Calif. Co. Sues Bank Over $465k eBanking Heist

July 25, 2011

A California real estate escrow company that lost more than $465,000 in an online banking heist last year is suing its former financial institution, alleging that the bank was negligent and that it failed to live up to the terms of its own online banking contract.

The plight of Redondo Beach, Calif. based Village View Escrow, first publicized by KrebsOnSecurity last summer, began in March 2010. That’s when organized crooks broke into the firm’s computers and bank accounts, and sent 26 consecutive wire transfers to 20 individuals around the world who had no legitimate business with the firm.

Village View’s bank, Professional Business Bank of Pasadena, Calif., relied on third-party service provider NetTeller, which allowed commercial customers to authenticate to the bank’s site with little more than a username and password. Village View’s contract with Professional Bank stated that electronic transfers would only be allowed if they were authorized by two Village View employees, and confirmed by a call from specific Village View phone numbers.

The attack on Village View demonstrates the sophistication of malicious software like the ZeuS Trojan. The thieves disguised a banking Trojan as a UPS shipping receipt, and the company’s owner acknowledged opening the attachment and forwarding it to another employee who also viewed the malware-laced file. Once inside Village View’s systems, the attackers apparently disabled email notifications from the bank.

Nevertheless, Village View’s lawsuit challenges Professional Bank’s claims that its systems used “multi-factor,” and “state-0f-the-art” ebanking systems, and accuses the bank of negligence for not having procedures to help the company recover the fraudulent transfers.

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Comcast Hijacks Firefox Homepage: “We’ll Fix”

July 21, 2011

Comcast says it is revamping the software that new customers need to install to start service with the ISP. The software is unfriendly to Mac users running Firefox: It changes the browser’s homepage to, and blocks users from changing it to anything else.

I heard this from a friend who’d just signed up for Comcast’s Xfinity high-speed Internet service and soon discovered some behavior on his Mac that is akin to Windows malware  — something had hijacked his Internet settings. The technician who arrived to turn on the service said that a software package from Comcast was necessary to complete the installation. My friend later discovered that his homepage had been changed to, and that Comcast software had modified his Firefox profile so that there was no way to change the homepage setting.

I contacted Comcast; they initially blamed the problem on a bug in Firefox. Mozilla denies this, and says it’s Comcast’s doing.

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Google: Your Computer Appears to Be Infected

July 19, 2011

Google today began warning more than a million Internet users that their computers are infected with a malicious program that hijacks search results and tries to scare users into purchasing fake antivirus software.

Google security engineer Damian Menscher said he discovered the monster network of hacked machines while conducting routine maintenance at a Google data center. Menscher said when Google takes a data center off-line, search traffic directed to that center is temporarily stopped. Unexpectedly, Menscher found that a data center recently taken off-line was still receiving thousands of requests per second.

Screenshot of the image Google is displaying to notify users of infected PCs.

Menscher dug further and discovered the source of the traffic: more than a million Microsoft Windows machines were infected with a strain of malware designed to hijack results when users search for keywords at and other major search engines. Ironically, the traffic wasn’t search traffic at all: The malware instructed host PCs to periodically ping a specific Google Internet address to check whether the systems were online.

Menscher said the malware apparently arrives on victim desktops as fake antivirus or “scareware” programs that use misleading warnings about security threats to trick people into purchasing worthless security software. He suspects that the fake AV program either ships with or later downloads the search hijacker component.

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eBanking Theft Costs Town of Eliot, Me. $28k

July 19, 2011

Organized cyber thieves stole more than $28,000 from a small New England town last week. The case once again highlights the mismatch between the sophistication of today’s attackers and the weak security measures protecting many commercial online banking accounts.

On July 11, 2011, I alerted the town controller of Eliot, Maine that its accounts were probably being raided by computer crooks in Eastern Europe. I had heard from a “money mule,” an individual who was recruited through a work-at-home job scam to help the thieves launder money. He had misgivings about a job he had just completed for his employer. The job involved helping to move almost $5,000 from one of his employer’s “clients” to individuals in Ukraine. The receipt his employer emailed to him along with the money transfer said the client was “Town of Eliot, Ma.”

Norma Jean Spinney, the town controller, said she immediately alerted the town’s financial institution, TD Bank, but the bank couldn’t find any unusual transactions. Spinney said that three days later she received a call from TD Bank, notifying the town of a suspicious batch of payroll direct deposits totaling more than $28,000. TD Bank may have had a chance to stop this robbery, but apparently they dropped the ball.

Nevertheless, the town is not likely to see the stolen money again. Unlike consumers, organizations are not protected against online banking losses from cyber fraud. What’s more, a forensic analysis by a local IT firm showed that Spinney’s PC was infected with at least two banking Trojans at the time of the heist.

TD Bank spokeswoman Jennifer Morneau declined to discuss the incident, citing customer confidentiality policies.

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Microsoft Offers $250K Bounty for Rustock Author

July 18, 2011

Microsoft said today that it is offering a $250,000 reward for new information leading to the arrest and conviction of the individual(s) responsible for the Rustock botnet, a now-defunct crime machine that was once responsible for sending 40 percent of all junk email.

The bounty is the software giant’s latest salvo in its war on Rustock; Microsoft secured a major victory in March, when it worked with ISPs and security firms to launch a successful sneak attack against the botnet, knocking out its support infrastructure. Richard Boscovich, senior attorney for Microsoft’s digital crimes unit, said that although spam from Rustock-infected PCs has ceased, there are still hundreds of thousands of infected computers around the world to be cleaned of the botnet malware.

Microsoft's Rustock notice in The Moscow News, June 14

“This reward offer stems from Microsoft’s recognition that the Rustock botnet is responsible for a number of criminal activities and serves to underscore our commitment to tracking down those behind it,” Boscovich wrote in a post on the official Microsoft blog. “While the primary goal for our legal and technical operation has been to stop and disrupt the threat that Rustock has posed for everyone affected by it, we also believe the Rustock bot-herders should be held accountable for their actions.”

Microsoft recently ran advertisements in major newspapers in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as part of a deal the company struck with a U.S. court to help dismantle Rustock; the court granted Microsoft dominion over the Rustock control servers and domains as long as the company made a “good faith” effort to notify the unidentified owners.

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Apple’s i-Patches Fix Critical iOS Flaws

July 18, 2011

Apple has issued a software update that fixes at least three serious security holes in supported versions of its iPhone, iPad, iPod and iPod Touch devices.

The patch targets security weaknesses in the way iOS devices render PDF files. Experts have been warning that attackers could leverage the flaws to install software without warning or permission if users were to merely browse to a malicious site. The update fixes the same vulnerabilities that has been using to help people jailbreak Apple’s i-devices.

The Apple update — iOS 4.2.9 or iOS 4.3.4, depending on your device — can be downloaded only from within iTunes. If you are planning to jailbreak your device, visit, and then apply the unofficial patch that the Dev-Team released to help jailbreakers protect their phones from further abuse of the vulnerabilities.

Is Your Voicemail Wide Open?

July 18, 2011

The “phone-hacking” scandal that has gripped the U.K. is now making waves on this side of the pond. It stems from an alleged series of intrusions into the wireless voicemail boxes of high profile celebrities and 9/11 victims. The news stories about this scandal make it sound as if the attacks were sophisticated — an investigation into exactly what happened is still pending — but many people would be surprised to learn just how easy it is to “hack” into someone’s voicemail.

For years, it has been a poorly-kept secret that some of the world’s largest wireless providers rely on caller ID information to verify that a call to check voicemail is made from the account holder’s mobile phone. Unfortunately, this means that if you haven’t set up your voicemail account to require a PIN for access, your messages may be vulnerable to snooping by anyone who has access to caller ID “spoofing” technology. Several companies offer caller ID spoofing services, and the tools needed to start your own spoofing operation are freely available online.

I wanted to check whether this is possible with my AT&T account — so I chose my wife’s new iPhone as the target; I was reasonably sure she hadn’t set a PIN on her voicemail. I surfed over to and found that I still had $10 in credits in my account. I instructed Spooftel to call her number, and to use that same number as the caller ID information that gets transmitted to my wife’s phone. Her phone rang 4 times before going to voicemail; I pressed the # sign on my iPhone and was immediately presented with her saved messages. Continue reading

More Than 100 Arrested in Fake Internet Sales

July 15, 2011

Law enforcement officials in Romania and the United States have arrested and charged more than 100 individuals in connection with an organized fraud ring that used phony online auctions for cars, boats and other high-priced items to bilk consumers out of at least $10 million.

According to a statement from the Justice Department, the scams run by this ring followed a familiar script. Conspirators located in Romania would post items for sale such as cars, motorcycles and boats on Internet auction and online websites. They would instruct interested buyers to wire transfer the purchase money to a fictitious name they claimed to be an employee of an escrow company. Once the victim wired the funds, the co-conspirators in Romania would text information about the wire transfer to co-conspirators in the United States known as “arrows” to enable them to retrieve the wired funds. They would also provide the arrows with instructions as to where to send the funds after retrieval.

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How to Buy Friends and Deceive People

July 15, 2011

Want more friends and followers? Emerging enterprises will create them for you — for a price. An abundance of low-cost, freelance labor online is posing huge challenges for Internet companies trying to combat the growing abuse of their services, and has created a virtual testbed for emerging industries built to assist a range of cybercrime activities, new research shows.

Free services like Craigslist, Facebook, Gmail and Twitter have long sought to deter scammers and spammers by deploying technical countermeasures designed to prevent automated activity, such as the use of botnets to create new accounts en masse. These defenses typically require users to perform tasks that are difficult to automate, at least in theory, such as requiring that new accounts be verified by phone before activation.

But researchers from the University of California, San Diego found that these fraud controls increasingly are being defeated by freelance work arrangements: buyers “crowdsource” work by posting jobs they need done, and globally distributed workers bid on projects that they are willing to take on.

“The availability of this on-demand, for-hire contract market to do just about anything you can think of means it’s very easy for people to innovate around new scams,” said Stefan Savage, a UCSD computer science professor and co-author of the study.

The UCSD team examined almost seven years worth of data from, a popular marketplace for those looking for work. They found that 65-70 percent of the 84,000+ jobs offered for bidding during that time appeared to be for legitimate work such online content creation and Web programming. The remainder centered around four classes of what they termed “dirty” jobs, such as account registration and verification, social network linking (buying friends and followers), search engine optimization, and ad posting and bulk mailing.

“Though not widely appreciated, today there are vibrant markets for such abuse-oriented services,'” the researchers wrote. “In a matter of minutes, one can buy a thousand phone-verified Gmail accounts for $300, or a thousand Facebook ‘friends’ for $26 – all provided using extensive manual labor.”

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Azeri Banks Corner Fake AV, Pharma Market

July 13, 2011

Banks in Azerbaijan that have courted the shadowy trade in spam-advertised pharmaceuticals now have cornered the market for processing credit card payments for fake antivirus software, new data reveals.

In June, KrebsOnSecurity highlighted research from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) showing that Azerigazbank, a financial institution in Azerbaijan, was the primary merchant bank for most major online-fraud pharmacy affiliate programs. By the time that research was published, those programs had moved their business to another bank in Azerbaijan, JSCB Bank Standard.

Earlier this month, researchers from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) revealed that three of the most popular fake AV affiliate services — which pay hackers to foist worthless software on clueless Internet users — processed tens of millions of dollars in payments through Bank Standard and the International Bank of Azerbaijan.

UCSD researcher Damon McCoy has been making targeted “buys” at dozens of fake AV sites, trying to identify their partner banks. The fake AV operations that McCoy follows are distinct from those in the UCSB research; the UCSB team asked that the names of the rogue AV programs they infiltrated not be published, citing ongoing law enforcement investigations.

A popular fraud forum features a banner ad recruiting affiliates for BestAV

In late 2010, McCoy began buying rogue antivirus software from fake AV affiliate businesses BestAV and Gagarincash — the latter named after Yuri Gagarin, the Russian cosmonaut who was the first man launched into space. McCoy said both fake AV operations previously used Bank Standard, but within the past month have switched to the International Bank of Azerbaijan.

McCoy also tracked a more elusive fake AV affiliate program that he calls Win7Security, after the program’s most profitable brand of fake AV. McCoy said that for the past several months he’d lost track of Win7Security, and hadn’t seen any of its sites being pimped in the usual places, such as malware-laced banner ads and booby-trapped Web sites that redirect users to fake AV sites.

Recently, I heard from a source that stumbled upon a portion of the customer database for a payment processing firm It’s not clear where this company is based; it claims to have offices in Russia, New York and the United Kingdom, but neither NY nor the UK has any record of that company, and the company did not respond to requests for comment. The database indicates that a large number of fake AV Web sites were using to process payments (a partial list is here).

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