Category Archives: Latest Warnings

‘Citadel’ Trojan Touts Trouble-Ticket System

January 23, 2012

Underground hacker forums are full of complaints from users angry that a developer of some popular banking Trojan or bot program has stopped supporting his product, stranding buyers with buggy botnets. Now, the proprietors of a new ZeuS Trojan variant are marketing their malware as the first offering that lets customers file bug reports, suggest and vote on new features in upcoming versions, and track trouble tickets that can be worked on by the developers and fellow users alike.

New Tools Bypass Wireless Router Security

December 29, 2011

Security researchers have released new tools that can bypass the encryption used to protect many types of wireless routers. Ironically, the tools take advantage of design flaws in a technology pushed by the wireless industry that was intended to make the security features of modern routers easier to use.

At issue is a technology that ships with most modern consumer wireless routers, called “Wi-Fi Protected Setup” (WPS). According to the Wi-Fi Alliance, an industry group, WPS is “designed to ease the task of setting up and configuring security on wireless local area networks. WPS enables typical users who possess little understanding of traditional Wi-Fi configuration and security settings to automatically configure new wireless networks, add new devices and enable security.”

Amnesty International Site Serving Java Exploit

December 22, 2011

Amnesty International’s homepage in the United Kingdom is hacked and is currently serving malware that exploits a recently-patched vulnerability in Java. Security experts say the attack may be opportunistic, or it may be part of a more nefarious scheme to target human rights workers.

Pro Grade (3D Printer-Made?) ATM Skimmer

December 7, 2011

In July 2011, a customer at a Chase Bank branch in West Hills, Calif. noticed something odd about the ATM he was using and reported it to police. Authorities who responded to the incident discovered a sophisticated, professional-grade ATM skimmer that they believe was made with the help of a 3D printer. Bundling Toolbars, Trojans?

December 6, 2011

It wasn’t long ago that I felt comfortable recommending CNET’s as a reputable and trustworthy place to download software. I’m going to have to take back that advice: Unfortunately, CNET now is bundling invasive and annoying toolbars with much of the software on its site, even some open-source software whose distribution license prohibits such activity.

I first became aware of this after reading mailing list posting by Gordon “Fyodor” Lyon, the software developer behind the ever useful Nmap network security scanner. Lyon is upset because, which has long hosted his free software for download, recently began distributing Nmap and many other titles with a “download installer,” that bundles titles with browser toolbars like the Babylon toolbar.

DDoS Attacks Spell ‘Gameover’ for Banks, Victims in Cyber Heists

November 30, 2011

The FBI is warning that computer crooks have begun launching debilitating cyber attacks against banks and their customers as part of a smoke screen to detract attention away from simultaneous high-dollar cyber heists.

The bureau says the attacks coincide with corporate account takeovers perpetrated by thieves who are using a modified version of the ZeuS Trojan that’s being called “Gameover.” The thefts come after a series of heavy spam campaigns aimed at deploying the malware, which arrives disguised as an email from the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA), a not-for-profit group that develops operating rules for organizations that handle electronic payments. The ZeuS variant steals passwords and gives attackers direct access to the victim’s PC and network.