Category Archives: Latest Warnings

Nasty Twitter Worm Outbreak

September 21, 2010

Several new Internet worms are spreading quite rapidly via a newly-found vulnerability in While the flaw that powers these attackers will most likely be sewn shut in a matter of hours, if you’re going to frequent Twitter today you’d be wise to use a Twitter client or at least block Javascript on the site, as these worms appear to be spreading with little to no interaction on the part of users.

‘Stuxnet’ Worm Far More Sophisticated Than Previously Thought

September 14, 2010

The “Stuxnet” computer worm made international headlines in July, when security experts discovered that it was designed to use a previously unknown security hole in Microsoft Windows computers to steal industrial secrets and potentially disrupt operations of critical information networks. But new information about the worm shows that it leverages at least three other previously unknown security holes in Windows PCs, including a vulnerability that Redmond fixed in a software patch released today.

NetworkSolutions Sites Hacked By Wicked Widget

August 16, 2010

Hundreds of thousands of Web sites parked at have been serving up malicious software, thanks to a tainted widget embedded in the pages, a security company warned Saturday.

Web application security vendor Armorize said it found the mass infection while responding to a complaint by one of its largest customers. Armorize said it traced the problem back to the “Small Business Success Index” widget, an application that Network Solutions makes available to site owners through its blog.