Adobe Reader X: Seeking Safety in the Sandbox

November 22, 2010

Adobe has at long last released Reader X, a fortified version of its PDF Reader software that is built to withstand attacks from the sort of zero-day security vulnerabilities that repeatedly have threatened its user base over the past several years.

The new Reader X version makes good on a promise Adobe announced in July of this year, when it said it would soon release a new kind of Reader designed to run the application in protected or “sandboxed” mode on Windows. Sandboxing is an established security mechanism that runs the targeted application in a confined environment that blocks specific actions by that app, such as installing or deleting files, or modifying system information. Adobe said that in developing the sandbox technology, it relied on experts from Microsoft and Google (the latter already has incorporated sandboxing into its Chrome Web browser).

The hardened Reader X software is specifically crafted to block attacks against previously unknown security holes in the program. On at least four occasions over the past year, attackers have leveraged newly discovered flaws in Reader to install malicious software when unsuspecting users opened poisoned PDF files.

It would have been refreshing had Adobe chosen this occasion to simplify the process of installing its software. Unfortunately, Windows users who grab the new version from the Adobe home page still need to dodge the add-ons (such as McAfee security scan) and endure the annoying Adobe Download Manager. Those who would rather not monkey around with this stuff can grab the direct download from this link (the direct download link for Mac users is here).

I look forward to the day that Adobe warns of attacks against unpatched flaws in Reader but assures Reader X users that they are already protected against those threats. Only time will tell if this highly-anticipated feature lives up to the hype. A full list of features included in this latest version is available here.

Why Counting Flaws is Flawed

November 18, 2010

Once or twice each year, some security company trots out a “study” that counts the number of vulnerabilities that were found and fixed in widely used software products over a given period and then pronounces the worst offenders in a Top 10 list that is supposed to tell us something useful about the relative security of these programs. And nearly without fail, the security press parrots this information as if it were newsworthy.

The reality is that these types of vulnerability count reports — like the one issued this week by application whitelisting firm Bit9 — seek to measure a complex, multi-faceted problem from a single dimension. It’s a bit like trying gauge the relative quality of different Swiss cheese brands by comparing the number of holes in each: The result offers almost no insight into the quality and integrity of the overall product, and in all likelihood leads to erroneous and — even humorous — conclusions.

The Bit9 report is more notable for what it fails to measure than for what it does, which is precious little: The applications included in its 2010 “Dirty Dozen” Top Vulnerable Applications list had to:

  • Be legitimate, non-malicious applications;
  • Have at least one critical vulnerability that was reported between Jan. 1, 2010 and Oct. 21, 2010; and
  • Be assigned a severity rating of high (between 7 and 10 on a 10-point scale in which 10 is the most severe).

The report did not seek to answer any of the questions that help inform how concerned we should be about these vulnerabilities, such as:

  • Was the vulnerability discovered in-house — or was the vendor first alerted to the flaw by external researchers (or attackers)?
  • How long after being initially notified or discovering the flaw did it take each vendor to fix the problem?
  • Which products had the broadest window of vulnerability, from notification to patch?
  • How many of the vulnerabilities were exploitable using code that was publicly available at the time the vendor patched the problem?
  • How many of the vulnerabilities were being actively exploited at the time the vendor issued a patch?
  • Which vendors make use of auto-update capabilities? For those vendors that include auto-update capabilities, how long does it take “n” percentage of customers to be updated to the latest, patched version?

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Critical Updates for Adobe Reader, Acrobat

November 17, 2010

Adobe on Tuesday issued a critical update to patch at least two security holes in its PDF Reader and Acrobat software, including one flaw that was publicly disclosed earlier this month.

Updates are available for Windows, Mac and UNIX versions of Reader and Acrobat. The newest version is v. 9.4.1. If you use either of these products, take a moment to update them by clicking “Help,” then “Check for Updates.” Direct links to the new versions also are available in the Adobe advisory for this update. Note that this is not the sandboxed version (Adobe Reader X, or v 10.0) which is expected to be released at the end of this month.

Separately, the company is warning users not to fall for recent phishing and other e-mail scams targeted at Adobe customers looking for the Adobe Acrobat X, a new product being released this week. “Many of these emails require recipients to register and/or provide personal information. Please be aware that these emails have not been sent by Adobe or on Adobe’s behalf,” Adobe said.

Captchabot: Blurring Human and Machine

November 16, 2010

Last week, I wrote about a “bulletproof hosting” provider that offers dodgy Web hosting that is insulated from takedown by abuse complaints or requests from Western law enforcement agencies. Today, I’ll look at one of that bulletproof provider’s biggest clients:, a service that automates the solving of “CAPTCHAs,” those annoying agglomerations of squiggly numbers and letters that many online services require users to solve to help ensure that new accounts are not being auto-created by a computer.

These so-called reverse Turing Tests can be exasperating for legitimate users, but these days they are little more than a speed bump for those who specialize in mass-creating bogus new accounts at popular online destinations like Facebook, MySpace, YouTube for use in spreading spyware and pimping spammy Web sites.

That’s thanks largely to services like Captchabot, which automate the solving of CAPTCHAs with the help of low-paid workers in China, India and Eastern Europe who earn pennies per hour deciphering the puzzles.

Captchabot charges clients based on how many thousand CAPTCHAs they ask the service solve: $1 buys about 1,000 solved CAPTCHAs. The service claims at least an 80 percent success rate, and customers only pay for CAPTCHAs that are solved correctly.

In their seminal paper (PDF) on CAPTCHA-solving services, researchers at UC San Diego earlier this year tried to estimate how many employees it would take to solve the daily workload of CAPTCHAs fed to the various services. The researchers guessed that would need to have between 130 and 200 workers available more or less around the clock (for a look at how these services performed against CAPTCHAs required by MySpace, Google, Wikipedia and others, see this graphic.)

The researchers also sought to learn where most of the puzzle-solving workers resided, so they fed Captchabot and other services a variety of CAPTCHAs from different languages. The results, shown in the screen shot here, indicated that most of the workers were Chinese, English and Russian speakers.

I contacted the owner of, a hacker named Mirko Res, via online chat to see if I could fine-tune the UCSD estimates on the number of workers employed by the service, but he was unwilling to give an exact figure (“under NDA,” he explained). He did say, however, that the majority of the workers employed by his service live in Belarus, and that workers are only passed puzzles that can’t be solved by the service’s automated CAPTCHA-guessing algorithm.

“They using it for legal Webspam, like blog comments,” Res said of his operation’s customers. In fact, a widely-used forum- and blog-spamming tool known as XRumer relies exclusively on Captchabot to deliver its CAPTCHA-cracking capability.

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OS X Patch Catch-Up

November 15, 2010

Apple recently released a massive update to address at least 130 security vulnerabilities in Mac OS X systems, including a monster patch that fixes 55 flaws in Adobe Flash Player.

The seventh major update to OS X  this year includes a fix that stems from a vulnerability Apple patched in the iPhone earlier this year but apparently never scrubbed on OS X. According to security vendor Core Security — which said it released details about the flaw ahead of Apple’s advisory after waiting nearly three months for Apple to fix it — the vulnerability is a variation of the flaw exposed this summer that helped iPhone users jailbreak devices running iOS4. Apple fixed that bug in the iPhone shortly after the exploit was released, but until last week the flaw remained a weak spot in OS X 10.5/Leopard systems, Core said.

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Pursuing Koobface and ‘Partnerka’

November 12, 2010

In any given week, I read at least a dozen reports and studies, but I seldom write about them because their conclusions either are obvious or appear slanted toward generating demand for specific products and services. Occasionally, though, a report will come along that is so full of useful data — and resonates so loudly with some of my own investigations — that it forces me to reassess my immediate research and reporting priorities.

One report released today that falls squarely into the latter category is Nart Villeneuve‘s superbly researched and detailed analysis (PDF) of “Koobface,” a huge network of hacked computers that are compromised mostly by social engineering scams spread among users of (Koobface is an anagram of “Facebook”). As the report describes, the Koobface infrastructure is a crime machine fed by cyber criminal gangs tied to a variety of moneymaking schemes involving Web browser search hijacking and the installation of rogue anti-virus software.

This report traces the trail of Koobface activity back through payments made to top criminal partners — known as Partnerka (PDF) — a mix of private and semi-public affiliate groups that form to facilitate coordinated malware propagation.

From the report:

“The Koobface operators maintain a server known as the mothership [which] acts as an intermediary between the pay-per-click and rogue security software affiliates and the compromised victims. This server receives intercepted search queries from victims’ computers and relays this information to Koobface’s pay-per-click affiliates. The affiliates then provide advertisements that are sent to the user. When a user attempts to click on the search results, they are sent to one of the provided advertisement links instead of the intended location. In addition, Koobface will receive and display URLs to rogue security software landing pages or will directly push rogue security software binaries to compromised computers. As a result, Koobface operators were able to generate over two million dollars in a one-year period.”

The report lists the nicknames of top Koobface affiliates, showing the earnings for each over the past year and the Web addresses of their associated affiliate programs. This is the kind of intelligence that — if shared broadly — has the potential to massively disrupt large scale criminal operations, because cybercrime researchers can use it to make sense of seemingly disparate pieces of information about criminal actors and groups. Nevertheless, it is rare to see this kind of raw data published, at least while those implicated remain at large.

Part 3 of the report, titled “The Takedown,” indicates that operations to shutter the Koobface infrastructure may already be underway. Earlier this year, McAfee published an analysis I wrote about takedowns that classified them into two groups: “Shuns” — which seek to shame the peers of a malicious network into severing its connections — and “stuns,” which refer to efforts to disconnect the physical and network control infrastructure used by a botnet. According to the report’s authors, a stun against Koobface is in the works.

“Prior to the publication of this report, notifications were delivered to the owners of the infrastructure that Koobface is abusing,” Villeneuve writes. “They include: fraudulent and stolen Facebook and Google accounts, stolen FTP credentials, and dedicated command and control servers. We are working to synchronize notification to the operators of these elements in order to have an impact on the operations of the Koobface botnet.”

Almost certainly more to come soon. Stay tuned., one of the rogue anti-virus affiliate programs tied to Koobface

Charting the Carnage from eBanking Fraud II

November 12, 2010

Several readers have asked to be notified if the U.S. map showing recent victims of high-dollar online banking thefts was updated. Below is a (non-interactive) screen shot of the updated, interactive map that lives here. Click the red markers to see more detail about the victim at that location, including a link to a story about the attack.

All-in-One Skimmers

November 10, 2010

ATM skimmers come in all shapes and sizes, and most include several components — such as a tiny spy cam hidden in a brochure rack, or fraudulent PIN pad overlay.  The problem from the thief’s perspective is that the more components included in the skimmer kit, the greater the chance that he will get busted attaching or removing the devices from ATMs.

Thus, the appeal of the all-in-one ATM skimmer: It stores card data using an integrated magnetic stripe reader, and it has a built-in hidden camera designed to record the PIN sequence after an unsuspecting customer slides his bank card into the compromised machine.

The model displayed here is designed to work on specific Diebold ATMs, and can hold a battery charge for two to four days, depending on ambient temperature and the number of customers who pull money out of the hacked ATM.

Functionally, it is quite similar to the all-in-one model pictured in the very first skimmer post in this ATM skimmer series, although its design indicates it may be identical to the one pictured here, which was found on a Wachovia ATM just a couple of miles from my home earlier this year.

The tiny pinhole camera in the image above is angled so that it points at the PIN pad below and to the left, recording the victim’s 4-digit personal identification number to a flash-based memory card.

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Microsoft Plugs Office Holes, But No IE Fix Yet

November 9, 2010

Microsoft Corp. today issued three bundles of updates fixing at least 11 security vulnerabilities in its software, mainly flaws in Microsoft Office products. But the company did not release an update today to remedy  a critical flaw built into in all versions of the Internet Explorer Web browser that is now being exploited by at least one common, automated hacker toolkit.

Two of the updates address Office bugs, including one that is limited to older versions of PowerPoint and PowerPoint Viewer. Only one of today’s patches earned a “critical” rating, Microsoft’s most serious. But experts are warning that this critical Office vulnerability is likely to be used in targeted e-mail attacks against Microsoft Outlook users.

“One of the most dangerous aspects of this vulnerability is that a user doesn’t have to open a malicious email to be infected,” said Joshua Talbot, security intelligence manager for Symantec Security Response. “All that is required is for the content of the email to appear in Outlook’s Reading Pane. If a user highlights a malicious email to preview it in the Reading Pane, their machine is immediately infected. The same holds true if a user opens Outlook and a malicious email is the most recently received in their inbox; that email will appear in the Reading Pane by default and the computer will be infected.”

Microsoft did not issue an update to fix a zero-day flaw in Internet Explorer that bad guys are exploiting to break into Windows computers. Last week, the software giant warned that crooks were exploiting the flaw in targeted attacks, and that it had no intention of issuing a fix for the security hole outside of its normal monthly patching process (the second Tuesday of each month — today — is Patch Tuesday).

Since that advisory, the IE exploit has been bundled into the Eleonore Exploit pack, a powerful and widely-used commercial crimeware kit that makes it trivial for attackers to turn legitimate Web sites into platforms for installing malware when visitors browse the sites with vulnerable PCs.

If you have Office Installed, take a moment to visit Microsoft Update to patch things up. If you use IE, either upgrade to IE8 — which provides additional protections against this zero-day attack — or consider implementing the Fix-It tool that Microsoft has released to help mitigate the threat from the vulnerability.

A summary of today’s bulletins is available here.

Update, 7:03 p.m. ET: Added information at the end of this post on the Microsoft FixIt Tool.

Body Armor for Bad Web Sites

November 9, 2010

Hacked and malicious sites designed to steal data from unsuspecting users via malware and phishing are a dime a dozen, often located in the United States, and are a key target for takedown by ISPs and security researchers. But when online miscreants seek stability in their Web projects, they often turn to so-called “bulletproof hosting” providers, mini-ISPs that specialize in offering services that are largely immune from takedown requests and pressure from Western law enforcement agencies.

Until recently, you more or less had gain access to and lurk on the right underground forums to be able to rent services from bulletproof hosting providers. These days, it’s becoming easier to find these badware havens advertising out in the open. Last week, I traced the activities of one particular service frequented by criminals back to a bulletproof provider whose slogan says it all: “You’ll Never Get Any Abuse From Us!

Of course, just how insulated this particular provider’s services are and how much illicit activity you can get away with while using them depends largely on how much you’re willing to shell out each month. For example, an entry level “default bulletproof server” allows customers to host things like rogue online pharmacies, replica, gambling, and MP3 sites for $270 per month. But this service level bars customers from hosting nastier content, such as malware, spyware, adware, exploits, viruses, and phishing sites.

Upgrade to the “Super BulletProof Virtual Dedicated Servers in China” — and pay almost $500 a month — and the only activities that are prohibited are sending spam and hosting any type of porn.

The provider pictured here also upsells potential customers by offering a variety of handy add-on services. For extra coin each month, one can rent a bulletproof server with a license for XRumer, a black hat search engine manipulation tool that automates the registration of new Web forum accounts and the spamming of links on those forums, all in a bid to boost the search engine rankings of the spamvertized site. If you operate a blog and have had to deal with what appear to be automated, link-filled comments, chances are good that XRumer was involved in some way.

For a $20 one-time setup fee, your server will come pre-packaged with links for forums that XRumer is able to spam, including thousands of Web pages in top-level domains that are often given more ranking weight by search engines, such as .edu, .gov and .mil.


Have you seen:

Earn a Diploma from Scam U…Since the dawn of the Internet, tutorials showing would-be scammers how to fleece others have been available online. But for novices who can’t be bothered to scour the Net for these far flung but free resources, the tricks of the trade now can be learned through the equivalent of community college classes in e-thievery, or or via intensive, one-on-one online apprenticeships.