In March 2013, a coalition of spammers and spam-friendly hosting firms pooled their resources to launch what would become the largest distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack the Internet had ever witnessed. The assault briefly knocked offline the world’s largest anti-spam organization, and caused a great deal of collateral damage to innocent bystanders in the process. Here’s a never-before-seen look at how that attack unfolded, and a rare glimpse into the shadowy cybercrime forces that orchestrated it.
The following are excerpts taken verbatim from a series of Skype and IRC chat room logs generated by a group of “bullet-proof cybercrime hosts” — so called because they specialized in providing online hosting to a variety of clientele involved in spammy and scammy activities.

Facebook profile picture of Sven Olaf Kamphuis
Gathered under the banner ‘STOPhaus,’ the group included a ragtag collection of hackers who got together on the 17th of March 2013 to launch what would quickly grow to a 300+Gigabits per second (Gbps) attack on, an anti-spam organization that they perceived as a clear and present danger to their spamming operations.
The attack –a stream of some 300 billion bits of data per second — was so large that it briefly knocked offline Cloudflare, a company that specializes in helping organizations stay online in the face of such assaults. Cloudflare dubbed it “The Attack that Almost Broke the Internet.”
The campaign was allegedly organized by a Dutchman named Sven Olaf Kamphuis (pictured above). Kamphuis ran a company called CB3ROB, which in turn provided services for a Dutch company called “Cyberbunker,” so named because the organization was housed in a five-story NATO bunker and because it had advertised its services as a bulletproof hosting provider.
Kamphuis seemed to honestly believe his Cyberbunker was sovereign territory, even signing his emails “Prince of Cyberbunker Republic.” Arrested in Spain in April 2013 in connection with the attack on Spamhaus, Kamphuis was later extradited to The Netherlands to stand trial. He has publicly denied being part of the attacks and his trial is ongoing.
According to investigators, Kamphuis began coordinating the attack on Spamhaus after the anti-spam outfit added to its blacklist several of Cyberbunker’s Internet address ranges. The following logs, obtained by one of the parties to the week-long offensive, showcases the planning and executing of the DDoS attack, including digital assaults on a number of major Internet exchanges. The record also exposes the identities and roles of each of the participants in the attack.
The logs below are excerpts from a much longer conversation. The entire, unedited chat logs are available here. The logs are periodically broken up by text in italics, which includes additional context about each snippet of conversation. Also please note that the logs below may contain speech that some find offensive.
Aleksey Frolov : vainet[dot]biz, vainet[dot].ru, Russian host.
Alex Optik : Russian ‘BP host’. AKA NEO
Andrei Stanchevici : secured[dot]md Moldova
Cali : Vitalii Boiko AKA Vitaliyi Boyiko AKA Cali Yhzar, alleged by Spamhaus to be dedicated crime hosters urdn[dot] AKA Xentime[dot]com AKA kurupt[dot]ru
Darwick : Zemancsik Zsolt, 23net[dot]hu, Hungarian host.
eDataKing : Andrew Jacob Stephens, Ohio/Florida based spamware seller formerly listed on Spamhaus’s Register of Known Spam Operations (ROKSO). Was main social media mouthpiece of Stophaus (e.g. see @stophaus). Andrew threatens to sue everyone for libel, and is likely to show up in the comments below and do the same here.
Erik Bais : A2B Internet, Netherlands
Goo : Peter van Gorkum AKA, alleged by Spamhaus to be a botnet supplier in the Netherlands.
Hephaistos : AKA @AnonOps on Twitter
HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: Sven Olaf Kamphuis
AKA Cyberbunker AKA CB3ROB
Karlin König : Suavemente/SplitInfinity, San Diego based host.
marceledler : German hoster that Spamhaus says has a history of hosting spammers, AKA Optimate-Server[dot]de
Mark – Evgeny Pazderin : Russian, alleged by Spamhaus to be hoster of webinjects used for man-in-the-middle attacks (MITM) against online banking sessions.
Mastermind of Possibilities : Norman “Chris” Jester AKA Suavemente/SplitInfinity, alleged by Spamhaus to be San Diego based spam host.
Narko :Sean Nolan McDonough, UK-based teenager, trigger man in the attack. Allegedly hired by Yuri to perform the DDoS. Later pleaded guilty to coordinating the attack in 2013.
NM : Nikolay Metlyuk, according to Spamhaus a Russian botnet provider
simomchen : Simon Chen AKA idear4business counterfeit Chinese products, formerly listed on Spamhaus ROKSO.
Spamahost : As its name suggests, a Russian host specializing in spam, spam and spam.
twisted : Admin of Cyberbunker[dot]com
valeralelin : Valerii Lolin, infiumhost[dot]com, Ukraine
Valeriy Uhov : Per Spamhaus, a Russian ‘bulletproof hoster’.
WebExxpurts : Deepak Mehta, alleged cybercrime host specializing in hosting botnet C&Cs. AKA Turbovps (<bd[at]turbovps[dot]com>).
wmsecurity : off-sho[dot]re ‘Bulletproof’ hoster. Lithuania. AKA “Antitheist”. Profiled in this story.
Xennt : H.J. Xennt, owner of Cyberbunker.
Yuri : Yuri Bogdanov, owner of 2×4[dot]ru. According to Spamhaus, 2×4[dot]ru is a longtime spam friendly Russian host, formerly part of Russian Business Network (RBN). Allegedly hired Narko to launch DDoS attack against Spamhaus.
[17.03.2013 19:51:31] eDataKing: watch the show:
[17.03.2013 19:52:02] -= Darwick =-: hell yeah! 🙂
[17.03.2013 19:52:09] -= Darwick =-: hit them hard 🙂
[17.03.2013 19:54:07] -= Darwick =-: is that a ddos attack?
[17.03.2013 19:54:56] eDataKing: but let’s forget what it is and focus on it’s consequence lol 😉
A number of chat members chastise eDataKing for incessantly posting comments to what they refer to as “nanae,” a derisive reference to the venerable USENET anti-spam list ( that focused solely on exposing spammers and their spamming activities. eDataKing is flustered and posting on nanae with rapid-fire, emotional replies to anti-spammers, but his buddies don’t want that kind of attention to their cause.
[17.03.2013 20:27:57] Mastermind of Possibilities: Andrew why are you posting in nanae? Stop man lol
Some of the chat participants begin debating whether they should consider adopting residence in a country that does not play well with the United States in terms of extradition.
[18.03.2013 02:28:30] eDataKing: what about a place that takes an ex-felon from the US for citizenship or expat?
The plotters begin running scans to find misconfigured or ill-protected systems that can be enslaved in attacks. They’re scanning the Web for domain name servers (DNS) systems that can be used to amplify and disguise or “reflect” the source of their attacks. Narko warns Sven about trying to enlist servers hosted by Dutch ISP Leaseweb, which was known to anticipate such activity and re-route attack traffic back to the true source of the traffic.
[18.03.2013 16:39:22] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: is just global transit thats filtered with them
[18.03.2013 16:39:33] narko: they change the ip back to your real server ip
[18.03.2013 16:39:38] narko: you will ddos your own server if you try this attack at leaseweb
[18.03.2013 16:39:46] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: hmm
[18.03.2013 16:39:50] Antitheist: what about
[18.03.2013 16:39:54] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: very creative of them
[18.03.2013 16:39:55] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: lol
[18.03.2013 16:40:21] Antitheist: and nforce
18.03.2013 16:49:22] Antitheist: i host many cc shops, they even appeared on krebs blog 😀
[18.03.2013 16:49:27] narko: where?
At around 4 p.m. GMT that same day, Sven announces that the group’s various cyber armies had succeeded in knocking Spamhaus off the Internet. Incredibly, Sven advertises his involvement with the group to all 3,850 of his Facebook friends.
17.03.2013 22:30:01] my 3850 facebook friends 😛 still down, and that criminal bunch of self declared internet dictators will still remain down, until our demands are met 😛 over 48h already 😛 resolving your shit. end of the line buddy 😛 should have called and paid for the damages.
[17.03.2013 22:25:54] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: rokso no longer exists haha
[17.03.2013 22:29:51] Mastermind of Possibilities: Where is that posted ?
[17.03.2013 22:30:01] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: my 3850 facebook friends 😛
[17.03.2013 22:30:12] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: you know, stuff people actually -use-… unlike smtp and nntp
[17.03.2013 22:30:12] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: lol
[17.03.2013 22:30:23] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis
Spamhaus uses a friendly blog — — to publish an alert that it is “under major dDos.” While Spamhaus is offline, various parties to the attack begin hatching ways to take advantage by poisoning search-engine results so that when one searches for “Spamhaus,” the first several results instead redirect to Stophaus[dot]org, the forum this group set up to coordinate the attacks.
18.03.2013 13:09:09] Alex Optik:
[18.03.2013 13:09:35] Alex Optik: as i see there is already has same projects
[18.03.2013 13:09:59] narko: (wave)
[18.03.2013 13:10:17] eDataKing: that site is owned by a person in this group Alex
stealing seo to bump spamhaus while it’s offline 3 days
[18.03.2013 16:14:14] Antitheist: do you mind if we put spamhaus metatags on stophaus?
[18.03.2013 16:14:24] Antitheist: so we can come up first on google soon 😀
file fake info alert to ICANN
[18.03.2013 16:26:45] narko: Your report concerning whois data inaccuracy regarding the domain has been confirmed. You will receive an email with further details shortly. Thank you.
[18.03.2013 16:29:26] narko: Any future correspondence sent to ICANN must contain your report ID number.
Please allow 45 days for ICANN’s WDPRS processing of your Whois inaccuracy
claim. This 45 day WDPRS processing cycle includes forwarding the complaint
to the registrar for handling, time for registrar action and follow-up by
ICANN if necessary.
Sven Kamphuis then posts to Pastebin about “OPERATION STOPHAUS,” a tirade that includes a lengthy list of demands Sven says Spamhaus will have to meet in order for the DDoS attack to be called off. Meanwhile, another spam-friendly hosting provider — helpfully known as “Spamahost[dot].com,” joins the chat channel. At this point, the attack has kept offline for the better part of 48 hours.

Narko’s account on Stophaus.
[19.03.2013 00:02:43] Yuri: another one hoster, added.
[19.03.2013 00:02:48] Yuri: i hope he can help with some servers.
[19.03.2013 00:02:57] spamahost: Will do ^^ 🙂
[19.03.2013 00:05:49] eDataKing: be safe when accessing this link, but there was an edu writeup:
[19.03.2013 00:05:51] spamahost: Spamhaus can blow me.
[19.03.2013 00:06:00] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: me too 😛
[19.03.2013 00:06:20] spamahost: What software you using to send out attacks?
[19.03.2013 00:06:22] spamahost: IRC and bots?
[19.03.2013 00:06:28] Yuri: spamhaus like spamahost very very much.
[19.03.2013 00:06:35] Yuri: that’s the realy true love
[19.03.2013 00:06:37] spamahost: Yes they love us
[19.03.2013 00:38:20] Yuri: MEGALOL
[19.03.2013 00:38:27] Yuri: spamhaus is down 3 days
[19.03.2013 00:38:58] Yuri: this is the graph of our mail server http://mx1.2×
that shows amount of spam rejected by our mail server.
last days there are much less SPAm
[19.03.2013 00:39:13] Yuri: http://mail.2× same graph here.
The Stophaus members discover that Spamhaus is now protected by Cloudflare. This amuses the Stophaus members, who note that Spamhaus has frequently listed large swaths of Cloudflare Internet addresses as sources of spam.
[19.03.2013 00:47:07] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: cloudflare
[19.03.2013 00:47:48] Antitheist: fuck who would believe
[19.03.2013 00:48:10] Antitheist: after they listed all cloudlares /24 for being criminal supportive because of free reverse proxying
[19.03.2013 00:49:11] Antitheist: here we go again…
[19.03.2013 00:49:12] Antitheist:
[19.03.2013 00:49:14] Antitheist: lol
[19.03.2013 00:49:46] Antitheist: it had been officialy bought…b-o-u-g-h-t
[19.03.2013 00:50:45] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: hmm
[19.03.2013 00:50:57] Antitheist: narko?
[19.03.2013 00:51:11] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: k… just take down the nameservers…all 8 of em
[19.03.2013 00:51:22] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: after all the client on cloudflare is ‘’
[19.03.2013 00:51:33] Cali: spamhaus under cloudflare?
[19.03.2013 00:51:35] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: they still need the nameservers for that and their shitlist to work
[19.03.2013 00:51:40] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: yeah with
[19.03.2013 00:51:46] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: which is a cname to
[19.03.2013 00:51:59] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: so just take out the 8 spamhaus nameservers and stop targetting the old website
[19.03.2013 00:52:09] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: that ALSO takes out their dns shitlists…
[19.03.2013 00:52:12] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: indirectly
[19.03.2013 00:52:22] Yuri: that’s a fuck. a lot of work for us
[19.03.2013 00:53:20] Yuri: may be just let’s make cloudflare down ?
[19.03.2013 00:53:29] Antitheist: thats hard yuri
[19.03.2013 00:53:31] Yuri: so they will refuse any spamhaus
[19.03.2013 00:53:43] Antitheist: you need to cripple level3 and nlayer
[19.03.2013 00:54:04] Antitheist: |OR|
[19.03.2013 00:54:12] Antitheist: you need to spend too much traffic
[19.03.2013 00:54:16] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: narko: new target… the 8 nameservers of… and still ofcourse
[19.03.2013 00:54:20] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: no
[19.03.2013 00:54:24] Antitheist: since cloudflares packages are traffic volume priced
[19.03.2013 00:55:44] Karlin Konig: I don’t think they are charging spamhaus
[19.03.2013 00:56:27] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: as stated before, unfair competition, in many ways
[19.03.2013 00:56:28] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: lulz
[19.03.2013 00:57:46] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: hmm is cloudflare hosting? or a reverse proxy?
[19.03.2013 00:57:57] Cali: reverse proxy.
[19.03.2013 00:58:00] Yuri: reverse
[19.03.2013 00:58:09] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: as when its a reverse proxy, it probably goes to that box
[19.03.2013 00:58:13] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: aka, surfnet.
[19.03.2013 01:00:10] Cali: already offline 😀
[19.03.2013 01:00:17] Cali: This website is offline
[19.03.2013 01:02:26] narko: I will make down their cloudflare 😉 if I have enough free servers
[19.03.2013 01:02:30] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: they moved it to cloudlfare
[19.03.2013 01:02:31] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: lol
[19.03.2013 01:02:43] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: then just go for the nameservers on
[19.03.2013 01:02:49] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: which also breaks their dns shitlist
[19.03.2013 01:02:52] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: after 24h
[19.03.2013 01:02:55] Cali: usually websites use cloudflare dns as well.
[19.03.2013 01:02:58] Cali: so they might change soon.
[19.03.2013 01:03:03] Cali: I think you should give them some hope
[19.03.2013 01:03:10] Cali: because they will be so proud to bring it back
[19.03.2013 01:03:14] Cali: then you switch it off again 🙂
[19.03.2013 01:03:20] Cali: they will rage 🙂
[19.03.2013 01:03:23] Karlin Konig: it’s down again
[19.03.2013 01:03:24] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: they do… spamhaus.EU is on cloudflare dns
[19.03.2013 01:03:25] Karlin Konig: lol
[19.03.2013 01:03:30] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis… is on spamhaus dns
[19.03.2013 01:03:45] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: for the very obvious reason that they have 70 dns shitlist servers in that zone
[19.03.2013 01:03:49] Cali: yeah but I think they might change that soon.
[19.03.2013 01:03:52] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: and those use their weird rotating system
[19.03.2013 01:03:54] Cali: ahah
[19.03.2013 01:03:57] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: cloudflare can’t do that
[19.03.2013 01:04:04] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: they can’t change the domain of the dns shitlist
[19.03.2013 01:04:05] Cali: even with the paid version?
[19.03.2013 01:04:07] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: so they have to keep that
[19.03.2013 01:04:30] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: soo… if they come up again, just kill the dns servers on their main
[19.03.2013 01:04:33] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: 😛
[19.03.2013 01:04:33] Cali: ok, now it is online and responds.
[19.03.2013 01:04:50] narko: ok
[19.03.2013 01:04:52] narko: moment
[19.03.2013 01:05:07] Cali: “meet spamhaus policy”
[19.03.2013 01:05:07] Cali: lol
[19.03.2013 01:05:14] Cali: like IPs have to meet Spamhaus policies
[19.03.2013 01:05:18] Cali: lol
[19.03.2013 01:05:24] narko: they are using the cloudflare paid plan
[19.03.2013 01:05:31] narko: as they have 5 IP
[19.03.2013 01:05:31] narko: not 2
[19.03.2013 01:05:44] narko: i think it means that cf will keep them longer
[19.03.2013 01:05:46] narko: 🙁
[19.03.2013 02:09:03] narko: added some extra gbit/s to two dns servers that seemed half-up 🙂 lets see if google dns renews it now
[19.03.2013 02:09:28] Yuri: fuck.. no dns resolve :))))
[19.03.2013 02:09:45] narko: (mm)
[19.03.2013 02:09:57] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: when -these- time out, they’re out of business
[19.03.2013 02:10:01] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: <<>> DiG 9.8.1-P1 <<>> A
[19.03.2013 08:01:24] Yuri: good morning
[19.03.2013 08:01:32] Yuri: it was short night for me…. fuck
[19.03.2013 08:01:40] Yuri: spamhaus is down ? again 🙂 ?
[19.03.2013 08:02:09] Yuri: looks it’s some our friend work
[19.03.2013 08:10:30] simomchen: how about we hijack spamhaus’s IP together , if can not take them down again ?
[19.03.2013 08:10:59] Yuri: we would like to.
[19.03.2013 08:11:08] Yuri: but we need upstream who will allow us to do that
[19.03.2013 08:11:25] simomchen: we can just announce those over IX exchange
[19.03.2013 08:11:34] simomchen: them , do not need upstream allow this
[19.03.2013 08:11:39] nmetluk: Russian upstreams allow:)
[19.03.2013 08:13:10] Yuri: (at least we have one good russian upstream here)
[19.03.2013 08:14:15] Yuri: spamhaus desided to bring some shit sbls, /22 listed just for nothing.and some extra SBLs to pinspb
[19.03.2013 08:14:28] eDataKing: that is how they do it
[19.03.2013 08:14:35] eDataKing: that is why it is terrorism
[19.03.2013 08:14:57] simomchen: SH will force upstreams disconnect them
[19.03.2013 08:15:05] simomchen: that’s their next step
[19.03.2013 08:15:15] Yuri: they are too big to be disconneted
[19.03.2013 08:15:22] eDataKing: yes, the upstream does not really make the decision because the decision is coerced through damages
[19.03.2013 08:15:43] eDataKing: who is too big to be disconnected?
[19.03.2013 08:16:03] simomchen: ?
[19.03.2013 08:16:31] Yuri:
[19.03.2013 08:16:33] Yuri:
[19.03.2013 08:16:42] Yuri: and other that was with some new sbls today
[19.03.2013 08:16:50] Yuri: currenty it’s just nothing serious
[19.03.2013 08:16:58] Yuri: they keep searching
[19.03.2013 08:24:33] simomchen: Donate to the fund needed to shut SH down for good. Send your donations via Bitcoin to 17SgMS56W6s1oMU7oEZ66NFkbEk1socnTJ
At this point, several media outlets begin erroneously reporting that the DDoS attack on Spamhaus and Cloudflare is the work of Anonymous (probably because Kamphuis ended his manifesto with the Anonymous tagline, “We do not forgive. We do not forget”).
[19.03.2013 12:35:51] Antitheist: lol, anonymous indonesia took the responsibility for the spamhaus ddos
[19.03.2013 12:35:51] Antitheist:
[19.03.2013 12:36:38] Antitheist: wait no, its all over softpedia! hahaha
[19.03.2013 12:37:31] Antitheist:
[19.03.2013 12:46:11] narko:
[19.03.2013 12:46:39] Antitheist:
[19.03.2013 12:55:30] Yuri: people report that MAIL from spamhaus start working
[19.03.2013 12:55:42] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: oeh! spam!
[19.03.2013 12:56:03] Antitheist: the mail is their weakest point, since cloudflare cannot protect it
[19.03.2013 12:56:22] Antitheist: so we need to hit there. the result means no SBL removals 🙂
[19.03.2013 12:56:33] Antitheist: mad mad admins pulling off hair 😀
[19.03.2013 14:46:09] Yuri:
[19.03.2013 14:46:16] Antitheist: they think its anonymous because of Svens pastebin
[19.03.2013 14:46:48] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: also good
[19.03.2013 14:46:56] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: then the rest of anon also thinks its anon 😛
[19.03.2013 14:47:00] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: and starts to help
[19.03.2013 14:47:01] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: lol
[19.03.2013 14:47:17] Yuri: wow what a news
[19.03.2013 14:47:17] Antitheist: lol anon-amplification yeah
[19.03.2013 14:47:26] Yuri: spamhaus says in twitter that softpedia new is false
[19.03.2013 14:47:29] Yuri: :)))
[19.03.2013 14:47:40] Yuri:
[19.03.2013 15:10:05] eDataKing: 1. Let them think Anons were behind it and do not dispute
[19.03.2013 15:10:05] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: can’t sign up for twitter as i don’t have any working email lol
[19.03.2013 15:10:21] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: edataking: its allready all over the press that its not anons lol.
[19.03.2013 15:10:22] Antitheist: I know Mohit from thehackernews, if it gets posted there it will soon be viral
[19.03.2013 15:10:26] eDataKing: or 2. Remind them that Anons are everyone and Anonymous as a group did not orchestrate it
[19.03.2013 15:10:30] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: at least in .nl its quite clear that its the republic cyberbunker and others
[19.03.2013 15:10:30] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: haha
[19.03.2013 15:10:58] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: that anon also has some ehm… stuff to ‘arrange’ with spamhaus, is a different story
[19.03.2013 15:11:19] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: *points out that over half of my facebook friends have the masks anyway*
[19.03.2013 15:11:28] eDataKing: Anonymous name gets major media
[19.03.2013 15:11:33] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: and that i’m still officially the PR guy for anonymous germany
[19.03.2013 15:14:36] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: y my name don’t fit twitter..
[19.03.2013 15:14:40] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: HRH Sven Olaf Prince
getting twitter accounts shut down, listing stophaus on the sbl.
Spamhaus has by now worked out the identity of many Stophaus members, and has begun retaliating at them individually by listing Internet addresses tied to their businesses and personal life. Here, Narko reveals that he runs his own (unprofitable) hosting firm that Spamhaus found and listed it as an address to be blocked because it was hosting stophaus[dot]org.
[19.03.2013 17:50:04] narko: im back
[19.03.2013 17:50:25] narko: the nameservers for stophaus need to be changed
[19.03.2013 17:51:04] narko: spamhaus SBLed my site and my host will terminate me unless spamhaus tells them that it’s ok
[19.03.2013 17:51:08] narko: fucking internet police
[19.03.2013 17:52:57] eDataKing: ok, what are we changing them to?
[19.03.2013 17:53:40] narko: i will set up dns servers on my home connection
[19.03.2013 17:53:41] narko: lol
[19.03.2013 17:53:45] narko: i dont think my isp gives a shit
[19.03.2013 17:53:48] narko: i’m alraedy in PBL
[19.03.2013 17:53:56] eDataKing: lol, as long as you are safe
[19.03.2013 17:53:59] narko: what does it matter if i’m in SBL? 😛
[19.03.2013 17:54:04] narko: well.. as long as they won’t ddos me
[19.03.2013 17:54:05] eDataKing: ok, then it should be all good
[19.03.2013 17:54:06] narko: I have a static ip
[19.03.2013 17:54:18] eDataKing: what about your upstream?
[19.03.2013 17:54:50] narko: I want to buy a /24 and host this just to fuck spamhaus
[19.03.2013 17:54:57] narko: anyone selling /24 😛 i pay €200
[19.03.2013 17:55:34] narko: i cannot believe that my host is telling me i need to leave for a fake SBL listing that is not even hosted at their network
[19.03.2013 17:55:38] Yuri: they will list all network at once and put upsteam
[19.03.2013 17:55:39] narko: why do they listen to spamhaus..?
[19.03.2013 18:21:28] simomchen: let me make a CC to them in China
[19.03.2013 18:21:35] eDataKing: then this will kill them in the end
[19.03.2013 18:21:49] Antitheist:
[19.03.2013 18:22:10] Yuri: moved to new DNS.
[19.03.2013 18:22:16] simomchen: I brought 50K adsl Broilers just now
[19.03.2013 18:22:48] eDataKing: Then their DNS is a ticking timebomb dependent on public support. They don’t have a lot of that left
[19.03.2013 18:23:46] Yuri: 50k of what?
[19.03.2013 18:23:52] Antitheist: DNS of stophaus should be hosted on cloudflare imho
[19.03.2013 18:24:13] Antitheist: they will be afraid to list it lol
[19.03.2013 18:24:20] simomchen: 50000 ADSL broilers zombies , hehe
[19.03.2013 18:24:23] Yuri: cloudflare will kick off
[19.03.2013 18:24:27] Yuri: oohh.. shit.
[19.03.2013 18:24:48] Yuri: we need a plan how to fight 🙂
[19.03.2013 18:27:02] simomchen: Antitheist:
<<< we need bots that will do large POST requests on the search form of ROKSOyes, that’s CC attack I said just now. ROKSO is not big enought , I’m CC their currently
[19.03.2013 18:27:11] simomchen: do not know cloudflare can handle that
[19.03.2013 18:27:24] Antitheist: SBL are not in mysql
[19.03.2013 18:27:53] Antitheist: there is no search on the DB when you request them [19.03.2013 18:28:06] eDataKing: true
[19.03.2013 18:28:12] Antitheist: but a search form, any of them, must have at least 1 SELECT statement [19.03.2013 18:28:15]
simomchen: okay, how about this page ?
[19.03.2013 18:28:23] Antitheist: yes, see the search form
[19.03.2013 18:28:27] eDataKing: RBLs are on a Logistics server at
[19.03.2013 18:28:29] Antitheist: you need to post long random shit there
[19.03.2013 18:28:34] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: SBL157600 19-Mar 13:53 GMT Spammer hosting (escalation) SBL157599 19-Mar 13:53 GMT Spammer hosting (escalation)
[19.03.2013 18:28:36] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: lol
[19.03.2013 18:28:41] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: wasn’t he in here the other day 😛
[19.03.2013 18:28:46] eDataKing: at least the cbl is
[19.03.2013 18:28:54] eDataKing: yes
[19.03.2013 18:28:59] eDataKing: He left?
[19.03.2013 18:29:05] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: dunno
[19.03.2013 18:29:05] simomchen: okay, let me make a ‘search’
[19.03.2013 18:29:08] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: changed names?
[19.03.2013 18:29:12] eDataKing: maybe
[19.03.2013 18:29:21] eDataKing: that was who I thought Darwin was
[19.03.2013 18:29:47] eDataKing: like he changed his name in the middle of a conversation
[19.03.2013 18:29:54] eDataKing: and Darwin picked up the chat
[19.03.2013 18:29:54] Antitheist: oh good news, its available in GET as well
[19.03.2013 18:30:01] Antitheist:
[19.03.2013 18:30:40] eDataKing: They are desperate to take down the content though
[19.03.2013 18:30:55] eDataKing: I knew they would be scared to show their faces to public scrutiny
[19.03.2013 18:36:03] Yuri: SBL179370 19-Mar 15:15 GMT Suavemente/SplitInfinity/Innova Direct
: Feed to Jelly Digital (AS4323 >>> AS33431)
19-Mar 15:03 GMT Suavemente/SplitInfinity/Innova Direct : Feed to Critical Data Network, Inc. (AS3356 >>> AS53318) spamhaus started to fuck hardly everywhere. they are angry.
[19.03.2013 18:37:39] Antitheist: no mercy anymore, everyone who they scraped out of stophaus members gets the entire /24 listed in ROKSO 🙂
[19.03.2013 18:37:40] simomchen: cloudflare service them , we are angry too
[19.03.2013 18:40:35] simomchen: but if the ddos keeping , I think spamhaus would go bankrupt
[19.03.2013 18:40:52] narko: they won’t go bankrupt
[19.03.2013 18:40:55] narko: he will just buy a smaller boat
[19.03.2013 18:41:00] simomchen: because cloudflare must charge tons of money form them
[19.03.2013 18:41:34] simomchen: what they can do in that boat ? if they do not pay to cloudflare , they will down again
[19.03.2013 18:41:48] narko: cloudflare only cost $200 per month
[19.03.2013 19:02:27] Yuri: For SBLs spamhaus
[19.03.2013 19:02:27] Yuri:
<<< – Ñтот точно sites 100%
[19.03.2013 19:02:39] narko: ok let’s make these down 😉
[19.03.2013 21:32:06] narko: i run my host company since FEB 2012 and i am still losing like 350$ per month lol
[19.03.2013 21:32:28] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: we’ve been doing it commercially since 1996 on ‘cb3rob’
[19.03.2013 21:32:34] eDataKing: how much would that be?
[19.03.2013 21:32:39] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: and well.. there are times where it runs at a loss 😛
[19.03.2013 21:32:45] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: and there are times where it makes heaps 😛
[19.03.2013 21:32:55] narko: i have not had a single month
[19.03.2013 21:33:01] narko: where the costs of servers+licenses were covered..
[19.03.2013 21:33:12] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: you don’t have your own servers either/
[19.03.2013 21:33:13] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: ?
[19.03.2013 21:33:16] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: just reselling?
[19.03.2013 21:33:32] narko: rent server, install cpanel, advertise
[19.03.2013 21:33:33] narko: (y)
[19.03.2013 21:33:45] eDataKing: agreed
[19.03.2013 21:33:54] narko: but I think soon i will buy my own servers and colo
[19.03.2013 21:33:56] narko: it will be cheaper
[19.03.2013 21:34:04] eDataKing: agreed as well
[19.03.2013 21:34:06] narko: the problem is
[19.03.2013 21:34:11] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: i’d say thats the only way to do it 😛
[19.03.2013 23:43:05] narko: i don’t understand this
[19.03.2013 23:43:16] narko: how can cloudflare take 100gbps of udp and latency is not even increased by 1ms
[19.03.2013 23:47:05] Antitheist:
[19.03.2013 23:47:19] Antitheist: CloudFlare has seen DNS reflection attacks hit 100Gbit traffic globally
[19.03.2013 23:47:23] Antitheist: they are used to it
[19.03.2013 23:47:49] narko: when they were hosting at rethem hosting
[19.03.2013 23:47:52] narko: I took down sprint
[19.03.2013 23:47:54] narko: i took down level3
[19.03.2013 23:47:56] narko: i took down cogent
[19.03.2013 23:48:06] narko: but cloudflare nothing!
[19.03.2013 23:48:26] narko: back in 2009 cloudflare went down with 10gbps
[19.03.2013 23:48:28] narko: all down..
[19.03.2013 23:49:34] narko: o i’m causing some dropped packets now 😛
[19.03.2013 23:56:06] Cali: narko, was it you who DDoSed us like a year and half ago ? 😀
[19.03.2013 23:56:14] narko: what network?
[19.03.2013 23:56:27] narko: or site
[19.03.2013 23:56:32] narko: sent it me in private chat and i can tell you
[20.03.2013 00:05:39] narko:
[20.03.2013 00:05:44] narko: Spamhaus cloudflare current status
[20.03.2013 00:05:48] narko: with over 100Gbps of attack traffic
[20.03.2013 00:07:39] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: hmm does this affect other cloudflare customers, as in that case its bye bye spamhaus pretty soon
[20.03.2013 00:07:40] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: lol
[20.03.2013 00:07:49] narko: i dont know
[20.03.2013 00:07:56] narko: i hope so because i cant keep such traffic up for a long time
[20.03.2013 00:08:02] narko: it’s probably closer to 200 than 100 Gbps
[20.03.2013 00:08:07] Cali: it will be harder than that I think.
[20.03.2013 00:09:35] Cali: no more icmp @cloudflare?
[20.03.2013 00:09:52] narko: 7 * * * Request timed out.
[20.03.2013 00:22:24] Antitheist: they list every IP/DNS that resolves stophaus in any way
[20.03.2013 00:22:31] narko: “Please update us when this client no longer utilises *any* part of our network so we can get back in touch with Spamhaus.”
[20.03.2013 00:22:35] Antitheist: we can change it every hour and block the entire internet lol
[20.03.2013 00:22:47] narko: They do not understand the word “THIS CLIENT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR NETWORK”
[20.03.2013 00:22:53] narko: they treat it like it’s a request from law enforcement
[20.03.2013 00:22:56] narko: not some moron on a boat
[20.03.2013 00:47:00] Antitheist: so whats up with wordtothewise
[20.03.2013 00:47:02] narko: i only met you peoples on friday and never heard of most of you before then 😛
[20.03.2013 00:47:29] eDataKing: lol, I just talk like I know everyone
[20.03.2013 00:47:48] eDataKing: It’s better than being secretive. I get nervous around quite people.
[20.03.2013 00:47:59] eDataKing: I think they are plotting on me lol 😉
[20.03.2013 00:48:01] narko: I said too much already in this chat
[20.03.2013 00:48:04] narko: I’m expecting the raid soon
[20.03.2013 00:48:06] narko: 😛
Narko has directed most of his botnet resources at Cloudflare now instead of Spamhaus, and the group is surprised to see Spamhaus go offline when it was hidden behind Cloudflare’s massive DDoS protection resources. Also, Yuri enlists the help of some other attackers to join in the assault.
[20.03.2013 01:00:32] Antitheist: This website is offline. No cached version is available
[20.03.2013 01:00:33] Antitheist: LOL
[20.03.2013 01:00:47] narko: lol
[20.03.2013 01:00:50] narko: not working for me either
[20.03.2013 01:00:56] Antitheist: narko you are the king
[20.03.2013 01:00:59] Antitheist: haha
[20.03.2013 01:01:00] narko: i didnt do anything
[20.03.2013 01:01:03] narko: i was just attacking cloudflare
[20.03.2013 01:01:16] Antitheist: well, thats not something they wanted to have
[20.03.2013 01:01:17] narko: see now its back up 🙁
[20.03.2013 01:01:36] Cali: It is offline here.
[20.03.2013 01:01:44] Antitheist: off…
[20.03.2013 01:01:45] narko: it went down again
[20.03.2013 01:01:51] narko: and back
[20.03.2013 01:03:11] Cali: yup
[20.03.2013 01:04:33] narko: let’s create some more records
[20.03.2013 01:04:36] narko: for DNS of stophaus
[20.03.2013 01:04:47] narko: dummy records, such as the IP of , etc
[20.03.2013 01:04:55] narko: it won’t affect the site because it will just try from the next server
[20.03.2013 01:05:01] narko: but they’re going to SBL some big sites
[20.03.2013 01:05:02] narko: lol
[20.03.2013 01:05:47] Antitheist: it will create more damage if we list MTAs
[20.03.2013 01:06:06] narko: ok let’s see
[20.03.2013 01:06:20] narko:
[20.03.2013 02:16:57] narko: Cloudflare changed the ips
[20.03.2013 02:16:59] narko: put only 2 IPs now
[20.03.2013 02:17:05] narko: will move attack to these IPs
[20.03.2013 02:18:24] narko: also I have a friend with a small botnet. I asked him to contribute
[20.03.2013 02:19:45] Yuri: i see.
[20.03.2013 02:19:59] Yuri: i asked some hackers to assist also
[20.03.2013 02:20:31] narko: my friend is in saudi arabia. he has bots in arab regions. will provide some diversity to the attack.
[20.03.2013 02:20:52] Yuri: spamhaus sbl site is the high end of iceberg
[20.03.2013 02:21:11] Yuri: did you try to put down spamhas relates sites?
[20.03.2013 02:21:23] narko: after main site :))
[20.03.2013 02:21:55] narko: i am just getting very annoyed at this company now
[20.03.2013 02:22:08] narko: i just received 2 minutes ago “We are sorry to inform that your account has been terminated.” from my host.
[20.03.2013 02:22:14] narko: due to SBL
[20.03.2013 02:22:43] Yuri: on what host?
[20.03.2013 02:22:52] narko:
[20.03.2013 02:23:02] Yuri: write me pm what do you need
[20.03.2013 03:13:26] narko: lets host here
[20.03.2013 03:13:38] narko:
[20.03.2013 03:13:45] narko: i dont think they can even speak english. to read the abuse report from spamhaus. 😀
[20.03.2013 03:14:03] Cali: lol
20.03.2013 17:07:45] eDataKing: lol
[20.03.2013 17:27:58] narko: looks like one of the cloudflare dc is down
[20.03.2013 17:28:08] narko: previously my connection to spamhaus was to amsterdam
[20.03.2013 17:28:10] narko: now it’s to paris 🙂
[20.03.2013 17:28:53] simomchen: keeping ddos them , then , cloudflare will cick SH out
[20.03.2013 17:29:03] narko: i am adding more
[20.03.2013 17:29:20] narko: if you know anyone with botnet – ask them to help too. there will be a point where even the $2000 cloudflare enterprise plan is not worth it to them.
[20.03.2013 17:31:42] simomchen: maybe someone joined us. SH released xxx is making ddos them. and some other guys saw this.but do not connect us. they was blackmailed by SH before. so , it’s a hidden retaliation time for them
[20.03.2013 17:32:04] narko: hope so
[20.03.2013 17:32:09] narko: it seems they split the load between 2 dc [datacenters] actually
[20.03.2013 17:32:12] Antitheist: who is ddosing them?
[20.03.2013 17:32:17] narko: spamhauas has 2 ip and 1 is amsterdam other is paris
[20.03.2013 17:32:18] Antitheist: where did you see it idear4business
[20.03.2013 17:33:16] Yuri: look, there too much people who is not active here. may be we could remove them from this chat ?
[20.03.2013 17:33:29] narko: yes I think that’s good idea. there’s some people who i have never seen one messaage
[20.03.2013 17:33:48] simomchen: they do not wanna to show their identity, just wanna to make retaliation. I guess those. can not seeing this. but at least , some of our clients also joined , and making ddos SH from China. they hate spamhaus , because SH made their domains ‘clent hold’ (over 50000 domains) in the passed year
[20.03.2013 17:33:49] Yuri: let’s create new one subchat and move there. how is the idea?
[20.03.2013 17:34:32] Antitheist: spamhaus made 500 of my domains hold
[20.03.2013 17:34:38] narko: everyone who has bp host
[20.03.2013 17:34:40] Antitheist: cnobin, its a bizcn reseller
[20.03.2013 17:34:46] narko: hijack the botnets of your clients and ddos spamhaus 😛
[20.03.2013 17:34:51] Antitheist: lol)))
[20.03.2013 17:35:14] narko: my experience with BP hosts – you can always get some free bots from whoever used the IP previously :))))
[20.03.2013 17:35:27] Antitheist: if you have the same panel
[20.03.2013 17:35:40] narko: well I just adapt my software to accept their commands
[20.03.2013 17:35:41] simomchen: no need to hijack , if our clients wanna to ddos someone , they will buy some botnets. it’s cheap in China , like 0.01 EUR/each
[20.03.2013 17:35:44] narko: most of them are not encrypted at all
[20.03.2013 17:35:45] NM: 🙂
[20.03.2013 17:35:50] simomchen: Sven also know that
[20.03.2013 17:35:56] narko: each bot?
[20.03.2013 17:36:01] simomchen: yes
[20.03.2013 17:36:06] simomchen: ADSL bot
[20.03.2013 17:36:10] narko: what is the upload speed of china ADSL?
[20.03.2013 17:36:16] simomchen: with dynamic IP
[20.03.2013 17:36:24] simomchen: just 50-100Kbps
[20.03.2013 17:36:40] narko: we need some netherland/sweden/romania bots 😛
[20.03.2013 17:36:49] narko: they have 100mbps or more
[20.03.2013 17:37:04] NM: In Russia too
[20.03.2013 17:37:33] simomchen: SH is not works in China till now. and sometime , they are going up down up down.
[20.03.2013 17:38:09] narko: spamhaus can make down .cn domains ?
[20.03.2013 17:38:18] Yuri: yes.
[20.03.2013 17:38:39] simomchen: our clients is selling something to EU and US, so , they do not use .cn
[20.03.2013 17:38:50] simomchen: usually , they use .com/net
[20.03.2013 17:39:16] narko: they should apply for a new tld
[20.03.2013 17:39:17] narko: .ugg
[20.03.2013 17:39:33] simomchen: yes
[20.03.2013 17:39:51] Antitheist: .rx
[20.03.2013 17:39:54] Yuri: )))))
[20.03.2013 17:40:09] Yuri: .ugg (y)
[20.03.2013 17:40:17] narko: (sun)
[20.03.2013 17:40:43] narko: i hosted botnets under domain
[20.03.2013 17:41:10] narko: and the domain was not made down
[20.03.2013 17:41:34] Yuri: hey. wtf, it’s my domain 🙂
[20.03.2013 17:41:41] narko: yes I had dedicated server
[20.03.2013 17:41:44] narko: free subdomain
[20.03.2013 17:41:57] Yuri: :O:D
[20.03.2013 17:42:11] narko: but i needed to move
[20.03.2013 17:42:19] narko: because a big ISP in Europe blocked all your ip range 😛
[20.03.2013 17:42:26] narko: i lost half my bots
[20.03.2013 17:44:53] narko: ok. currently i have running against spamhaus:
[20.03.2013 17:45:15] narko: ~100Gbps UDP
~ 20M pps TCP
~ 65k req/s HTTP
distributed between the 2 IP
[20.03.2013 17:45:21] narko: cloudflare must remove them soon..
[20.03.2013 17:45:21] narko: cloudflare must remove them soon.
[20.03.2013 19:25:20] narko: i think spamhaus wrote to my pamyent processor
[20.03.2013 19:25:23] narko: has it happened before?
[20.03.2013 19:25:44] narko: an IP address started to browse my site. assigned to 2Checkout Inc. now my merchant account is put into a review status.
[20.03.2013 19:27:32] eDataKing: How did they get your processor’s info?
[20.03.2013 19:27:43] narko: they require it to be written in the site
[20.03.2013 19:27:48] narko: “Services provided by 2Checkout Inc”
[20.03.2013 19:27:51] eDataKing: Also, they tried that with my Paypal account for 3 years. We are still Top-Tier members
[20.03.2013 19:28:03] eDataKing: they reviewed the records and it took 6 hours to be restored
[20.03.2013 19:28:18] eDataKing: no other complaint ever made it past the first level of abuse
[20.03.2013 19:28:20] narko: lol
[20.03.2013 19:28:31] narko: someone called paypal and said i was threatening to kill them unless they paid me money
[20.03.2013 19:28:34] narko: and my account was limited for a week
At this point, Narko is sending between 150-300 Gbps of packet love at Cloudflare’s major datacenter Internet addresses. briefly goes offline. Cloudflare publishes a blog post stating that the attack was successfully handled and mitigated by Cloudflare. Narko disagrees, saying Cloudflare was able to mitigate the attack because he paused it. Spamhaus posts an update on the ongoing attacks, claiming that most of its operations are returning to normal.

Narko shares this screenshot in the chat forum. It shows that the attack on Cloudflare is at more than 100 Gbps, which is more than enough to knock most sites offline.
20.03.2013 19:58:21] narko: did someone else start attack to cloudflare? their site is even down now :))
[20.03.2013 19:58:27] Yuri: we need to post it to the public, in twitter and etc?
[20.03.2013 20:33:19] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: we’ll just break the god damn internet if thats what it takes 😛
[20.03.2013 20:33:20] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: lol
[20.03.2013 20:46:19] eDataKing:
[20.03.2013 20:46:38] eDataKing: The DDoS That Knocked Spamhaus Offline (And How We Mitigated It)
[20.03.2013 20:46:43] eDataKing: they mitigated it?
[20.03.2013 20:46:45] eDataKing: news to me
[20.03.2013 20:47:11] eDataKing: hmm
[20.03.2013 20:47:12] eDataKing: CloudFlare’s own history grew out of Project Honey Pot, which started as an automated service to track the resources used by spammers and publishes the HTTP:BL.
[20.03.2013 20:47:21] eDataKing: good data
[20.03.2013 20:47:24] eDataKing: didn’t know that
[20.03.2013 20:48:53] eDataKing: Beginning on March 18th?
[20.03.2013 20:48:59] eDataKing: that is factually incorrect
[20.03.2013 20:51:11] narko: reading now
[20.03.2013 20:51:47] eDataKing: the attack did not start a day before their great admins mitigated it
[20.03.2013 20:51:54] eDataKing: is it even mitigated?
[20.03.2013 20:52:12] narko: hehehehe :)))))))))))))))))))))
[20.03.2013 20:52:15] narko: this is like 140Gbps
[20.03.2013 20:52:27] eDataKing: lol
[20.03.2013 20:52:37] eDataKing: don’t look like mitigation to me lol
[20.03.2013 20:52:57] eDataKing: Their article almost reads as a challenge
[20.03.2013 20:53:14] narko: I stopped the attack
[20.03.2013 20:53:25] narko: i am generating a new dns list. then I will start again and it will be over 200 gbps
[20.03.2013 20:53:30] narko: the current list is quite old
Narko grows concerned about getting busted because Andrew (eDataKing) mistakenly published on the anti-spam Google Group forum NANAE a screenshot that included Narko’s Skype screen name. Helpfully for the U.K. authorities closing in on him, Narko provides a link to view the screenshot that includes what he identifies as his Skype screen name.

Narko’s screen as he’s in the middle of launching attacks on Spamhaus. A portion of his Skype address at the time can be seen in the upper right corner of the screenshot.
20.03.2013 21:08:59] eDataKing: lol,
[20.03.2013 21:08:59] eDataKing: This morning at 09:47 UTC CloudFlare effectively dropped off the Internet. The outage affected all of CloudFlare’s services including DNS and any services that rely on our web proxy. During the outage, anyone accessing or any site on CloudFlare’s network would have received a DNS error. Pings and Traceroutes to CloudFlare’s network resulted in a “No Route to Host” error.
[20.03.2013 21:09:15] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: 😛
[20.03.2013 21:09:25] eDataKing: sry, that was on 03-03
[20.03.2013 21:09:27] eDataKing: not related
[20.03.2013 21:09:38] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: someone was doing it better than narko ?
[20.03.2013 21:09:40] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: wth
[20.03.2013 21:09:41] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: lol
[20.03.2013 21:09:48] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: get that guy in here too haha
[20.03.2013 21:09:57] eDataKing: wait to see what narko does next though
[20.03.2013 21:15:03] Yuri: spamhaus down ?
[20.03.2013 21:15:07] Yuri: cloudflare shows down
[20.03.2013 21:15:34] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: nope
[20.03.2013 21:15:38] eDataKing: nope
[20.03.2013 21:19:37] narko: we need to find more people.
[20.03.2013 21:19:49] narko: cloudflare network just has a lag with my attack
[20.03.2013 21:20:00] narko: my attack + some botnets will take them down entirely. then they have no choice but to kick spamhaus.
[20.03.2013 22:24:39] narko: who posted the screenshot on nanae please remove it
[20.03.2013 22:24:41] narko: it has written my skype name
[20.03.2013 22:24:59] narko: t.ravis
[20.03.2013 22:25:04] eDataKing: that was the indian
[20.03.2013 22:25:13] eDataKing: you said to post it
[20.03.2013 22:25:22] eDataKing: I’ll tell him
[20.03.2013 22:25:31] eDataKing: I don’t think it can be removed though
[20.03.2013 22:25:52] eDataKing: argh, why didn’t you edit that image?
[20.03.2013 22:26:01] eDataKing: I will be sure to check all images from here out
[20.03.2013 22:26:11] eDataKing: but doesn’t the image only say probing?
[20.03.2013 22:26:24] narko: no it has my skype username
[20.03.2013 22:26:27] narko: i didn’t expcet it to be posted
[20.03.2013 22:26:29] narko: i just said
[20.03.2013 22:26:31] narko: narko:
<<< — current status
[20.03.2013 22:27:51] Yuri: don’t see any info on screenshot
[20.03.2013 22:28:09] eDataKing: I see all but the last digit
[20.03.2013 22:28:16] eDataKing: enough to run a trace on that skype account
[20.03.2013 22:28:28] eDataKing: but nothing incriminating
[20.03.2013 22:28:48] eDataKing: don’t they already blame you though?
[20.03.2013 22:28:59] narko: no one on nanae/spamhaus knows about me
[20.03.2013 22:29:03] eDataKing: I’ll tell the indian to wait for approval bwefore posting anything else
[20.03.2013 22:29:16] eDataKing: I will also look at the images if there are any more screens
[20.03.2013 22:29:38] eDataKing: can you grab a new skype account and nix this one just in case?
[20.03.2013 22:29:44] narko: i am just worried. because it has my skype name < i am uploaded the image from my home connection, and FBI in USA already has a case on me ddosing before, they were going to people in america and asking them questions about me
[20.03.2013 22:29:44] narko: no
[20.03.2013 22:29:45] narko: its fine for me
[20.03.2013 22:29:48] narko: for now *
[20.03.2013 22:29:50] eDataKing: you said this one was for this session only right?
[20.03.2013 22:29:53] narko: yes
[20.03.2013 22:30:22] eDataKing: the image won’t have any hex code though because it is on imgur
[20.03.2013 22:30:24] Yuri: other solution – is to upload same imase from other IPs
[20.03.2013 22:30:31] eDataKing: yes
[20.03.2013 22:30:36] Yuri: so they have to think who is that was…
[20.03.2013 22:30:41] eDataKing: oh, gotcha
[20.03.2013 22:30:44] eDataKing: yeah
[20.03.2013 22:31:13] eDataKing: I am so used to be completly anon that I would have never imagined you imported that from home
[20.03.2013 22:31:54] eDataKing: can you delete it from imgur?
[20.03.2013 22:32:30] eDataKing: I want to mitigate any issues because the indian is my dude and I feel responsible for what he did
[20.03.2013 22:32:34] narko: no
[20.03.2013 22:32:37] narko: nothing will happen
[20.03.2013 22:32:41] narko: nothing has ever happened
[20.03.2013 22:40:58] narko: but I ran an illegal site (carding, ddos, etc) from 2010-2012 and 90% customers were US
[21.03.2013 03:40:43] narko: well i’m going to sleep
[21.03.2013 03:40:49] narko: wll attack cloudflare again tomorrow 🙂
Stophaus claims victory when Spamhaus moves off of Cloudflare’s network and over to Amazon. The Stophaus members begin planning their next move.
[21.03.2013 10:00:21] eDataKing: CBL (cbl, is up again, after a heavy DDOS. It is now protected through amazon cloud. #spamhaus
[21.03.2013 10:14:19] simomchen: so , SH have separated , and protedted by 2 cloud ?
[21.03.2013 10:14:54] eDataKing: yep
[21.03.2013 10:15:10] eDataKing: but they are only buying a short amlunt of time really
[21.03.2013 10:16:23] simomchen: they must have a contract with cloudflare and amazon , once ddos leave over 7 days. maybe, they will break the contract with these 2 companies
[21.03.2013 13:19:10] Antitheist: congratilations narko your SBL was removed
[21.03.2013 13:19:25] narko: after 3 days 😛 I’m still moving. I have server from new DC in russia now
[21.03.2013 13:19:31] Antitheist: pin?
[21.03.2013 13:19:34] narko: yes
[21.03.2013 13:20:02] narko: I will not deal with the british datacenters any more
[21.03.2013 13:20:08] narko: even swiftway didn’t give a shit about the SBL
[21.03.2013 13:20:18] narko: but Racksrv treats it like they’re the secret police
[21.03.2013 14:15:03] Yuri: looks spamhaus pissed off
they try to piss everywhere
[21.03.2013 14:15:07] Yuri: SBL179470
21-Mar-2013 11:59 GMT
Spammer hosting (escalation)
[21.03.2013 14:15:30] narko: is this for providing connectivity to 2×4?
[21.03.2013 14:15:35] narko: or another
[21.03.2013 14:15:41] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: no this is for being russians haha
[21.03.2013 14:15:46] narko: lol
[21.03.2013 14:16:00] Yuri: he provide us and some others.
[21.03.2013 14:16:02] NM: i cant open their site
[21.03.2013 14:42:49] Yuri: i found why
spamahost wrote yesturday in facebook.
One of our VPS nodes is undergoing a node transfer. We are moving the “Zeus” node to a different upstream (which now supports full emailing!), as well as upgraded hardware. Please check your emails for more information, as well as your client areas!
and his website was on our network.
[21.03.2013 14:42:57] Yuri: so spamhaus pissed on it.
[21.03.2013 15:17:13] narko: i go to feed my addiction to chinese food now.brb
[21.03.2013 15:17:40] narko: when i’m back in few minutes. let’s ddos some more shit
[21.03.2013 15:17:41] narko: (hug)
Spamhaus succeeds in getting Stophaus[dot]org suspended at the domain registry level. This angers Prinz Sven, who begins coming unglued — threatening to attack or harm the domain registrar and anyone else involved in the suspension. Sven even goes so far as to post a manifesto on his Facebook account, taking on the persona of a pirate and lobbing threats of additional DDoS attacks as well as physical violence against Spamhaus members.
[21.03.2013 17:35:41] Antitheist: fuckers
[21.03.2013 17:35:42] narko: fuck! how they did this
[21.03.2013 17:35:56] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: hmm?
[21.03.2013 17:35:57] Antitheist: who are ahnames?
[21.03.2013 17:36:02] narko: advanced hosters ltd
[21.03.2013 17:36:13] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: say what
[21.03.2013 17:36:18] narko: the domain is suspended
[21.03.2013 17:36:22] narko: by the registrar
[21.03.2013 17:36:45] Antitheist: what kind of a shit registrar was it
[21.03.2013 17:36:59] narko:
[21.03.2013 17:37:03] Antitheist: or are pissing on spamhaus
[21.03.2013 17:37:13] Antitheist: had to get domain from them
[21.03.2013 17:37:19] narko: well now nothing can be done
[21.03.2013 17:37:21] Antitheist: its still possible to transfer
[21.03.2013 17:37:37] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: then do so
[21.03.2013 17:37:44] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: to -their- domain registrar 😛
[21.03.2013 17:37:56] narko: gandi is a bad registrar
[21.03.2013 17:46:33] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: Domain Name: STOPHAUS.COM
Abuse email:
Arr! · · Promote
now turn it back on before we send those 80gbit/s down your ass.
[21.03.2013 17:47:02] narko: you have very big balls
[21.03.2013 17:47:12] narko: writing ddos threads on facebook? I would not even do that and I am the person doing th attacks 😛 lol
[21.03.2013 17:47:21] narko: threats *
[21.03.2013 17:47:33] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: who cares, they just ddossed us 😛
[21.03.2013 17:47:40] Yuri: most men in this chat are with big balls.
[21.03.2013 17:47:40] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: by disabling the domain without a proper excuse
[21.03.2013 17:47:44] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: so might as well disable theirs
[21.03.2013 17:47:53] eDataKing: what’s wrong with ahnames?
[21.03.2013 17:47:56] eDataKing: what did they do?
[21.03.2013 17:47:59] narko: they banned the domain
[21.03.2013 17:48:01] Yuri: did somebody stoped our domain ?
[21.03.2013 17:48:02] narko: suspended it
[21.03.2013 17:48:09] Yuri: wtf
[21.03.2013 17:48:10] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: actually i threattened to have steve linford terminated physically a minute before that on my own profile
[21.03.2013 17:48:11] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: lol
[21.03.2013 17:48:14] Yuri: we could change to RU
[21.03.2013 17:48:17] Yuri:
[21.03.2013 17:48:19] Goo: xD
[21.03.2013 17:48:19] eDataKing: then we should hit them
[21.03.2013 17:48:21] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: just call them and have em turn it back on
[21.03.2013 17:48:26] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: or else we take THEM down
[21.03.2013 17:48:29] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: simple as that
[21.03.2013 17:48:32] narko: we need .com back because it’s already in google, linked in pages, etc
[21.03.2013 17:48:32] eDataKing: suspending the domain is a direct challenge
[21.03.2013 17:48:41] eDataKing: yes, the .com needs up
[21.03.2013 17:49:01] eDataKing: We need to contact ahnames and tell them to allow us to transfer the domain
[21.03.2013 17:49:06] Yuri: we need to transfer it to
[21.03.2013 17:49:07] eDataKing: they have allowed it before
[21.03.2013 17:49:13] Yuri: they not slose it.
[21.03.2013 17:49:16] narko: domain transfer takes 5-6 days
[21.03.2013 17:49:18] Yuri: they have balls
[21.03.2013 17:49:21] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: im going to announce ALL of their motherfucking nameservers.
[21.03.2013 17:49:25] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: need to make some changes
[21.03.2013 17:49:27] Yuri: ok
[21.03.2013 17:49:31] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: hmm wait better not do that lol
[21.03.2013 17:49:40] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: that ehm would cost us quite a few peerings haha
[21.03.2013 17:49:49] eDataKing: no, it is way faster
[21.03.2013 17:49:58] narko: it doesnt mtater
[21.03.2013 17:50:00] narko: matter
[21.03.2013 17:50:04] narko: you are already offline from most locations
[21.03.2013 17:50:05] narko: :))
[21.03.2013 17:50:27] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: they responded
[21.03.2013 17:50:50] narko: facebook asks me to log in to see it
[21.03.2013 17:50:51] narko: what a joke
[21.03.2013 17:50:56] narko: i will never register to that site
[21.03.2013 17:51:50] eDataKing: if we show them that we will not tolerate them playing spamhaus games they may see that it could cost them to do so
[21.03.2013 17:52:19] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: Sven Olaf Kamphuis how about, its not a question, we know damn well that steve linford of spamhaus has been spreading lies again, this here undermines our freedom of speech, after all there is nothing on that forum that isn’t done 904903 times as much by spamhaus itself… so, if you’re not with us, you’re against us. turn it back on or we turn YOU OFF.
a few grains o’ sand ago · Arr!
Sven Olaf Kamphuis there is no clause in your TOS that states you have to be friends with ‘spamhaus’
a few grains o’ sand ago · Arr!
Sven Olaf Kamphuis so take your pick… 80gbit/s up your ass, orrrr… turning the domain back on
a few grains o’ sand ago · Arr!
[21.03.2013 17:52:25] eDataKing: perfect Sven
[21.03.2013 17:52:29] eDataKing: that is what they need to hear
[21.03.2013 17:53:01] Yuri: also our domain?
[21.03.2013 17:53:17] Goo: haha nice sven
[21.03.2013 17:53:22] Goo: they will be scared
[21.03.2013 17:53:32] Goo: otherwise they’re fucked haha
[21.03.2013 17:53:56] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: send them a few packets so they know
[21.03.2013 17:54:03] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: narko: ddos on that ahnames for like 1 minute
[21.03.2013 17:54:04] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: 😛
[21.03.2013 17:54:05] Yuri: also .to – they will not close, they ignore everything
[21.03.2013 17:54:30] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: we;re not gonna change the god damn domain name
[21.03.2013 17:54:35] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: we’re gonna make them turn it back on
[21.03.2013 17:54:37] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: simple as that.
[21.03.2013 17:56:16] Goo: i’m bored, shall i hack spamhaus?
[21.03.2013 17:56:27] Yuri: +1
[21.03.2013 17:56:39] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: goo: sure 😛
[21.03.2013 17:56:44] Goo: alright
[21.03.2013 17:56:48] Goo: Goo grabs some donuts
[21.03.2013 17:56:55] Goo: let do this
[21.03.2013 17:57:34] eDataKing: ok, I just collabed with my buddy here he has a good sugg.
[21.03.2013 18:15:24] Cali: your stophaus is offline.
[21.03.2013 18:15:25] Cali: what happened?
[21.03.2013 18:15:37] narko: the domain got suspended by the registrar
[21.03.2013 18:15:47] Cali: lame.
[21.03.2013 18:16:07] Cali: but you should have never registered a .com
[21.03.2013 18:16:23] Antitheist: its not about the tld its about the registrar
[21.03.2013 18:16:55] Antitheist: normal registrar will not suspend domains because of some stupid threats
[21.03.2013 18:17:33] Yuri: Cali, go other chat
[21.03.2013 18:17:40] Yuri: new one
[21.03.2013 18:17:43] Cali: well if it has not been suspended by the .tld then that’s even more lame.
[21.03.2013 18:17:53] Cali: new one?
[21.03.2013 18:18:25] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: as far as i recall marco rinaudo ran a registrar…
[21.03.2013 18:42:32] Valeriy Uhov: today spamhaus very angry
[21.03.2013 18:42:37] Valeriy Uhov: lists everybody
[21.03.2013 18:43:00] narko: yes they listed /25 of hostkey and /25 of burstnet
[21.03.2013 18:43:02] narko: really angry 😀
[21.03.2013 18:43:14] eDataKing: yeah, they are definitely fighting back
[21.03.2013 18:43:18] Yuri: spamhaus should be blind
[21.03.2013 18:43:39] Yuri: we can make a lit what spamhaus can;t close
[21.03.2013 18:43:44] eDataKing: but why wouldn’t they…this is very likely to be their version of Custard’s Last Stand
[21.03.2013 18:44:11] Yuri: like twitter, email account, icq, facebook, home LAN ADSL IP, domains in the next zones like .ru, .su, .to
[21.03.2013 18:44:27] Valeriy Uhov: .ru and .su it closes
[21.03.2013 18:44:39] Yuri: if botnets- yes. its ok.
[21.03.2013 18:44:45] Yuri: but for other things – they can’t close.
[21.03.2013 18:44:49] Yuri: my layer is the guard.
[21.03.2013 18:44:51] Valeriy Uhov: they close for spam
[21.03.2013 18:44:53] Valeriy Uhov: etc
[21.03.2013 18:44:59] eDataKing: what is spam again?
[21.03.2013 18:45:37] Yuri: for INFORMATION: write to other one chat
[21.03.2013 18:45:47] Valeriy Uhov: which one?
[21.03.2013 18:46:09] Valeriy Uhov:
[21.03.2013 18:48:50] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: steve linford has -6- people on facebook that like his wikipedia page.
[21.03.2013 18:48:53] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: -6- 😛
[21.03.2013 18:48:56] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: so why even bother lol
[22.03.2013 04:18:56] valeralelin:
[22.03.2013 04:41:13] narko: (party)
[22.03.2013 04:46:07] valeralelin: i can get more documents about sh
[22.03.2013 04:50:22] narko: get a document with his real address on it
[22.03.2013 04:50:25] narko: not some virtual offices
[22.03.2013 04:54:08] edataking: let me see that one
[22.03.2013 04:54:17] edataking: post under his name in the records area
[23.03.2013 16:41:24] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: its running into the 95% percentile bandwith billing on cloudflare’s transits atm
[23.03.2013 16:41:43] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: and cloudflare has network issues, so at some point they’ll have to boot spamhaus as it affects their other clients
[23.03.2013 16:42:00] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: at which point, spamhaus has nowhere else to go that can cover them 😛
[23.03.2013 16:42:13] HRH Prinz Sven Olaf von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP: i doubt google is stupid enough to take them lol 😛
The Skype chat goes quiet at this point and resumes four weeks later. Narko’s worries about his Skype screen name showing up in a screenshot that eDataKing posted to anti-spam forum turn out to be warranted: It is this very screenshot that authorities in the United Kingdom use to later track him down and arrest him.
In April 2013, Kamphuis is arrested in Spain and eventually sent back to the Netherlands, where he is currently on trial. He publicly denies being involved in launching the attacks on Spamhaus.
Narko was a juvenile when he was arrested by the U.K.’s National Crime Agency (NCA); when the NCA raided Narko’s home, they found his computer still logged in to crime forums, and they seized £70,000 from his bank account (believed to be payments for DDoS attacks). Narko later pleaded guilty to coordinating the attacks, but because of his age and in return for cooperating with the NCA he avoided a jail term.
[26.04.2013 18:36:32] Hephaistos: guys
[26.04.2013 18:36:49] Hephaistos: I just got noticed in the news that sven got arrested
[26.04.2013 18:39:39] ??????? ?????: where in the new
[26.04.2013 18:39:39] ??????? ?????: news
[26.04.2013 18:40:40] Hephaistos:
[26.04.2013 18:40:43] Hephaistos: dutch news
[26.04.2013 18:45:05] Hephaistos: his large-scale DDoS attacks last
month were also performed on Spamhaus partners in the Netherlands, the
United States and Great Britain. The attackers were using fake IP addresses.
As yet, no evidence that the cyber attack on Spamhaus related to the
attacks are later deployed to include banks, payment system iDeal and
DigiD. The house of the suspect, who lives in Barcelona, ??is examined.
Is expected to K. transferred to the Dutch Public Prosecution Service.
[26.04.2013 19:12:40] Hephaistos:
[26.04.2013 19:18:48] The STOPhaus Movement: I thought something was wrong
[26.04.2013 19:19:02] The STOPhaus Movement: is he arrested or just being searched and forensics?
[26.04.2013 19:19:13] Hephaistos: arrested
[26.04.2013 19:19:19] The STOPhaus Movement:
[26.04.2013 19:19:21] Hephaistos: as far as I can see.
[26.04.2013 19:19:33] Hephaistos: it goes off in twitter
[26.04.2013 19:19:39] The STOPhaus Movement: everyone else is ok though right?
[26.04.2013 19:19:45] Hephaistos: on irc anonops there is a channel #freecb3rob
[26.04.2013 19:19:54] Hephaistos:
[26.04.2013 19:20:06] Hephaistos: well I have not seen Narko for 2 days.
[26.04.2013 19:20:16] The STOPhaus Movement:
[26.04.2013 19:20:27 |changed 19:20:34] The STOPhaus Movement: we need an update from him
[26.04.2013 19:20:59] The STOPhaus Movement: narko is never offline that long
[26.04.2013 19:21:26] Hephaistos: thing is that I cannot connect to his irc server either.
[26.04.2013 19:21:56] The STOPhaus Movement: I thought anonops was talking shit about Sven promoting CB via STOP when I saw the chatroom?
[26.04.2013 19:22:12 | changed 19:22:22] The STOPhaus Movement: Now there is a channel. I am glad, but that’s some flip-flop stuff right there
[26.04.2013 19:22:14] Hephaistos: well I created the channel
[26.04.2013 19:22:22] Hephaistos: if they have a problem with me .. bring it on
[26.04.2013 19:22:22] The STOPhaus Movement: oh ok
[26.04.2013 19:22:29] The STOPhaus Movement: lulz
[26.04.2013 19:22:40] The STOPhaus Movement: Self-righteous assholes
[26.04.2013 19:28:44] Cali: Sven from cb3rob has been arrested.
[26.04.2013 19:40:19] Hephaistos: Sven = cb3rob
[26.04.2013 19:40:47] Cali: yeah
[26.04.2013 19:40:49] Cali: so he’s been stopped
[26.04.2013 19:40:52] Cali: in Spain.
[26.04.2013 19:40:57] Hephaistos: yes
[26.04.2013 19:41:05] NM: Is it truth? Not fake?
[26.04.2013 19:41:13] Cali: it is in dutch news.
[26.04.2013 19:41:16] Hephaistos: it is truth
[26.04.2013 19:41:21] Hephaistos: and all over twitter
[26.04.2013 19:43:13] Hephaistos:
[26.04.2013 20:27:00] Hephaistos:
[26.04.2013 20:29:30] Yuri: heh.
[26.04.2013 20:30:07] Hephaistos: On twitter “Sven Olaf Kamphuis #freecb3rob possible source behind
record braking 300gbps #DDos arrested. #Anonymous will now try and break that record!”
[26.04.2013 20:32:31] Cali: So, it has made some PR for spamhaus.
[26.04.2013 20:32:37] Cali: that sucks.
[26.04.2013 20:34:06] Hephaistos: negative is still good.
[26.04.2013 20:34:36] Cali: this information has gone to press and media.
[26.04.2013 20:34:48] Cali: thus to the people
[26.04.2013 20:34:58] Hephaistos: well once they read what stophaus is.
[26.04.2013 20:35:05] Cali: who are at 90% dumb.
[26.04.2013 20:35:09] Hephaistos: true
[26.04.2013 20:35:14] Hephaistos: You got a point there
[26.04.2013 20:35:15] Cali: So now that make them think that spamhaus is doing well.
[26.04.2013 20:41:22] Hephaistos:
[26.04.2013 20:41:25] Hephaistos: more badnews
[26.04.2013 20:41:56] Cali: Who has written that?
[26.04.2013 20:42:09] Hephaistos: I have no idea.
[26.04.2013 20:42:23] Hephaistos: its over the news everyone is freaking out
[26.04.2013 20:42:25] Cali: It seems to have be written by a 12 years old.
[26.04.2013 20:42:31] Cali: been*
[26.04.2013 20:42:52] Hephaistos: correct, seems like a trol to me. But tell that to the media
[26.04.2013 20:43:03] Hephaistos: and the 90% dumb people
[26.04.2013 20:43:09] Cali: Also I don’t understand.
[26.04.2013 20:43:23] Cali: How is it possible to get such reflection in media by posting something on pastebin?
[26.04.2013 20:43:37] Cali: So if I post that I am going to attack the U.S on pastebin, I would be in the news?
[26.04.2013 20:43:58] Hephaistos: Well, thing is that people think that banks will be ddosed and cannot get their
money. So their hoping that there will be a bankrun.
[26.04.2013 20:44:45] Cali: It is very doubtful that DDoSing the website of a bank will prevent the bank from operating.
[26.04.2013 20:46:45] Hephaistos: it will cost the bank money
[26.04.2013 20:47:32] Cali: Maybe to crap bank.
[26.04.2013 20:48:07] Cali: it will be insignifiant
[26.04.2013 20:48:11] Cali: insignificant.
[26.04.2013 18:21:36] Erik Bais:
[26.04.2013 18:26:15] Yuri: wtf
[26.04.2013 18:26:42] Yuri: is that about sven?
[26.04.2013 18:26:53] Erik Bais: looks like it.
[26.04.2013 18:27:03] NM: what does it mean?)))
[26.04.2013 18:28:17] Yuri: looks like some new that somebody got arrested becouse of some attacks of spamhaus…
heh… looks spamhaus has long hands.
[26.04.2013 18:29:49] Yuri: not so fine.
[26.04.2013 18:31:11] Yuri: afk
[26.04.2013 18:31:44] Yuri: Eric, can you call Sven and check if he is available?
[26.04.2013 18:31:55] Erik Bais: yes.
[26.04.2013 18:32:30] Erik Bais: I also just asked Twisted on Skype. he didn’t knew about it..
He hasn’t spoken to him yet today (he did yesterday) ..
[26.04.2013 18:33:59] Erik Bais: his spanish nr is not working (I get a message in spanish .. ) could be because the number is off.
[26.04.2013 21:51:16] Erik Bais:
[26.04.2013 21:51:51] Erik Bais:
[26.04.2013 21:52:11] Erik Bais:
[26.04.2013 21:53:32] Erik Bais:
[26.04.2013 21:53:50] Yuri: shit is going on..
[26.04.2013 21:56:17] Erik Bais: where did the pastbin thing came from ? Any idea ?
[26.04.2013 22:02:14] Yuri: don’t know
[26.04.2013 22:02:46] Yuri: may be we should use other system for chat?
[26.04.2013 22:18:07] Erik Bais: they have taken all his phones, data carriers and servers / computers located in Spain..
[26.04.2013 22:18:24] WebExxpurts: what is patebin
[26.04.2013 22:18:25] WebExxpurts: pastebin
[26.04.2013 22:18:39] Erik Bais: [26 April 2013 21:51] Erik Bais: <<<
[26.04.2013 22:18:50] WebExxpurts: i mean who created that?
[26.04.2013 22:19:21] Erik Bais: no idea. I got it pasted from someone.. and it is also linked in various media outings on the Netherlands.
[26.04.2013 22:20:27] WebExxpurts: who is someone? that is interested
[26.04.2013 22:20:33] WebExxpurts: what sven did?
[26.04.2013 22:20:53] WebExxpurts: nonsense reports
[26.04.2013 22:21:20] Erik Bais: I got it from Xennt
[26.04.2013 22:21:45] Erik Bais: the owner of Cyberbunker. he got it linked by someone (I don’t know who. )
[26.04.2013 22:24:55] WebExxpurts: i m sure that sven is mistaken identity and authority have made mistake
To my knowledge, nobody else associated with this attack has been arrested or brought to justice. This chat log is fascinating because it highlights how easy it has been and remains for cybercriminals to commit massively disruptive attacks and get away with it.
These days, some of the biggest and most popular DDoS attack resources are in the hands of a few young men operating DDoS-for-hire “booter” or “stresser” services that in some cases accept both credit cards and PayPal, as well as Bitcoin. An upcoming investigation to be published soon by KrebsOnSecurity will provide perhaps the most detailed look yet at the this burgeoning and quite profitable industry. Stay tuned!
Further reading (assuming your eyes still work after this wall of text):
The Guardian: The Man Accused of Breaking the Internet
The Daily Beast: Yeah, We Broke the Internet: The Inside Story of the Biggest Attack Ever
Also, if you enjoy reading this kind of thing, you’ll probably get a kick out of Spam Nation.
Update, 7:40 p.m. ET: Corrected reference to NANAE anti-spam list.
I’m a bit curious as to why you chose a photo of Sven with the international Pirate Party flag, and less than two months before they are expected to sweep the Icelandic election. It’s import that people know that this guy is a fringe case (and a bit unhinged), and does NOT represent the values of the larger party. There are large groups of hard working people that use this banner as they stabilize their homeland, from the damage caused by foreign bankers. Its akin to posting a picture of a criminal posing with the American flag.
Because it’s the photo he chose for himself on his Facebook page.
Kind Regards,
I frequently get a 504 error for your site when I have been here for a bit then leave or just switch tabs and then come back in a couple minutes. It can persist for almost an hour. Given your ddos history, is this anything I should be concerned about? I’m not being used as a bot in an attack against you, right?
It’s because you’re getting hacked by Brian Krebs to DDoS the DDoS’ers 😀 joke
The pirate “party” is financed by massive copyright fraud players like the kim schmitz, rapidshare, pirate bay and all the other big players who make or made a fat living by stealing from copyright holders worldwide for decades. unfortunately they also got voted into various parliaments since stupidity and ignorance are not against the law. now the other citizens pay for their maintenance with their tax money.
Thanks for your comment. At least the party is aptly named. It’s incredible how many people these days think everything made of 1s and 0s should be free and will do anything to avoid paying for it or otherwise compensating the creators and artists.
Brian: Actually, that disease is epidemic, and has been for…well, as long as I can remember.
The notion that property is limited exclusively to tangibles (money, goods…etc.) is as bogus as it is (nearly) universal. Yet, ultimately it is the intangible forms of property that people will most fiercely defend — their relationships, their liberty, their ideas, their beliefs — and of course, life itself.
We live in a culture that only grudgingly provides partial support for intangible property. Perhaps that is the reason why “civilization” isn’t so very civilized after all. True government’s purpose is to protect property in all its forms. We have a very long way to go.
Love to read this stuff. Really is interesting.