Category Archives: Latest Warnings

Simmering Over a ‘Cyber Cold War’

January 29, 2010

New reports released this week on recent, high-profile data breaches make the compelling case that a simmering Cold War-style cyber arms race has emerged between the United States and China. A study issued Thursday by McAfee and the Center for Strategic… Read More »

A Peek Inside the ‘Eleonore’ Browser Exploit Kit

January 25, 2010

If you happen to stumble upon a Web site that freaks out your anti-virus program, chances are good that the page you’ve visited is part of a malicious or hacked site that has been outfitted with what’s known as an… Read More »

Would You Have Spotted the Fraud?

January 15, 2010

Pictured below is what’s known as a skimmer, or a device made to be affixed to the mouth of an ATM and secretly swipe credit and debit card information when bank customers slip their cards into the machines to pull out money. Skimmers have been around for years, of course, but thieves are constantly improving them, and the device pictured below is a perfect example of that evolution.