November 18, 2020

President Trump on Tuesday fired his top election security official Christopher Krebs (no relation). The dismissal came via Twitter two weeks to the day after Trump lost an election he baselessly claims was stolen by widespread voting fraud.

Chris Krebs. Image: CISA.

Krebs, 43, is a former Microsoft executive appointed by Trump to head the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a division of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. As part of that role, Krebs organized federal and state efforts to improve election security, and to dispel disinformation about the integrity of the voting process.

Krebs’ dismissal was hardly unexpected. Last week, in the face of repeated statements by Trump that the president was robbed of re-election by buggy voting machines and millions of fraudulently cast ballots, Krebs’ agency rejected the claims as “unfounded,” asserting that “the November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.”

In a statement on Nov. 12, CISA declared “there is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

But in a tweet Tuesday evening, Trump called that assessment “highly inaccurate,” alleging there were “massive improprieties and fraud — including dead people voting, Poll watchers not allowed into polling locations, ‘glitches’ in the voting machines that changed votes from Trump to Biden, late voting, and many more.”

Twitter, as it has done with a remarkable number of the president’s tweets lately, flagged the statements as disputed.

By most accounts, Krebs was one of the more competent and transparent leaders in the Trump administration. But that same transparency may have cost him his job: Krebs’ agency earlier this year launched “Rumor Control,” a blog that sought to address many of the conspiracy theories the president has perpetuated in recent days.

Sen. Richard Burr, a Republican from North Carolina, said Krebs had done “a remarkable job during a challenging time,” and that the “creative and innovative campaign CISA developed to promote cybersecurity should serve as a model for other government agencies.”

Sen. Angus King, an Independent from Maine and co-chair of a commission to improve the nation’s cyber defense posture, called Krebs “an incredibly bright, high-performing, and dedicated public servant who has helped build up new cyber capabilities in the face of swiftly-evolving dangers.”

“By firing Mr. Krebs for simply doing his job, President Trump is inflicting severe damage on all Americans – who rely on CISA’s defenses, even if they don’t know it,” King said in a written statement. “If there’s any silver lining in this unjust decision, it’s this: I hope that President-elect Biden will recognize Chris’s contributions, and consult with him as the Biden administration charts the future of this critically important agency.”

KrebsOnSecurity has received more than a few messages these past two weeks from readers who wondered why the much-anticipated threat from Russian or other state-sponsored hackers never appeared to materialize in this election cycle.

That seems a bit like asking why the year 2000 came to pass with very few meaningful disruptions from the Y2K computer date rollover problem. After all, in advance of the new millennium, the federal government organized a series of task forces that helped coordinate readiness for the changeover, and to minimize the impact of any disruptions.

But the question also ignores a key goal of previous foreign election interference attempts leading up to the 2016 U.S. presidential and 2018 mid-term elections. Namely, to sow fear, uncertainty, doubt, distrust and animosity among the electorate about the democratic process and its outcomes.

To that end, it’s difficult to see how anyone has done more to advance that agenda than President Trump himself, who has yet to concede the race and continues to challenge the result in state courts and in his public statements.

534 thoughts on “Trump Fires Security Chief Christopher Krebs

  1. Bill

    Add me to the growing list of your followers who are disgruntled by your “baselessly claims” statement. Perhaps you are not keeping up with the news and don’t know about the thousands of uncounted votes that were found in Georgia on memory cards that were never processed. This was in 3 counties, so not just an isolated error. This is just the tip of the iceberg for overall issues that are coming to light. If you are only sourcing from the biased mainstream media that would at least partially account for your mistake, try or

    1. Matt

      Except that the “found votes” does nothing to sway the outcome. You’ve got to remember that millions of votes were cast in the state and humans are prone to errors. Considering that well over 5M votes were cast, this amounts to about a 0.1% error rate.
      Also consider that note all of the “found votes” were cast for Trump – only about 2/3 of them.
      Also try finding some fact-based source before spewing baseless propoganda.

    2. Tilou

      You are really stupid… Really… have you seen any proof of what you wrote? No! So, you are just a Trump’s puppet….

      1. Brian Cummings

        We cannot have a civil society if we fail to behave with civility. We cannot have a meaningful dialogue when we begin with insults.

    3. See Above

      “When you say audit, do you mean the audit of the voting machines by the State of Georgia which found “no evidence of the machines being tampered.”

      Or do you mean the results of the hand tally of votes? Because at the time you posted this, and at the time I replied the RESULTS of that have still not been released, although some counties have stated that they have found un-counted votes.

      In Georgia’s 159 counties, according to this news report,

      57 counties had no deviations from their original ballot count
      21 counties were either plus or minus one off the original ballot count
      32 counties are off by single digit numbers and are being investigated

      Floyd County reported 1643 for President Trump and 865 for Joe Biden, a pickup for the President of 778 votes.
      Fayette County reported 1,577 for President Trump, and 1,128 for Joe Biden.. a pickup of another 449 votes for the President.
      There is an as yet unconfirmed report of 224 uncounted votes in Walton County from a memory card.

      But, that still won’t change the election results in Georgia. There are not enough uncounted votes to overturn the preliminary election results. There are no signs of misconduct, no signs of vote tampering, no signs of malfeasance, just reports of clerical errors being made.”

    4. See Above

      “In Georgia’s 159 counties, according to this news report,

      57 counties had no deviations from their original ballot count
      21 counties were either plus or minus one off the original ballot count
      32 counties are off by single digit numbers and are being investigated

      Floyd County reported 1643 for President Trump and 865 for Joe Biden, a pickup for the President of 778 votes.
      Fayette County reported 1,577 for President Trump, and 1,128 for Joe Biden.. a pickup of another 449 votes for the President.
      There is an as yet unconfirmed report of 224 uncounted votes in Walton County from a memory card.

      But, that still won’t change the election results in Georgia. There are not enough uncounted votes to overturn the preliminary election results. There are no signs of misconduct, no signs of vote tampering, no signs of malfeasance, just reports of clerical errors being made.”

    5. See Above

      According to this news report:

      57 counties had no deviations from their original ballot count
      21 counties were either plus or minus one off the original ballot count
      32 counties are off by single digit numbers and are being investigated

      Floyd County reported 1643 for President Trump and 865 for Joe Biden, a pickup for the President of 778 votes.
      Fayette County reported 1,577 for President Trump, and 1,128 for Joe Biden.. a pickup of another 449 votes for the President.
      There is an as yet unconfirmed report of 224 uncounted votes in Walton County from a memory card.

      . There are not enough uncounted votes to overturn the preliminary election results. There are no signs of misconduct, no signs of vote tampering, no signs of malfeasance, just reports of clerical errors being made.

    6. Doug

      Your comment epitomizes a crisis of CHARACTER and INTEGRITY that is leading this great nation to a dark place.

  2. John

    Hello Brian, I think there was a typo in the second sentence of your article, I don’t think you intended to include the word “baselessly”. I’ve been following your investigative journalism for over 5 years now and have expected more from you given the obvious evidence of voter fraud that is still coming to light today. In the grand scheme of things, the truth will come out and I will patiently await the correction to your post.

    1. Sam in Superior

      “Stupid is as stupid does.” Forest Gump had your ‘baseless’ lies in mind when he said that.

      If you don’t know how to ascertain truth from lies, maybe you should go into another field; you’re not equipped to work this one.

      1. John

        Hello Alex, as I stated in my original comment, in the grand scheme of things the truth will come out so what I say in the comments on a Brian Krebs article doesn’t matter much. As far as your inability to research the truth for yourself, I would hope you don’t provide a service in the cybersecurity industry, otherwise I’m guessing you aren’t very effective if you can’t simply do a bit of research on your own without somebody pointing you in the right direction.

      2. Steven

        He said evidence not proof– proof is what happens in the courts. Evidence is what you see and observe.

        As for evidence to Democratic fraud:

        etc, etc…

        But then, this is how transparent, honest elections are run… right?

  3. Eric

    The claims from the president do nothing but divide the country. This appears to be something he relishes. His legal team has not gone to court with facts that can stand up to any judicial scrutiny. When he was elected in 2016 (by a smaller margin than Biden is leading him by) none of his supporters complained. Now that he has lost they are mad and want the votes that don’t line up with their opinion to be thrown out. We all live here in this country and should to have to learn get along. This president does not appear to want people to get along, quite the opposite. I have never seen anything like this; a president that would not concede defeat in an election to this extent. His legacy is not going to be one that we are proud of generations from now.

  4. Pete

    I’m brand new to cybersecurity, but Krebs has been an inspiration. The honesty in his words did not go unnoticed.

  5. Unblinking

    To readers defending Trump’s bizarre and (for him, typically) false claims: please focus on your standup comedy career and GTFO of information security. This industry can’t afford your dishonesty, or your gullibility — whichever it is you’re demonstrating.

  6. jdgalt1

    I also disagree with the word “baselessly”. The Big Media are no longer to be trusted on political issues — they have been deliberately gaslighting the public for more than a decade. As better alternatives I suggest and For election-fraud issues in particular I suggest, Power Line blog, and Rudy Giuliani’s personal podcast

    1. metropolis

      Part of security is protecting against deception.

      The sources you provide (Newsmax, Gateway Pundit, etc) are neither neutral nor totally factual. I recommend auditing the factual value of the media you consume before you start on the offense. These sources have been rated often unreliable and right skewing by neutral parties ( time and time again.

      By consuming only sources with mixed reliability, you are prone to deception.

      1. clown 1

        yes, one should believe all facts on facebook and twitter, very reliable

    2. A. Bosch

      jdgalt1 – if that was meant to be to read as satire, then you should put a “/S” at the end of your comments. Otherwise people might not realize that you are parodying a right wing rant with all the standard boilerplate words.

      You are parodying a right wing rant, no?

    3. JamminJ

      Here’s a cybersecurity analogy about hacking the human brain.
      Adversaries know that a free press (firewall), serves as one of the most important protections against authoritative propaganda (malware). This firewall needs to be bypassed (de-legitimized) in order to infect the brain with malware.

      So, the adversaries use a technique to have the victim interact (phishing) and connect directly to the attacker controlled server (NewsMax, BlazeTV, GatewayPundit, etc.) which is hosting the malware 2nd stage (propaganda). This 1st stage technique is the a flood of a phishing narrative that “Mainstream media is not to be trusted”.
      So falling for the phish, is equivalent to ignoring real journalism, in favor of propanda-type news.

      And what is the reason the adversaries give for claiming MSM is bad?… They have bias! They get called “Fake News” for what? Being left or right biased, but still having High factual reporting? This attack exploits the vulnerabilities in the brain, that cannot tell the difference between biased and fake news. All fake news is biased, but not all biased news is fake.
      Certainly nowhere near the level that should justify abandoning real journalism.

      So at the 2nd stage, is where it gets real stupid and ironic. The victim is manipulated into dispising the Mainstream Media for being too biased or even fake… and so that opens a huge hole in the firewall. So now, their brains are still making outbound connections. But if not connecting to legitimate sites… where are they getting their “News”? They are getting making their TCP connections directly to the attacker’s servers. The very same people who told them not to trust real journalism, are now performing a MITM attack and impersonating journalists. So now THEY are the victim’s trusted authority, when they are the ones that DDOS’d the real trusted authority for news.

      It’s a clever attack, and sad that we cannot patch millions of systems vulnerable to it.

  7. Chase Ford

    This was an opinion article, where is the RESEARCH? Bryan cmon dude what the hell happened to you? Bryan has gone the way of every other “journalist” stating only opinion (and surprise he hates orange man) with zero investigation or research at all. Maybe every other article was that way too. Time to unsub sorry dude. Do 1 friggin google search and you’ll find evidence of fraud. Dominion voting has been used in other countries with EVIDENCE of the fraud. The social security death index is public info its easy for anyone to do this research about dead voters voting, not Bryan though, he doesn’t do research I guess. Such a shame. For F sake a couple just got charged with submitting 8k ballots in CA. DO 1 SHRED OF REASEARCH PLEASE

    1. Sam in Superior

      ALLCAPS does not the truth make; it just looks infantile like you know who.

      1. bryce

        to Sam in Superior… You’re COMMENT doesn’t help or add anything.

    2. JamminJ

      If you cannot even spell the name of the author on this blog… I doubt you have any legitimate “research” ability.

      Also, if “googling” is your method of research… then you don’t even understand what constitutes as real “evidence”, so don’t even bother using the words you obviously don’t understand.

  8. JamesInfoSec

    To the posters above: You are playing right into the hands of America’s domestic and foreign adversaries who are actively trying to sow distrust in our electoral process and hurt democracy. The number of cases of irregularities that have been found do not even come close to making a difference in the outcome of the 2020 election. The fact that we found them shows that the safeguards that have been put in place are working. You can’t expect a perfect election with zero issues in any country (with the exception of maybe North Korea where turnout is always 100% for Kim Jong-un /s)

    1. c1ue

      Your comment would be more credible if we hadn’t gone through 4 years of Russiagate – and counting.

      1. JamminJ

        More than a dozen indictments and several convictions arose from “Russia Gate”. Just because they didn’t get a sitting president (improbable even if completely guilty), doesn’t mean there was nothing there.

        A MUCH more accurate analogy of a nothing burger investigation, would be the Benghazi debacle, where they hauled Clinton in, and still found nothing.

        1. Mahhn

          Correction to your hilldog story, the fbi said she was (summary) stupid and wrong, but weren’t sure the was intentional criminal action. But that was only about the email server. The murder is just another sucker to her.

          1. JamminJ

            So you don’t even acknowledge Benghazi at all. Years and millions spent investigating,… just to drag her through the mud.

            When they investigate the Trump family and their use of personal communications… they will find a lot more wrongdoing than they found with Clinton. But of course Trump worshipers won’t find anything wrong or stupid about Trumps use of a personal devices or ripping up notes in clear violation of the PRA.

  9. Sam in Superior

    How does one justify incompetence, childish behavior, corruption, treason and/or sedition? Trump is a danger to all of us.

  10. Monday

    I’m baffled by someone in this industry dismissing a threat because it’s not “widespread”. Swatting wasn’t widespread. Should we dismiss it? Do we applaud people dismissing threats now, just because they haven’t become big enough?

    1. JamminJ

      oter fraud isn’t anything like swatting, so go easy with the nonsense equivalency. Each case of swatting is a physical threat in itself. It doesn’t need a second occurance to be a deadly threat. And certainly doesn’t need a 10,000th occurance to become an issue.

      Voter fraud is not a threat to an election until it reaches a certain scale relative to the voting population.
      It is still a crime though, that will be taken seriously by state law enforcement… but has no impact nationally. Each state can and will prosecute fraudsters for each individual case of voter fraud. But it should absolutely be dismissed when only a few cases are used to justify not certifying the results of an election.

      This is the reason why widespread voter fraud conspiracies don’t really exist in the real world. Because there is no cost/benefit like there is in typical financial fraud.
      Each successful occurance of financial fraud, can reward the fraudster with real benefit in the form of cash money. Voter fraud is an all or nothing enterprise. The fraudster gets NOTHING unless they perform tens of thousands of occurances enough to swing an election. Even beyond a single state in the case, as several states would need to be swung to have any tangible benefit for the fraudster.
      The benefit is hard to attain, and a massive conspiracy is needed to pull it off. And the more fraudulent votes cast, the higher the cost (risk) of being caught.
      So voter fraud is usually a losing game for the fraudster every time.

    1. Kevin

      A report from over 3 years ago presented as evidence? Hardly relevant given the large number of changes that were put in place to address the vulnerabilities.

    2. Steve

      Of course that was for voter registration, not votes. Yes, it is not a good thing, but they were caught and being prosecuted. Also, it had no affect on the actual voting.

  11. Catwhisperer

    As a member of the IT community, I thank Chris Kerbs for his professionalism, dedication, and I support him fully. Many a time we were able to patch systems quickly due to notices from CISA and CERT of available patches and CVEs. Personally, I believe we should stay out of politics when it comes to national security, because anything that isn’t focused on the mission detracts from it, and is a benefit to our adversaries.

  12. Jay

    Well, well….it doesn’t surprise me that there are those here too who have given their minds to the National destabilizing propaganda industry that FoxNews created and continues to perpetuate upon them. They have all closed their eyes and minds to all reason in a crazy drive to terminate democracy. Trump wants the power he sees in Putin and The Fat North Korean punk.

    To those blinded by sports like political fanaticism…watch out for what you are welcoming….you are all willfully playing along with your own Nation’s demise.

    Trump isn’t not your savior, but your executioner…

  13. Steven

    Baseless??? Brian, I’m such a fan of you. But… have you not been paying attention to the election? How about two batches (so far) of uncounted ballots “found” in GA that favor President Trump? Yikes Brian! Fraud or very convenient negligence?

    1. JamminJ

      Hanlon’s Razor.

      Some counties failed to submit their entire roll of votes. If it were intentional, they would not have done it like that.

  14. William

    I had to come here to find out this wasn’t you. Now I feel dumb. Not that Krebs.

  15. Cyeba

    So, here’s the real scoop.
    Krebs, usually known for his well researched, in depth analysis and reporting, has like the other Kreb, failed miserably.

    CISA was tasked to ensure security for the 2020 elections as we all know. CISA set up a few meetings with the vendors, including Dominion, Sequoia and Smartmatic – (all one in the same) At these meetings, CISA and NIST rolled out a list of recommended security controls, including standardized formats for the ingested data. The vendors pretty much ignored all the recommendations. They did however, proceed to claim that they were “certified”. Not one vendor followed the security guidelines. In fact, Kentucky and Georgia, up until Nov 4th, still had FTP access enabled. Nevada, who only certified up to version 5.12, had various un-certified and un accredited versions installed; a mixture of 5.12-5.50, only a couple of the files matched the original hashes, SHA and CRCs that NIST signed off on.

    CISA focused heavily on the foreign threat, they did successfully knock out some rogue Russian meme makers (Joe Biden sucks!!), some Iranian spam, and Chinese financial fraud. They completely ignored or discounted the most serious threat, the Insider. Krebs (CISA) should have been on the news every night, in front of congress, etc…Demanding that the vendors secure their products from intrusion and manipulation. Over the last year and a half, there were several independent groups who begged, pleaded and prayed for someone to listen to them about the the vulnerabilities of the vendor’s software. One group in NY demanded that Dominion be de-certified. Texas said hell no. Kreb was silent. Several agencies sat back and waited for CISA to take the lead to form a task force of sorts because they had a lot of good data that needed to be shared. That call never came. CISA did set up a HSIN page that should have been a collaboration space for local, state and federal Election Security groups to compare notes, look for IOCs, etc. CISA only allowed DHS folks access to the site. As of November 3rd, several of the IC were still waiting for guidance from CISA.

    I won’t get into the “baseless” comment as that is probably the most shortsighted and ignorant statement that Brian has ever made. In a crime, you look at Motive, Means and opportunity. All three were present. Many legitimate statistical models bear out the fact that the numbers just aren’t feasible and of course the common sense test blows it out of the water. Late votes, out of state voters, deceased voters, ballots sent to pets, out of state residents, “suddenly” found memory cards, ballots in ditches, trunks, non scanned stacks of ballots, etc. – how much “fraud” until it becomes real to you folks? Of course we’re seeing now that the narrative is “well, there may have been some, but not enough to make a difference” The Election Village at DEFCON 19 should have been a wake up call, but CISA still sat on the sidelines. Krebs deserved to be fired.

    1. Mahhn

      Your information and presentation of it, pretty darn good. Thumbs up.

    2. JamminJ

      This is the equivalent of a board of directors wanting to fire the CEO for cause, but the CEO saying his office computer was hacked to plant evidence… and the CISO saying, “no sir, that didn’t happen”.

      Then the CEO pointing to a couple of help desk tickets about a BSD, some low disk warnings, and a few times the network was slow. And using that to say he shouldn’t be fire, he was hacked, and then firing the CISO.
      The extraordinary claim that requires extraordinary evidence, is that the computer was “hacked”, and NOT that there were some issues. So evidence and proof of these issues, is NOT the basis for the larger claim.

      So when someone reports that the CEO’s claim is “baseless”, its a FACT.

      Evidence of irregularities, mistakes and even a few accounts of real fraud… are NOT a basis for the larger claim of widespread fraud and that the Trump really won.
      So yeah, “Baseless” accurately refers to the extraordinary claim that lacks extraordinary evidence.

  16. dave pils

    l follow your blog from the uk side of the pond to have insight on those who seem to spend their waking hours with bad intent, to steal from the rest of the planets populace who work, even thou Mr trump doesn’t appear to be a cyber criminal, he does seem to spend his day ‘looking after number 1’ which happens to be the same as those with bad intent.
    Keep up the good work.

  17. Eric A.

    To the ‘baseless’ people. Show me an arrest report for voter fraud. If you don’t have any because you ‘heard stories’ then you are right. It’s a story. Show me the money.

    1. Steven

      You said: “To the ‘baseless’ people… If anyone has an arrest record for anything above 10 votes please show me the money.”

      Doesn’t anyone do their homework before talking smack anymore?

      8,000 bogus ballots– that’s just a hair above ten.

      1. Bitzie

        If you read the article that wasn’t for the Presidential election. Krebs (the other one) has done a ton to provide more information and transparency. The vote issues noted are human counting errors not voting/machine problems. It’s sad to see this many people being swayed on tweets and not facts.

      2. JamminJ

        Don’t even bother to read the full articles…. just Ctrl-F and type “regist”… and you’ll see that all articles linked do NOT answer the original request to find actual election fraud.

        Voter Registrations are not votes. Catching fraudsters when they are registering, shows the system DOES WORK. And proves that no votes were actually changed, as fraudsters couldn’t even get past registration checks.

      3. JamminJ

        Don’t even bother to read the full articles…. just Ctrl-F and type “regist”… and you’ll see that all articles linked do NOT answer the original request to find actual election ballot fraud.

        Voter Registrations are not ballots. Catching fraudsters when they are registering, shows the system DOES WORK. And proves that no votes were actually changed, as fraudsters couldn’t even get past registration checks.

    2. Kathy Linn Corbin

      There are many. Here are two…

      Joe Biden Campaign Staffer, Dallas Jones has been reportedly arrested for Voter Fraud.

      Pair Charged With Voter Fraud Allegedly Submitted Thousands of Fraudulent Applications on Behalf of Homeless People

      1. JamminJ

        FAKE NEWS!!! Please report as spam and delete.

        “Was Biden Staffer Dallas Jones Arrested for Voter Fraud?
        A photo of Cuba Gooding Jr. was used as evidence to support an error-filled claim about voter fraud. ”

        “No, a high-level member of the Biden campaign was not arrested in Texas.”

  18. Steven

    Brian, you said: “To that end, it’s difficult to see how anyone has done more to advance that agenda (election F.U.D.) than President Trump himself, who has yet to concede the race and continues to challenge the result in state courts and in his public statements.”

    Brian, let’s leave the world of security for just a moment to enter the world of spin (oh wait, you already have)…

    If the bad guy breaks into your house and you see the evidence and then alert the neighborhood that they are vulnerable to attack, who’s the one sowing fear uncertainty and doubt about the safety of the neighborhood? The Burgler or the Homeowner?

    President Trump is doing exactly the right thing– if the political machines of this nation can do what was done in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, our election neighborhood isn’t close to being safe– and Trump is as brave as they come to sound the alarm.

    On the other hand Brian, how about we wait to see the outcome of the process, without spin or baseless conjecture?

    1. JamminJ

      “If the bad guy breaks into your house…”
      So you already take this supposition as fact. If you do that, you’ve already begged the question.

      Check your assumptions at the door. If you already assume a crime and a victim, you are already believing the spin.

      Remember, Trump was claiming to be the victim of a “rigged election” back in 2016. So he’s already cried wolf. He no longer gets the benefit of the doubt. I don’t beleive anyone broke into his house. There is no evidence of that even happening, so without basing the rest of the claims on the initial supposition, we can’t even begin to believe the rest.

  19. Eric A

    If anyone has an arrest record for anything above 10 votes please show me the money. Trust and Verify. Trust the election boards around the country. Verify they are right by independent monitors. It isn’t that hard. The ‘stories’ of vast voter fraud is just not true. Trump lost. Biden won. The same way Clinton lost and Trump won. Electorial college.

      1. JamminJ

        Links provided above were debunked as they are only registrations… not ballots.

        Voter Registrations are not ballots. Catching fraudsters when they are registering, shows the system DOES WORK. And proves that no votes were actually changed, as fraudsters couldn’t even get past registration checks.

  20. Steve A

    Brian, I am very impressed at your ability to hold your tongue after reading the complete nonsense that so many Fox News fanatics are shouting about. Thank you for your honest assessment of the situation!!!!!

  21. The Security Guy

    Brian, you definitely need to get Chris on your website as a guest contributor.

  22. Suziecutie

    Why is there is no paper trail to verify the ballot results one for one? In clinical trials, there is an audit trail for EVERY entry and or change in the database, and a sample of data is always verified point to point to confirm if there are any discrepancies. The audit trail tracks if there were any changes to the data. If any discrepancies are found then a bigger sample of data is verified one to one to confirm there are no further discrepancies. This is a requirement of our own regulatory. Of course, if the data on the paper trail is fake there is no way to ever get accurate results. The lack of security and validity of the election just makes one wonder how many other systems in the US are vulnerable to attacks.

    1. JamminJ

      There are paper trails. Why don’t people know this?
      Oh, because disinformation travels faster than real information.
      Occam’s razor people.

      6 months ago, most people didn’t even know that signature verification was a thing for absentee ballots. They seriously just thought anyone could just mail in a ballot.
      4 months ago, most of the public thought that a person could just vote twice, once by mail and once in person, without any security checks.

  23. Mahhn

    Windows 10 is the most secure OS MS has ever made.
    Yet it still needs AV and is still hacked.
    Most secure election, means just as much. Yet it is still being vetted, and so it should be “every” election.
    I support extreme scrutiny of the election. Even though as an intendant it doesn’t matter, the two wealthy gangs have prevented anyone else from from having a chance at president. Both parties should be charged with racketeering – in my opinion.

    1. JamminJ

      This is not a case of “both sides”ism.

      One side is fragrantly dealing in disinformation.
      Scrutiny is good, and welcomed.
      But reasonable scrutiny isn’t what is happening. Instead, it is being weaponized to conclude the election as “failed” and legitimate votes to be thrown out.

      Even if some fraud or irregularities are found…
      Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water!

      1. Mahhn

        I like that analogy “Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water!”
        It’s from when it was ‘bath day’ one bath would be made, and the baby was the last to get washed. The saying is because the bath water would be so dirty, you might accidently toss it out and not notice the baby was still in it.
        So yeah, we need to make sure we don’t end up with bath water in place of the president lol. not that it matters, they’re all puppets living in a bubble of controlled information, super wealth and ego. Not like they are real people with a soul. Just try to live under the radar and not get caught up in their foolishness.

  24. Joe

    These comments are truly sad. WTF is wrong with all of you? We’re talking about Donald Trump who is perhaps the most pathetic, deranged person in modern history. Oh, but you just love him. You probably enjoy truck pulls and big-time wrestling as well. How gullible you all are. Over 20,000 lies but he is telling the truth about this with no evidence to back himself up.

    1. Steven

      Joe, no need to listen to President Trump. We have eyes and ears, lots of life experience… and brains of our own.

      1. JamminJ

        Brains get hacked faster than Windows XP.
        That is what propaganda is for. Millions of Germans had the same fate.

    2. ssssssssss

      Joe, I hope your hero (fittingly also named Joe) tanks the economy as he plans and your savings and retirement plan all go straight into the trash.
      You earned it, babe.

      1. JamminJ

        Biden isn’t hero worshiped by anyone on the Left. That is another false equivalency.
        You won’t see his face flying on thousands of 10 foot flags. You won’t see “BIDEN” on the sides of skyscrapers.

        That’s the difference between people who merely voted for Biden and your cult of personality with Trump.

        Trump is exulted as a savior akin to Jesus Christ, and Biden is merely an acceptable politician and a decent human being.

    3. Watson

      For such an Elitist attitude perhaps you should read more history.
      “perhaps the most pathetic, deranged person in modern history”

    4. Mahhn

      I see why people like trump, he doesn’t respect the political establishment, and so many people hate the status quo they put in a ball buster. Darn thing is on a global scale, less foreigners died by US means than under any of the last 4 clowns. So, he wasn’t all bad, even if his mouth ran nonstop (how the hell does an old man have that much energy). I was happy that he didn’t do oral service like the last idiot – who did drop bombs on more countries than any other prez. but that’s not perspective most people in the US care about.

  25. Jarod

    Been following you for years so it’s disappointing to see that you are not immune to the anti-Trump bias. Please don’t put your biases ahead of security. You’re better than that. Why are we using a Canadian voting system for US elections? You don’t see a conflict of interest there? Would you recommend people use Kaspersky software developed in Russia or TikTok software developed in China?

    1. JamminJ

      Nobody is immune to bias. But journalists can still minimize bias and more importantly, still be a factual source of news. And Brian Krebs is a real journalist.

  26. Jarod

    Why are we using a Canadian voting system for US elections? You don’t see a conflict of interest there? Would you recommend people use Kaspersky software developed in Russia or TikTok software developed in China?

  27. JackpotJr

    How can people be so narrow minded believing the most notorious liar we’ve ever seen? He lies on a daily basis. This president will go down as the worst in the history books.

    There’s a clear inverse correlation between educated people and people voting for Trump. Be on the right side of the statistics. Look for facts, ask yourself if the message you get from your sources seems legit, and if there could be an alternative view.

    1. Steven

      Jack, there are liars everywhere, whether lies by mouth or lies of omission. Would you believe the lie of one over the lie of another? Or would you use your own eyes to determine the truth? And do you vote on personality over policies? If not telling the truth were a requirement for political disqualification, who would we have left to vote for?

      Instead of voting for the nicest guy in the room, how about we vote for the one that puts this country first? But I digress… this is about

      1. JamminJ

        There is no equivalency here. No “on both sides” argument.
        You cannot excuse a pathological narcissism and need to lie, as just another liar.
        Biden gaffes and fibs like any other politician.
        Trump lies like he’s an Olympic gold medalist at fabrication of reality.

    2. Watson

      Are you suggesting we should look further into the statistical anomalies?

  28. Pete2

    People, lets give Mr B. Krebs a break here. He is a valuable resource. We do not want him to be cancelled.

  29. Greg X

    If Chris Krebs was doing such a good job why did he allow the mess to happen? It’s not a good look for the US and it’s on purpose. 7 states voting software were running Windows 7 connected to the internet… over time I’m sad to say that your WaPo roots are really showing.

    1. JamminJ

      He didn’t allow a mess to happen.
      The accusations of voter fraud aren’t even cyber related.

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