was honored at the annual Social Security Blogger Awards at the RSA security conference in San Francisco this week. Judges and voters picked this blog as the one they thought best represents the security industry today.
Among the four other finalists in this category were some fairly big names (in no particular order):
* Threat Post
* CSO Online Blog
* Threat Level (Wired)
* Schneier On Security
This is the second year in a row was recognized at the blogger awards gathering: Last year, it was named the “Best Non-Technical Security Blog“. Thanks to the judges, voters and to all you readers who make the discussion here so much more interesting, informative and worthwhile!
Sophos’s Naked Security blog won for “Most Educational”; Veracode’s Zero Day Labs won for “Best Corporate Security blog”; “Best Podcast” went to Pauldotcom; the Securosis blog earned the “Most Entertaining” award.
Below is a great video from Chris Eng who won the “The single best security blog post of the year” award, with the following text-to-movie clip on what it takes to be an authentic “thought leader” in the information security space:
Congratulations. You obviously did not become a recognized expert using the last approach in the video.
You certainly have a dedicated and well-deserved fan base, Brian. Thanks for all of your hard work. Your efforts make the web a safer place for everyone.
Certainly do agree.
Well-deserved recognition. Hope you will be repaid a hundredfold for all you have done to help educate us and keep us more secure. Congrats!
Congratulations! The first thing that came to my mind was “well-deserved,” but I decided not to say that because about 30 people ahead of me used those exact words. So I’ll just compliment the astute reasoning of the judges and voters who made the choice.
Congratulations! I am not alone in praising your work!
What can I say… Since I discovered this blog in March or April 2010 I read every single post (some even more than once). I knew it was very good, but now we have official confirmation: IT IS THE BEST!
Congratulations, Brian !
Wow you deserved it Sir! BTW I’ve always visiting this site & read all post. Kudos!
Congratulations, Brian!!!! A BIG THANK YOU for all your hard work and sharing your knowledge with us. I don’t miss a day of your posts and am always stunned at the persistence of the cesspool-scum-scammers that waste their “cleverness” on these convoluted endeavors. Thank heavens your chose the White Hat. – Lindy
I have been appreciating your reporting on security stuff for awhile now, and all the atm scanning articles, just came across this today:
(after a trip to amazon prompted by looking for housing for a new D.L. and i saw an RFID
shield/sleeve in a wallet there). That prompted a trip to wiki, and it seems that there are now 75,000,000 credit cards in the U.S.A. that have RFID chips in them.
Seems for around $200, anyone can get the credit/debit card number, plus the D.L. and
Passport (don’t know if the SSN is included
as well, or not *on* the D.L. proper for the
‘enhanced licenses’ (offered in N.Y.S.).
That of course, does not give them the PIN, unless
there is a frequency that will read that if it is stored
on the card, but many people probably still ‘cross
refer’ various such numbers and names, sometimes
as PINS!
Further, once they have all that, which they can get right out of your pocket from meters away, anywhere,
all they need is your PIN, that’s it, a camera, a mirror, or maybe something even more subtle is enough, they don’t even need the atm scanner anymore if they don’t
mind wading through a little dead wood with accounts that don’t have much to offer. (Just pick your neighborhood wisely.) I don’t work in this field, nor am i affiliated with any manufacturer of the RFID shields that are apparently now on offer, just found out about ’em yesterday. (Fortunately perhaps, before my new D.L. arrived, my old one is too old to have the capability i think.) People should know whether their credit cards have this feature, and how to protect their credit identity if they do.
Thanks for your column and keep up the good work.
C. Cheney
p.s. i find the last two paragraphs in the linked article to
be particularly mind boggling. I think possibly Randy Vanderhoof is in need of psychiatry with extreme prejudice.
First post, nothing useful to say, just congrats on the well deserved award.
Congratulations Brian , that’s fantastic!
…have been reading your comments ever since your old Washington Post days…..your leaving there has of course now opened up your deserved world.
Congratulations and of course….Keep! Us! Informed!
Congrats Brian !
Kudos, prof BK
Wonderful. Congratulations.
“Great, kid. Don’t get cocky.”
Congratulations, Brian! You earned it, great job with this blog.
As someone not in the IT security business which gets almost three quarters of my information about computer security issues and trends from Brian’s column, I enjoyed the video very much, but did not recognized the book or author in this exchange:
to sift through all of them when I’m sure many of the other readers of the article are more enlightened than me and know the answer right away.
“- I will plagiarize bits and pieces and write my own book on how to become a hacker
-Sadly, that would work, but some douche-bag from Atlanta already cornered that market”.
Anyone can give me a hint on which book and author is about ? I’ve tried already Google but got so many links (mostly irrelevant) and “It seems like a lot of work”
Thanks !