November 14, 2014

You can’t make this stuff up: A tech support company based in the United States that outsources its work to India says its brand is being unfairly maligned by — wait for it… support scammers based in India. In an added twist, the U.S.-based tech support firm acknowledges that the trouble may be related to its admittedly false statements about being a Microsoft Certified Partner — the same false statements made by most telephone-based tech support scams.

Tech support scams are, unfortunately, an extremely common scourge. Most such scams are the telephonic equivalent of rogue antivirus attacks, which try to frighten consumers into purchasing worthless security software and services. Both types of scams try to make the consumer believe that the caller is somehow associated with Microsoft or with a security company, and each caller tries to cajole or scare the consumer into giving up control over his or her PC.

Earlier this month, a reader shared a link to a lengthy Youtube video by freelance journalist Carey Holzman, in which Holzman turns the tables on the tech support scammers. During the video, Holzman plays along and gives the scammer remote control access to a test computer he’s set up specifically for this video.  The scammer, who speaks with a strong Indian accent but calls himself “Steve Wilson” from the “Microsoft technical department,” tries to convince Holzman that he works for a company that is a legitimate Microsoft support partner.

“Let me show you who we are,” the scammer says, opening up and typing SB3 Inc. Clicking on the first result brings up sb3inc[dot]com, which proudly displays an icon in the upper right corner of its home page stating that it is a Microsoft Certified Partner. “This is our mother company. Can you see that we are a Microsoft certified partner?”

When Holzman replies that this means nothing and that anyone can just put a logo on their site saying they’re associated with Microsoft, the scammer runs a search on for SB3. The scammer shows true chutzpah when he points to the first result, which — if clicked — leads to a page on Microsoft’s community site where members try to warn the poster away from SB3 as a scam.

When Holzman tries to get the scammer to let him load the actual search result link about SB3 on, the caller closes the browser window and proceeds to enable the SysKey utility on Windows, which allows the scammer to set a secret master password that must be entered before the computer will boot into Windows (effectively an attempt at locking Holzman out of his test computer if he tries to reboot).

The video goes on for some time more, but I decided to look more closely at SB3. The Web site registration records for the company state that it is based in New Jersey, and it took less than a minute to find the Facebook page of the company’s owner — a Suvajit “Steve” Basu in Ridgewood, NJ. Basu’s Facebook feed has him traveling the world, visiting the World Cup in Brazil in 2014, the Ryder Cup in 2012, and more recently taking delivery on a brand new Porsche.

Less than 24 hours after reaching out to him on Facebook and by phone, Basu returns my call and says he’s working to get to the bottom of this. Before I let him go, I tell Basu that I can’t find on Microsoft’s Partner Site any evidence to support SB3’s claim that it is a Microsoft Certified Partner. Basu explains that while the company at one time was in fact a partner, this stopped being the case “a few months ago.” For its part, Microsoft would only confirm that SB3 is not currently a Microsoft partner of any kind.

SB3's homepage, before it removed the false "Microsoft Partner" claim.

SB3’s homepage, before it removed the false “Microsoft Partner” claim.

Basu explained that Microsoft revoked SB3’s partner status after receiving complaints that customers were being cold-called by SB3 technicians claiming to be associated with Microsoft. “Microsoft had gotten complaints and we took out all references to Microsoft as part of our script,” that the company gives to tech support callers, Basu said.

As for why SB3 still falsely claimed to be a Microsoft Partner, Basu said his instructions to take the logo down from the site had apparently been ignored by his site’s administrators.

“That was a mistake for which we do take the blame and responsibility,” Basu said in a follow-up email. “We have corrected this immediately on hearing from you and you will no longer find a mention of Microsoft on our SB3Inc Website.”

Basu said SB3 is a legitimate company based in the USA which uses off-shore manpower and expertise to sell tech support services through its iFixo arm, and that the company never participates in the sort of scammy activities depicted in Holzman’s video. Basu maintains that scammers are impersonating the company and taking advantage of its good name, and points to a section of the video where the scammer loads a payment page at support2urpc[dot]com, suggesting that Support to Your PC is the real culprit (the latter company did not return messages seeking comment).

“After viewing your video it is obvious to us that one or more persons out there are misusing our brand and good-will,” Basu wrote.”We feel horrible and feel that along with the unknowing consumers we are also victims. This is corporate identity theft.”

SB3 may well be a legitimate company that is being scammed by the scammers, but if that’s true the company has done itsself and its reputation no favors by falsely stating it is a Microsoft partner. What’s more, complaints about tech support scammers claiming to be from SB3 are numerous and date back more than a year. I find it remarkable that a tech support company with the uncommon distinction of having secured a good name in this line of work would not act more zealously to guard that reputation. Alas, a simple Internet search on the SB3 brand would have alerted the company to these shenanigans.

SB3 has since removed the Microsoft Certified Partner logo from its home page, but the image is still on its server. Running a search on that image at — an extremely useful image search Web site — produces more than 11,700 results. No doubt Microsoft and other scam hunters have used this investigative tool to locate tech support scams, which may explain why support2urpc[dot]com does not appear to include the same image on its site but instead claims association with sites that do.

79 thoughts on “‘Microsoft Partner’ Claims Fuel Support Scams

  1. Mibbzz

    Interesting article, interesting if it really is them or if they are in fact having people impersonate them as they say they are.

  2. /

    This ongoing problem exist in part because American companies continue to outsource good paying jobs to India strictly for profit motivation verses the benefit of their customers .

    1. Security Guy

      Would you feel better if the scammers, calling people at home claiming to be Microsoft Tech Support, were calling from the US?

      1. Mibbzz

        Better actions could be taken, while in India nothing is done.


        If the telephone scammer’s where in the United States jurisdiction then it would make prosecution a lot easier , wouldn’t it?

    2. pboss

      Of course, they could still do this even if tech support wasn’t outsourced, so your claim doesn’t mean anything.

  3. Fox Mulder

    We see these coming into our area all the time. we play dumb and waste their time. all the while we track them back to india or where ever. fun times to be had. why a few times we’ve even reverse engineered the incoming stream and fired back into their systems and Oopsie, all of a sudden they don’t have control of their systems anymore and have to excuse themselves for a reboot. Ah, i tell you, the interwebs is the future. and Business is Good!

    1. NotMe

      Wish it was legal to do that. It would be so satisfying to reverse the sting and have some fun.

    2. Harry

      This is the best way to deal with these jerks! Bravo, my hat is off to you!

    3. Stephen H

      @Fox Mulder, you are admitting that you have committed a federal offense. Are you intending to hand yourself in, or wait until the authorities have gone to this website’s host, collected your details and come knocking on your door?

      And yes, it remains a criminal act regardless of “…but he started it” excuses. You may wish to reconsider boasting about your l33t cyber-cred.

      1. Carey Holzman

        @Stephen_H It’s also illegal to shoot someone, but if you’re being shot at, you don’t care what the law is. Survival of the fittest is the LAW of NATURE. Enforcement is taken care of automatically. I’d love to see one of these morons crawl out from under their rock and try report you from another country. Good luck with that logic. People reap what they sow.

        1. Mike Long

          Actually Carey if, as in this case, the business is registered in NJ and he hacks a machine in India he would be subject to Federal Laws. Sorry to say, but as much as this sounds like a good idea, unless you’re amazing at hiding behind TOR, VPNs, or other cloaking mechanisms you’re potentially screwing yourself.

          1. Cavoyo

            “unless you’re amazing at hiding behind TOR”

            You can see how well that worked out for the 17 people arrested in Operation Onymous.

            1. Mike Long

              Exactly Cavoyo. And while I share his “get him” nature and his “Survival of the fittest is the LAW of NATURE” it is, none-the-less bad advice, uber bad advice, for him to tell people to actively hack back the organization.

              Case law is rife with people utilizing vigilantism to pay back those that have wronged them. And pretty much it works out not in favor of the victim (the now turned vigilante). And as someone who’s a Concealed Carry Holder I take offense to the “shoot back” assertion, that’s it’s always ok.

              Nope, in hacking you have time to think. If you’re being shot at you have only time to determine that you’re life is in danger.

              Shooting back is a last resort. In some cases you have to prove that you had no other way out.

              For hacking someone back, you have time. And you can always pull the plug.

              As fun as it sounds to “strike back” you very well could end up being the one struck, by the law.

        2. Abaptiston

          Self defense may be legal when someone is shooting at you, but in most instances you have to prove that your shot was self defense. But internet laws are different and don’t include self defense hacking. Stephen H could be prosecuted, self defense or not, although personally I think he should be praised.

          When I get these calls from Indian-accented Johnny Brown telling me my computer has a virus I wait until he asks for credit card information. I tell him I don’t believe in credit cards, but if he gives me his banking information I’d be glad to send him a check. Occasionally one of these lowlifes recites some numbers and a bank name, certainly all phony. And if my computer is invariably off when I get the call. How he intends to fix the virus is beyond me.

  4. Rosemary

    Does not surprise me. I have had that happen to me a year ago and they had the nerve to ask for a 150.00 fee!

  5. petepall

    Amazing what one finds when lifting just the corner of the Internet carpet. That’s where all these denizens live and breed. Good job, Brian!

  6. Stratocaster

    I’d be interested to know what ISO 9001 certification they are claiming. High-quality scamming and fraud skills?

  7. .....

    I’ve had the tech support scammers call at least twice, both regarding alleged “Windows 7” problems.

    I told the first guy that I ran a Linux system.

    The second person called and said something like “I’m seeing reports of spyware coming from your computer”. I just said, “uhh, no you don’t.” and hung up.

    This was a few years ago, I have caller ID now… I’ve pretty much stopped answering the phone when I don’t recognize the number, I recommend others do the same.

  8. bukas1404

    FYI This sort of scam is also being run outta the Queens area
    (NYC) I’v had a couple of calls along the same lines
    attempt to run a scam representing Microsoft Technical
    personnel last 3 months.. BEWARE TRACE GOES BACK

    1. Rider

      The calls come from all over the place, they are getting very good at getting local exchanges to make it look like local calls.

  9. Bill

    Ah yes, Im currently cleaning up a mess a friend fell into with this. Not all people are compuer savy and it plays well on an unsuspecting user as I am seeing first hand. I will be putting together something as a public service and would like to use some of this article.

    Thanks Brian!

  10. Douglas Johnson

    I get these calls every month or so. I like to play with them:

    1) “Thanks for calling back so quickly. My computer won’t boot…”
    2) “Does your mother know what you do for a living? Is she proud of you?”
    3) “You clean windows? Great. When can you do mine?”
    4) Or just play dumb and string them along. I’ve pretty much lost my patience for that one.

  11. Candy

    I also got a call wanting to know if I was sitting at my computer as i had all kinds of virus. Played with his mind for a little while, then said I didn’t even have a computer. He hung up on me then!
    The virus he told me I had does not effect on a mac! He also wanted to get access to my computer!

  12. Anon friend



  13. JCitizen

    After dealing with some clients in Azure and other “Microsoft Partership Programs”, I am convinced MS is allowing nation state and other actors involved in industrial espionage in some of their programs. The victims have a huge problem reporting this to MS because the criminals take over all aspects of their communication, and block phone, text, and email. The only option is snail mail, and they (MS) ignore it like they were red headed step children. When you look into this, I will finally regard you as a truly brave investigator Brian. They have already started blocking my incoming phone connections from all outside providers, and of course, my ISP thinks I am crazy. I will be surprised if I am allowed to post here much longer, if I keep blabbing about it!

    1. Robert

      You have *really* got to stop drinking the bong water, man…

      1. Brian Fiori (AKA The Dean)


        I had posted a link to a foil beanie (tin foil hat) site in response to JCitizen, but apparently it didn’t pass through the forum censors.

        1. JCitizen

          Great jest guys – but I seriously would not wish such situations even on my enemies. One of them knew his Mac Air was under attack, and fought a valiant battle to get control back and was winning – only to have his smart phone used as a spring board to take the laptop over and pwned again. He has not been able to get his business off the ground every since!

          1. Brian Fiori (AKA The Dean)

            I thought you said it was a MS plot? Now they are invading Macs too?

            1. JCitizen

              I more suspect it is more a limited internal cooperation with bad actors, more than likely incompetence from Redmond and their gigantic cooperate sloth than anything else – other wise you are not safe no matter what operating system or hardware you use from these kind of attackers. You do have to become some kind of target of interest though – or at least a perceived target of interest by some nefarious group or another – or just extraordinary criminals.

              I can’t tell you why these folks became targets as it would be a violation of client trust, and may expose who they are. It is sufficient to say they were victims of business related corporate espionage. The news if full of political dissidents that have received even rougher treatment.

    2. CooloutAC

      Linux is no better really. Who can you really trust?

      Was playing with a bunch of linux distros the past 2 months seeing which ones i can harden the most, all the top distros, and antagonizing people online in IRC channels and getting banned from all of them. I’ve tried debian, mint, ubuntu, fedora, mageia, manjaro, centos, arch, and manjaro Compiling kernels to harden them, using alot security tools(most of which are becoming deprecated) and Criticizing hacking communities online.

      All people kept talking about was the NSA this, and usa gov’t that, as if they are the only ones that really hack people. and i just kept defending the nsa. I must of got banned from every channel. I’m always advocating for better security online, which most developers are against, and calling snowden a traitor for distracting us from the type of people that really hack us. But now i’m starting to wonder if I’ve been a fool all this time.

      Once i started saying malicious hackers is why Aaron Swartz died, which i find really pushes the buttons of cheaters in online games lol,… hdd got murdered. And i should of known better, because everytime i booted up fedora….it was killing my hdd. none of the other distros had the same problems, i could tell because it was only fedora that always hung on a boot or shutdown. No other distro did at all, I mean not at all. I was constanlty switching between them all. It got to the point i didn’t want to touch fedora cause it was scaring me. But after getting alot of usa hate some more, i decided to say screw it, i’m going to use only fedora now out of spite. it has selinux. and then boom…it put the final dagger in my hdd’s back.

      I also understand the whole systemd debate now. At least for me, personally, i feel systemd is hiding information out of files(optional hardening rules to be uncommented in many files), or taking the files out toally. Keeping more ports open, more services running, and making it harder to disable services especially those with listening ports(rpcbind for example)…. in other words becoming more like windows, to keep people less literate and more dependent. i see no other benefits at all, and can’t even find someone online who can tell me one.

      So is it a cooncidence that I only kept having problems with the redhat owned distro? Or is their a bigger conspiracy to make them look bad? I don’t know, but i’m starting to wonder if everytime I think some russian kid is hacking me, its really the american gov’t. And they are doing it maliciously.

      1. JCitizen

        There is probably more than one way to enter into problems like this; but in my experience it was my opinion that it was criminally motivated. Many bad actors in nation states are encouraged to do things like this even if their governments are not always directly supporting them. I will not name one state or another because it is too widespread to nail down neatly.

        1. CooloutAC

          I dunno man. I’m still confused. I already get routed through Europe, to connect to servers in the usa near me lol. When i called my ISP to keep complaining about it, because i was blaming that for a bad connection to a certain game, a level 3 guy called me up. Then an employee who played the game from across the country also called me up. My connection to the game was fixed but they refused to stop routing me through Europe. I bet Snowden is right about the reason alot of us get routed that way.

          And I also think you are right, alot of these guys are abusing their powers, and their isn’t much to discourage them from doing so, and I’m sure the guys at the top are not overseeing it. These past couple months have been revealing for me. I still can’t say Americans with gov’t ties are the only ones that hack people, but I can’t say for sure they don’t do it more then the criminals without gov’t ties anymore.

  14. harsh khemka

    I am from India and I have seen these guys and the way they operate. They buy leads sold by hacker and data collection activities by mobile apps and websites and they put it on a dialer which automatically tries to call every number and as soon as some one picks up the call is transferred to them.
    Most of them use Skype World Unlimited to make the calls and have no idea how to use proxy or any VPN. If Microsoft wants they can easily stop this non sense. They have started targeting Australia and UK. I have also heard that they are now trying to recruit people who know foreign languages to target people who do not know English.

  15. Ahmed

    Reading this article reminds me of the phone calls I’ve been getting from the New York and New Jersey area on my answering machine in which heavily Indian, or Pakistani, accented individuals calling themselves ‘Detective John Smith’, or ‘Detective Steve Johnson’, “from the Federal Bureau of Investigations” go on to leave messages in which the theme is the same that I owe back taxes to the IRS and that I should immediately call them back to discuss that matter. Some weeks I get three to four calls of this kind. The most brazen thing is that they leave a call back number. Many of them are from the Bronx, others are from New Jersey and adjacent areas. One day I decided to answer the call as the heavily Indian accented ‘Detective’ was leaving his message on my answering machine. I asked him which country’s FBI was he a Detective of ? He danced around for a minute but when I persisted to have him answer my question he switched and began cussing me in Punjabi language. To his misfortune I grew up with Punjabi too. I don’t know too many other ethnic languages but can tell you that if there was a competition for languages best suited for a cussing match Punjabi would be among the top contenders. So a cussing match in Punjabi ensued between me and the ‘Detective of the FBI’. It lasted a good 4-5 minutes and in the end it was the ‘Detective’ who covered his behind with his tail and ran first.
    So when Billions stand to be made from scamming and fraud the worldwide game is wide open for the Chinese, the Russians, the Indians, the Pakis, and everyone else to attack the ‘haves’.
    I have an acquaintance of Indian origin. A retired accountant, who is not computer savvy. He goes out and buys a new PC almost every year because his IE stops working each time, from pop ups and malware and all. Recently, he decided to contact a ‘computer support’ outfit which he found on the Net and ended up with a long phone call with one of his countrymen. During this call call he gave this person remote access to his PC. The ‘support call’ was to be paid by the minute. After about 30 minutes the ‘support expert’ wanted to stop and get paid and the gentleman found his PC locked up requiring a password. He lost several hundred dollars in that episode.
    These are my two short stories…:)

  16. David


    What timing. I recieved one of these calls last night on my land line and was going to send you a note on it. I strung them along for a while up to running their scripts because unfortunately I was not in a position to spin up a VM for this or record the call. Their script was identical to the Holzman video, including the scripted responses to my objections and questions, and was clearly the same group of scammers. There where some differences though:

    1. They site they directed me to was ossupport[dot]com
    2. I think he was in training as he was whispering to someone occasionally and I even heard the other person, a women, say “I don’t think he is going to do it”. The accent was from India but the whole call had a very campy “Boris and Natasha” feel to it.
    3. They explicitly said that each “warning and error in the event view was a virus.” Told me that I have “over a thousand virus'”.
    4. They said they where “Microsoft certified”
    5. The explained they knew to call me because Microsoft gave them my information as someone infected by a virus point to the “send information to Microsoft message”

    With no way to safely detonate his scripts I ended the call explaining I was an info security profesional explained why what he was doing was fraud and immoral. He politely thanked me and said “have a nice day” and hung up.

  17. Larry Morgan

    I simply ask “Since when does Microsoft support Linux? Why are you stealing?” Instant hangup.

  18. Phoenix

    Heck, I just one of these calls about two hours before reading this post; I could have played a little game. As it was I said ” No, no, no, I know this scam. Hang up.” It got very quiet. The calling number was 1 218 458 7915.

  19. ted

    if you’re going to make a video of a phone call. how about the first thing you do is work on capturing the audio

      1. Coolac

        He kept stating he doesn’t work for Microsoft over and over and over again. He is a certified windows technician is what he said, which many people are. He never broke a law.

        We will never know if he wanted to just steal your identity and credit, or honestly trying to make a buck providing computer support…..

        I have had indian guys take over my pc all the time, granted through microsoft or dell, and other major companies. He did nothing to your computer, and the whole thing about a someone who is microsoft certified saying firefox is better then IE< is what most people would say.

        But what your video is doing, is making people scared to do that now. I'm sorry but it feels prejudiced.

        I will admit that most people wouldn't need to pay for this service, but then again many people who don't know better also buy many service contracts they don't need from more well known companies, for alot more money. Do you go after those big corporations too? and call them scammers?

        Then you start telling the guy he violated his religious beliefs? He didn't do anything bad to your pc, and he said nothing wrong, and violated no laws. So far, he is only guilty of not working for a big corporation.

        That might make me naive, but you have yet to prove otherwise. You want to prove something? Pay him the money, then call him in a week with a real computer issue and see if he helps you.


        1. Pavlo

          Didn’t you catch the syskey thingie that means he locked the user out of his own computer? Clear as the sky on a sunny day he’s a scammer.

          1. CooloutAC

            your right i missed that part, and the part when he was bs’n about cssrs.exe lol.

            Ya he was definitely a scammer, don’t know how I missed it.

      2. CooloutAC

        You were very polite and respectful, by making fun of his religion and culture?

        Yes they are poor, they can’t afford toilet paper or electricity in alot of places, so is that why your mad at him for trying to make a buck with computer support?

        NOTHING was 100% about it. he didn’t let you read what pages? you were the scammer! Pay him and then prove it. Prove to us you can’t contact him again and you can’t get more support.

        And as for your event logger, we could see you deleting the logs…lol One might think you were infected or it was crashing, if it was your real computer and it was showing no event logs.

        I’ve come to many revelations in the past 2 months…..and its becoming more and more obvious to me that it is the american gov’t who are the biggest malicious hackers in the world. I’ve felt it first hand myself recently, after always defending the USA< and I'm ashamed , and feel like a fool for always saying otherwise.

        1. Lesley

          I agree w/ you that it was embarrassing (to me) and nasty of Holzman to start in on the caller’s country of birth and talking about toilet use or asking for tourism tips on a tech support call- and he had this poor slob on the line for > an hour! It would have been kinder to just reveal to ‘Steve’ that Holzman was onto him and let it go at that, after looking at his event logs.

          1. CooloutAC

            Ya it can def be misinterpreted as prejudiced.

            Whats crazy though, is how Carey really did keep letting on he knew about computers. He definitely didn’t pretend to be a dummy. But the guy was just so stubborn and determined, its like nothing phased him. Even when Carey put his email ,, the scammer could care less.

            I always feel thats how most malicious hackers are, they are all pathological and just live in their own delusional world.

    1. David

      In a lot of states it is actually illegal to record a phone call unless both parties are aware of it. Perhaps he was being sensitive to that.

  20. markD

    Psychopath. Thank you for exposing this criminal (my opinion). He should be locked up.

  21. Dave

    I’ve had these calls off and on for years. One of my young kids answered the first one that came in, covered the phone and called me over “Dad, I’ve got a live one here”. What transpired was us playing dumb for about an hour or so getting them to explain things. “Which computer has a virus?” “How did you get my phone number?” “What’s my IP address?” “I can’t tell you which computer I have if you don’t tell me my IP.” “Windows, Linux, PI, Mac?” “Which virus?” “Why do you need to run scans if you know I have a virus?” “Can I speak to your manager? I can’t understand you.” They were trung to get me to login to a remote control site to run “Virus scans”.

    Great fun. Unfortunately I didn’t have a safe VM or victim PC at the time.

    BTW. Forget call display it’s trivially changed.

    Pity, I was going to watch the video but 89 minutes!? Someone please post a highlights version.

  22. Ahmed

    @ Carey Holzman:
    Great work. Excellent set up and commendable explanation of all technical details.
    Kudos to you for standing up and deciding to take on these scammers. Outfits like SB3 will need to be taken down one at a time.
    ‘Steve’ Basu is probably piling his computer gear into his Porsche to head to Mexico. But unless there is evidence to charge him and put him in the slammer he’ll be back soon and set up another scam shop, perhaps an SB4 somewhere else. So this will be a long fight.
    If the trail you’re blazing turns into a movement to take the Internet back from these criminals and help is needed to volunteer time for the painstaking research that goes with these efforts, I’ll be happy to join.

  23. Cristiano

    are you planning to translate it? and if Yes, in which language ?
    thank you

  24. NW IT fellow

    I’ve got these calls in the past, and when i have time, i kind of string them along (but never allow access). The point the last caller had was that they were a microsoft certified partner….so i asked them what certifications their engineers had? He danced around a bit, and i said that to be an MS partner, you have to MS certified folks on staff, and what exact certs ( MCP, MCSA, MCSE, etc.) did they have, because i wanted to know their expertise level…oh expert, he assured me :). He never supplied an answer. I took mild satisfaction in wasting 10 minutes of his time.

  25. meh

    Doesn’t matter who it is, if they aren’t in the USA I am not talking to them.

  26. Rich

    I got my ZeusGard and I am looking for to getting my books in the next few days!!

    Thank you Krebs!

  27. Carey Holzman

    Okay, for everyone who thinks this guy who CALLED me might have been a REAL tech, why did he run SYSKEY and password encrypt my registry so I could not access my desktop without a password on reboot?

    If you hit me, I will hit you back. I do not fear the law because I always do what’s right. I’ve been to court on numerous occasions and I have never lost.

    If you want to live your life in fear of the law, while others who are fearless of the law take advantage of you, well, you go right ahead. I won’t.

    1. CooloutAC

      I was wrong, your right, my apologies. I don’t know how I missed that part. That should definitely be illegal.

      or how he tried to tell you csrss.exe was a virus without checking the location, or how he listed your directories from cmd an said they were all viruses. Or how he went back to the eventlog and pulled up one with lots of meaningless warnings, and said they were all viruses lol. I can just imagine how many clueless people that guy has taken advantage of.

      Some indian guy called me up this morning, I swear, which is blowing my mind, from 917-640-0025. an area code that is common for my area, but a simple google search traces it back to vodaphone from some Chennai, India. I couldn’t stop laughing.

      Someone must of read my comments and searched me up, crazy how fast people can get my private cell number. Whats scary is, it is really getting harder and harder to tell the good guys from the bad guys. Whether they are gov’t or not, the common motto is that the “user deserved it”.

      People aren’t just afraid of the law, they are afraid of everyone else too.

      But your one of the good guys Carey.

      1. CooloutAC

        unless your the hacker that gave them my number, which makes you just as bad.

    2. Mike Long

      Actually Carey, it’s not fear of the law, but respect for the law. What many people are saying is that you come across curt (actually you’ve made that admission as well in the past) AND that people should tread very carefully when courting possible legal action.

      Yes, I did a lot of research on you because when someone says “I always do what is right” it’s normally code speak for “I Always DO What is Right, that you know about”…

      You seem to be an intelligent guy. You have you fair share of fans, and people that don’t really like you ( interview in particular).

      I’m pretty sure that a little more research would show that you don’t “always do what is right” but I think I’ve made my point.

      Your video was funny and yes, revenge like this is always fun to hear about or listen to. But don’t castigate someone for FEAR of the LAW when it reality it is RESPECT for the law. There is a difference, and it’s unfortunate that you don’t know the difference.

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