Category Archives: Data Breaches

Stories about data breaches at retailers, corporations, governments and organizations of all sizes.

In Home Depot Breach, Investigation Focuses on Self-Checkout Lanes

September 18, 2014

The malicious software that unknown thieves used to steal credit and debit card numbers in the data breach at Home Depot this year was installed mainly on payment systems in the self-checkout lanes at retail stores, according to sources close to the investigation. The finding means thieves probably stole far fewer cards during the almost five-month breach than they might have otherwise.

In Wake of Confirmed Breach at Home Depot, Banks See Spike in PIN Debit Card Fraud

September 8, 2014

Nearly a week after this blog first reported signs that Home Depot was battling a major security incident, the company has acknowledged that it suffered a credit and debit card breach dating back to April 2014 involving its U.S. and Canadian stores. Home Depot was quick to assure customers and banks that no debit card PIN data was compromised in the break-in. Nevertheless, multiple financial institutions contacted by this publication are reporting a steep increase over the past few days in fraudulent ATM withdrawals on customer accounts.

Home Depot Hit By Same Malware as Target

September 7, 2014

The apparent credit and debit card breach uncovered this week at Home Depot was aided in part by a new variant of the same malicious software that stole card account data from cash registers at Target last December, according to sources close to the investigation.

DQ Breach? HQ Says No, But Would it Know?

August 26, 2014

Sources within the financial industry say they’re seeing signs that Dairy Queen may be the latest retail chain to be victimized by cybercrooks bent on stealing credit card data. Dairy Queen says it has no indication of a card breach at any of its thousands of locations, but the company also acknowledges that nearly all stores are franchises and that there is no established company process or requirement that franchisees communicate security issues or card breaches to Dairy Queen headquarters.

Sandwich Chain Jimmy John’s Investigating Breach Claims

July 31, 2014

Sources at a growing number of financial institutions in the United States say they are tracking a pattern of fraud that indicates nationwide sandwich chain Jimmy John’s may be the latest retailer dealing with a breach involving customer credit card data. The company says it is working with authorities on an investigation.