosec MalwareBytes has a stellar reputation for being ‘Viktor the Cleaner’… at least it did five years ago!
The other suggestions go well – I would add to those that OOB – out of band – authentication is a critical step. I used to recommend specific bootable OS environments for folks who still dared to access banking online, in the hopes that resident malware of any flavor would not persist through.
As with dressing well for cold weather, layers are the best option for cybersecurity. The more layers you can discard, the harder it is to cross-contaminate or get rooted via your endpoint.
(To the tune of the Marshmallow Fluff “FlufferNutter” ad jingle)
Oh you need fluff! fluff! fluff! to make a Netter-Fluffer
Internet Fluff! with lots of graphic clutter!
First you spread! spread! spread! some jargon as a buffer
Add Internet Fluff!, and that’s a Netter-Fluffer!
So enjoy! -joy! joy! until the times get tougher
Then sell your founders’ stock, and go out and start another!
I wish this was surprising, but it isn’t.
I worked for Norse for only a couple of months, and when I began to question some of the things I saw going on (more on the business-competence side than business-ethics side, as I wasn’t in a position to see what was happening at the top), I was shown the door within days. I didn’t take the “here’s two weeks of pay if you sign this promise to never sue us” deal though. The whole way it was handled stank to the high heavens.
It worked out okay, though… I landed at a much, much better-run workplace that didn’t have the interdepartmental tension and complete lack of internal openness that made Norse a one-way trip to Ulcer-Land.
It’s a shame. Those of us who were at the bottom of the totem pole, we who didn’t have Clue One about what the execs were up to… we were busting our butts and genuinely believed in the company. We had the wool pulled over our eyes too. There are a few folks there whom I would very much like to work with again, because they are good, honest, incredibly hard-working folks who deserved better than what they got.