Tag Archives: ZeuS Trojan

Keeping an Eye on the SpyEye Trojan

November 8, 2010

Last month, I published evidence suggesting that future development of the ZeuS banking Trojan was being merged with that of the up-and-coming SpyEye Trojan. Since then, a flood of new research and resources has been published about SpyEye, including a new site that helps network owners track the location of SpyEye control networks worldwide.

Earn a Diploma from Scam U

October 17, 2010

Since the dawn of the Internet, tutorials showing would-be scammers how to fleece others have been available online, and there is a growing catalog of fraud instructional videos as well. But for novices who who can’t be bothered to scour the ‘Net for these far flung free resources, the tricks of the trade can now be learned through intensive one-on-one apprenticeships that are sold online like community college classes in e-thievery.

A Stroll Down Victim Lane

May 10, 2010

Last week I traveled to Cooperstown, N.Y. to deliver a keynote address about the scourge of online banking fraud that I’ve written about so frequently this past year. I flew into Albany, and in the short, 60 minute drive west to Cooperstown, I passed through tiny Duanesburg, a town whose middle school district is still out a half million dollars from e-banking fraud. On my way to Cooperstown, I also passed within a few minutes of several other recent victims — including a wrecking firm based on Schenectady that lost $70,000 last month when organized thieves raided its online bank account.